December 1, 1991. The saddest day in 1991.


The freedom-loving house-elf of this universe, Dobby, was shocked by the conversation between the master and his associates. The vile, evil, bad wizards had conspired against Harry Potter! If Dobby had come to see a therapist, he couldn't have explained why he was so outraged by it. Why is Voldemort, who carried almost no threat to the house elves, a bad one? And why is Harry Potter good?

Harry Potter is in danger! That simple thought of a siren went out in Dobby's brain. Evil wizards have conspired against Harry Potter! The solution to this tricky situation with a flash of lightning shone into Dobby's inner world. We must warn Harry Potter, sir!

After a few seconds of planning, Dobby has moved to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Where are you, Sorting Hat? If Dobby had a hat on his head at the moment, she'd take Dobby as the standard of True Gryffindor. And then she'd compare all the students to Dobby before distributing.


12 Grimmauld Place 12

At the same time.

Harry Potter, the sir, spent that part of the day in the living room reading the codex of the Black family, once again absorbing the wisdom of the ancestors, as the heir to the Black family should. It warmed the heart of Kreacher. The family has a good heir! The heir spends time training and destroying enemies of the Black family and comprehending the secret knowledge of the Black family. Happiness sparkled on the wrinkled cheek of the house-elf.

Here, Kreacher's honest reflection was interrupted by an attempt to breach the house's protective perimeter. But powered by full protection, the intruder was not allowed in. I need to notify the master. He mentioned the possibility of a home elf invasion and even created a countermeasures plan that was part of Kreacher's job description.

"Sir! A house-elf is trying to infiltrate the house! According to Kreacher's job description, "House elf invasion" section, I made sure the protection was sufficient and warned you!"

"Well done, Kreacher, praise for your service!" It costs me nothing, and Kreacher is pleased. "Let him in here, but keep him in control. He can't leave here or do anything weird."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" and Kreacher went on a mission.

I put the code in my desk drawer, and I started waiting for Kreacher. It didn't take long. Finally, Dobby showed up. He tried to get closer. But his movements became sluggish as if he was sneaking through the honey. He had to give it up and stand where he stood. One step behind his back, Kreacher was in control.

"Why were you trying to break into the house?" I asked in the forehead.

"Harry Potter, the sir, is in terrible danger! Evil wizards have conspired against Harry Potter, sir! Harry Potter, sir, the greatest wizard! Harry Potter needs to be careful! Evil, wicked wizards are plotting against him."

"Who are you?"

Yes, someone specifically broke Dobby's brains, all there is now is the idea of Harry Potter. There were a few slogans about Harry Potter, each enough to plunge the poor man into ecstasy.

Dobby was crying, wiping his tears with a pillowcase.

"Harry Potter, sir, so kind, so kind! My name is Dobby, I'm a house elf. Dobby is so happy that Harry Potter, sir, has asked Dobby who he is."

"Who was that, Dobby? Was it Malfoy, Crabb, Goyle, Yaxley, Avery?"

Dobby's statement knocked the ground out from under her feet. But not for long. By and large, Harry Potter's over-awareness, sir, was perfectly in keeping with his slender theory. Harry Potter, the sir, is a great wizard.

"Harry Potter, the sir, was wrong. Not Crabb and Goyle, but Nott and McNair! And the master..."

Dobby found out he was giving away the master's secret, it stopped him.

"Oops. Dobby's bad! Dobby wanted to give away the name of the master! Dobby will have to punish himself! Clamp his ears with an iron! Break his fingers with the door!"

"You're an original, Dobby!'' I couldn't stand it, we must get the subject back. "And that's because they wanted to kill me!"

"Evil wizards were planning to kill Harry Potter, sir!"

Dobby, ever since he realized he couldn't get close to me, he's been dancing on the spot and bouncing up and down with excitement. But every time he mentioned his master, he calmed down...

"Dobby, thank you for the warning. What are you going to do now?"

Dobby's frozen. He was caught up in the realization of what he'd just done. He did "good work, warned Harry Potter," but what do you do now? Dobby woke up and pumped himself up, twitched a couple of times, started muttering, "Dobby needs to go home." I looked into Kreacher's eyes and scratched my throat with my index finger. Kreacher got it right and nodded.

"Kreacher takes Dobby home."

The Elf of the House Black picked up the free-thinking house elf in this universe at his fingertips and led him to the exit of his office.


Village on the Uchaf Creek, control bunker.


Kreacher sensed the intruders when they crossed the anti-apparition shield. He didn't need a security card with a schematic representation of the village and, depending on the location of the intruders, the runes would light up. The house-elf could sense the village and the intruders without crutches. Kreacher pulled several switches from 'ground' to 'blast' position. And for a second in the western segment of the minefield the air was stitched through the flying pieces. Listening to the sensations, he realized that the intruders were no longer visible. The elf went to the report. Five minutes later, a team from Creighton and Junior Calhoun evacuated two bodies and one injured from the camp.


12 Grimmauld Place 12, basement.


It's getting worse! Dumbledore hired assassins. These three were regular Knockturn gangsters, everyone needs money. Hired them just to feel the guards. Fine, they did well for them. The minefield is safe and easy! The important thing is, the defensive points weren't picked up. Except the elf hasn't caught an observer. And the observer must have been.

So, he left safely. The enemy learned something about me, and I learned nothing about him. I only found out where the stupid scouts were being recruited. The signs of the recruiter are useless given the Polyjuice Potion factor. The prisoner could have described to me the signs of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. We could, of course, try to find out the details at the recruiting site. We could harshly question the owner of the pub at Knockturn or his regulars. It's the only obvious and only moves, so I won't do it. Why would I ruin my reputation? It needs a plan, and it's the right plan. Still, they're hunting me, which means the choice of place is mine, too. The place I've prepared. And I'm going to create a situation where the big fish get caught.