Geneva, underground complex of rooms International Confederation of Wizards, main hall

10 am on December 16, 1991.


The day began unpleasant for Dumbledore, Headmaster Hogwarts, and President of International Confederation of Wizards. But he had no idea how unpleasant the day would go on. And, most importantly, how this day would end.

The day began with the Liberal Party of Magic France deputy, Garnier, putting an extraordinary point on the day's agenda. The paragraph sounded "Discrepancy of the moral image of President Dumbledore of the International Confederation of Wizards". The voting was asked to take into account information from a booklet. Albus called for a thin book from the nearest free place and went deeper into reading. The rest of the room had been reading for a quarter-hour.

Headmaster Hogwarts took a quick analytical look at the table of contents. He rated the list of charges as a reprint of what was in the press. He rated the threat level as low. Dumbledore started building a defense strategy. Except, left out, Supplement B carried a sentence on the Great Lights. Supplement B contained a list of evidence for each case. After his announcement, Albus will be an unwelcome guest, both on the continent and in America and Asia. He will, of course, have islands and all sorts of Uganda with the Congo and Cambodia, with Thailand. He will be hunted in his home country.

Seven of the thirteen delegations have voted in favor of changing the daily schedule. Dumbledore tried to veto it, but as a personally interested person he was shut up and kicked out of the presidium into the hall. His functions were taken over by the deputy president, head of the German delegation. Albus realized that "nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten." Tender feelings of Germans for "rats from the islands" even after the war did not fade under the scorching sun of time. The parade of Dumbledores shame began.

The first charge was a violation of the Potters' will. As the goblin-signed documents were provided, after a short inspection and the same short vote the verdict "Guilty" was pronounced. Nobody gave a word to the spider, because the documents were true and did not require double-checking.

The second charge was organizing a personal death camp for Harry Potter.

And that's where Spider thought for the first time he couldn't get away with it. Documents are words on paper! Harry Potter's "movie" has now been released on The Pensieve panoramic stationary. Albus realized it was all gone! "The film" was with appeals, numerous examples from memory and comments. The movie contained a story about the role of "spy" Figg and a short interview with McGonagall. She answered the questions made up to dip Albus in the shit by the mouth.

"Who sent young Potter, the only child of the Ancient Potter House, to the Muggles?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Who testified to the guilt of Sirius Black's treachery?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Did Albus Dumbledore allow anyone to check on young Potter?"

"No, he kept it a secret."

"What was his reasoning for his behavior?"

"He claimed he was "being looked out for."

Then followed the memory of the "unknown" interrogation under Mrs. Figg's Veritaserum. The old woman confirmed that she worked as a spy for Albus Dumbledore and reported to him the actual state of young Potter.

I was observing the situation in the observation mirror at the temporary command post. One of the small conference rooms in the complex, near the central corridor, was rented to him. Apparition is impossible from here. It is suppressed by the strongest stationary artifacts installed when the magicians were at the local peak of their medieval power. This is where the career of "The Greatest Light Wizard" will end. Even the phoenix won't help him. Flying in here and flying away is no problem for the phoenix. But he can't carry anything heavier than a hamster. The wall had a tactical board similar to the Marauder's map. Calhoun and Creighton were set up in one of the back rooms. There was a security room next door. Guards don't know about their soon-to-be heroic deed. I wonder how many of the charges the Spider can handle.

That question worried Albus himself. After the fifth verdict, which was almost unanimously voted on, Albus reopened the booklet to see how many charges there were. Forty-two! He crumpled. Even the delegation of Magic Britain had already voted in favor, showing that "we are with this bastard by accident and we are not like that".

"Time to go. There's nothing else I can do, they can arrest me, bastards," thought Dumbledore. The greatest Light "acquiesced" to the charge and thus paved the way for the Liberal Party. However, he had no time to worry about that.

Trying not to attract attention, the object Dumbledore rose and with a minimum of movement leaked to the exit. His impulse did not go unnoticed, and the reception bracelet team leader Charlie left the message "Elvis has left the building". An anonymous Patronus entered the guardhouse with a message about terrorists in the building! The terrorists masked themselves as members of congress delegations. Each guard post has been asked to be more alert.

I moved the lookout mirror to the back corridor, but I followed the events on the tactical board. Delacour prepared the operation well. Thank him for the board, and thank him even more for taking it away for repairs from the security room. Without it, it would have been too brazen. There's no need for the locals to know who started the Albus hunt.

Albus went halfway down the hall when, by pure coincidence, one of the side doors opened in front of him. Some workers began coming out of the room, driven by the foreman who had given them their last instructions. At that moment one of the workers jumped and knocked Albus off his feet. The second worker punched Albus off his feet on his ribs. The third worker organized a blow to his jaw and fell on top. The fourth worker punctured Albus in the neck with ten cubes of something transparent and not magical. Albus was already in deep ignorance. But one of his medical implants brought him to consciousness with a short Cruciatus. Adrenaline rushed into his blood, the implant tried to filter the blood out of foreign elements. But it wasn't for ten minutes. Half-completed Spider used to feel the Elder Wand up his sleeve. Albus wouldn't take it out. He intuitively cursed those around him. Before the eyes of the guards at guard post number eight unfolded picture of Albus rising from his knees, surrounded by burning corpses of mercenaries from team Charlie.

As if that wasn't enough, the voice of a magical intercom came to life under the ceiling. Sounded cold, pure female voice, which voices "All marines prepare to drop", gave a sentence to the bearded spider.

"Red alert! The compound was infiltrated by a particularly dangerous terrorist masked as Albus Dumbledore. While attempting to be detained by the InterAurorat, the terrorist destroyed eight wizards. Security personnel takes measures to stop the offender from escaping before the InterAurorat strike teams approach. Red alert! Into the compound..."

In the guard quarters, two resting staff members jumped from tables where they drank tea, read newspapers, or played board games. Magicians would get up from the sunbeds, put on bulletproof vests and dragon-skin helmets. They would pull up the potions and click the connection and security artifacts on their wrists. All this wave of aggressive men ran out of the guardrooms right on Albus. The first ten and a half Stupefy flew into Dumbledore.

Albus was angry. It was his reception! He was the one who set the Aurors on political opponents. Albus transfigured a steel wall with a warp hole from the air. He started throwing Stupefy at the guards. But the wall turned under Finita, and Avada flew into it. That's the way to cloud the Light One! Albus called on the Fawkes. The Phoenix appeared, flew to a friend, and... He disappeared, but angry Albus remained.

I watched the crosses with the names of the guards on the tactical board go out. Then I signaled to the Bravo team. Dumbledore has to go through the guards thoroughly to finally discredit his name. But he mustn't go any further, either, so the guards must survive and make their point to the public through the press.

Calhoun and Creighton have received a signal. They came out the side door of the corridor, hiding behind three levitated ballistic shields. The guys were in the faceless form of the InterAurorat storm troopers. They immediately launched magic attacks.

Calhoun and Creighton put the shields in a half-circle. Creighton went to cast Finite to defend Spider and Bombard somewhere in his direction, hoping he'd be hit by the wreckage. Albus saw the InterAurorat uniform, he turned around and retreated. The remaining relatively unharmed six guards provided first aid to the comrades who had been hit by the wreckage from Bombard. Another dozen and a half guards were no longer called for help after Avada. Two InterAurorat Storm troopers followed the terrorist in no hurry.

On red alert, all fireplaces were turned off. Two militants in the uniform of the InterAurorat storm troopers came to meet Albus. The second took out a short Asian-style sword from its sheath, with blood on the blade and signs, and froze.

Albus had a happy smile on his face from ear to ear. He was not deceived by the face of a 30-year-old stormtrooper. In front of him was the root of all his troubles. The curse of the Boy Who Lived. And may he not be a pure dueler. But with the Elder Wand, even a dueler like Albus Dumbledore is guaranteed to rest a snotty bastard.

From a satisfied beard, I realized that the potion I took Polyjuice Potion does not cheat him. Albus has clearly understood who I am and is already triumphant. The more unpleasant his failure would be.

The music from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" played in my imagination, but I got rid of the extra thought and concentrated on Albus. Now he'll realize he can't win this war. I'll show him that I've become invincible!

On that thought, I roared and took my sword a few inches back. Albus threw Avada at me. A smile scattered on his face, along with Avada's on the blade.

"Avada Kedavra!" putting all the power of magic and the power of his throat into the spell, Albus yelled.

The walls reverberated with an itchy hum, and thousands of runes lit upon them in green, absorbing the free magical background. Edward and Andrew spent all night applying the runes to the walls and ceiling.

As the smile of Albus descended from his face, the same wild predatory smile distorted Harry Potter's face. The face froze in the wild grimaces, and the fighter took off. Faster than anyone could imagine, he found himself in front of Albus, who felt a sharp pain in his wrist. Dumbledore's brush with a jammed Senior Wand fell to the floor between Albus and Potter. Harry threw the brush to the left with his left foot.

Before Albus could do anything, a Muggle Stupefy flew into Albus' head. Hitting the sword's grip.

"Fast, fast!" I yelled at Edward and Andrew running up, and I injected Dumbledore with the second round of drugs.

"Won't he overdose early?" said Edward was worried.

"Better let him bend over than wake up in a quarter of an hour. Bravo Two!"

"I do!" said Creighton.

"You know what to do."

"I do!"

Creighton destroyed the arm and blood on the floor. Then he lifted Dumbledore's body into the air, which was chained to Edward for safety. I grabbed Elder Wand with a dragon-skin glove. After ninety-five seconds, we reached the back-up Apparition site and left Geneva.

One minute later, the InterAurorat Strike Team fighters arrived at the battlefield. Civilians from thirteen delegations, twenty corpses, and two dozen shrapnel-slashed wounded and half a dozen guards in a state of shock remained in Geneva.




Soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards


"Naruto Uzumaki", named McGonagall.

The blond walked up to the stool and sat on it.

The hat fell on the boy's head and completely closed his view. Naruto sat down and felt some strange magic. It was as if several bugs were crawling through his hair. Suddenly a whisper was heard in his right ear.

"Child, who are you? A boy or a girl? You have an amazing natural block. I cannot read your thoughts and desires."

"I am Naruto," whispered to the shinobi.

"And what is this? I've never heard of it. Are you even human?"

"I am a human being. My name is Naruto."

"You're insane. And your name is crazy! I sort you! AZKABAN!"


classic joke
