12 Grimmauld Place 12, torture chamber, seven minutes and six Portkeys later


Albus took a very responsible approach to his safety. He anticipated the possibility of being captured. Only for the dragon's eyes, all his secret devices shone a beacon in the night and brought him nothing but trouble. Thanks to Cutthroat, Albus lost a couple of medical artifacts. The knife cut out mental artifacts from his earlobes and left hand. A bone magic wand was implanted into one of the bones in Albus' forearm arm. The damage was roughly but reliably removed by Creighton. The tattoo on his back was also clearly unnecessary. Kreacher's assistant saw the Master following the Black tradition. Happily, the elf practically floated over the floor with a jammed smile and cloudy eyes. Especially today, the Lord has captured the strongest "Light" in Magical England. So, the Lord is the strongest Dark One! The true heir to the Black family!

Finally, everything was ready for interrogation, Dumbledore's throat was poured with strengthening, Blood-Replenishing Potion, and veritaserum. He regained consciousness from the potions and stared at me and Creighton with blurred eyes.

"Leave us," I told Creighton and waited for him to leave us.

Let the interrogation begin! Three Quick-Quotes Quills are ready to record every word. Although I can always get a memory out of my memory.

"Where is the Invisible Potter Mantle?"

"How is it safe for an outsider to get it out of there?"

"Did you keep an archive?"

"Is it safe for me to take possession of the archive? Give me a step-by-step instruction!"

"Do you have any Horcruxes? Where are they? What kind of protection are they wearing? How is it safe for an outsider to take possession of them?"

"What are your plans for rebirth?"

"What do you know about Tom Riddle's Horcruxes?"

"A list of your living agents? The methods of communication? Code phrases?"

"List of your accounts? Code phrases?"

"List of your hiding places?"

"List of important people you've got compromise on? The nature of the compromise? Where is it safe for an outsider to take possession of it?"

"Your influence on Tom Riddle? Your plan to bring Riddle to power, briefly? Your plan to defeat the Riddles, briefly?"

"How did you frame the Potters?"

"How did you frame the Longbottoms?"

"How did you frame the Blackies?"

"Your plan to destroy the Ancient families?"

"Which of the Ancient Family representatives was eliminated? Go for a short walk on every occasion!"

"How did Arcturus and Signus Black be eliminated in early 1991, in detail?"

"How was it arranged that Cassiopeia Black fell into a magical coma, in detail?"

"How did you organize the troll and Longbottom incident?"

"What were your plans for young Longbottom?"

"How did you take over the Elder Wand?"

"What were your plans for Harry Potter, briefly?"

"A list of your dead agents? Compromise on them? How did you recruit them?"

During the interrogation, the influence of the Veritaserum weakened twice. And I refilled the potion to Dumbledore, who still hasn't recovered. After the second time, the beard poured blood out of his eyes and ears. I saw that he didn't have much time left. It's a pity there's so much I wanted to ask, but he's too dangerous to let him awake. Without the Elder Wand, he remains a great wizard. This is the third time I've refilled Veritaserum, though Dumbledore's eyes are almost clear. I'll help him come to his senses in another way.

"One last question, do you think Hogwarts Headmaster is a powerful magical creature?"

"In some ways, yes," in front of a sober man, answered the beard.

With my left hand I grabbed the sheath, and with my right hand I drew the sword. I cut my left palm. With a clear movement, I ripped Dumbledore's stomach open. My left hand grabbed his guts and pulled him out. Then I wrapped Dumbledore's guts around his neck in two turns, strangled him a little, and looked into his eyes.

"That's for Black, Longbottom, and Potter, you bastard! For all the evil you've done them."

The sword is the soul of a samurai. My soul is in a sword.

"The will of the Black family, punishment!"

And the Chief Spider of Magic England has left me and the magical world.

But I will help him leave this world forever. Enjoying the sight of the defeated bastard, I left the cell. This memory, along with part of the interrogation report, I'll pass it on to Augusta Longbottom. It will warm her soul on long winter evenings.

"Kreacher! Clean this place up."


France, Delacour Estate.

11 nights of the same day.


The house-elf found Alain Delacour in his office.

"Master, the house-elf, Monsieur Harry Potter, has something he would like to give you in person."

"Bring him here."

Kreacher looked proud and well-groomed. The revival of the magic of the mansion breathed a second life into the house elf. He was wearing a pillowcase with a three-color camouflage pattern worn in the manner of a poncho. Extremely pleased with himself, he put a container in front of Delacour to store dangerous artifacts. One of the ones Alain got for Potter, and he put out an envelope with no inscriptions.

"Mr. Harry Potter, the heir to the Black family, ordered Kreacher to deliver the package personally to Mr. Alain Delacour, sir."

Alain put on gloves and took the container in his hands.

"Your mission is complete. Give thanks to Mr. Harry Potter."

Kreacher swelled with pride, bowed, and went out.

Delacour thought and took off his gloves. Potter keeps his word. If he said he had a short conversation with the enemies of the family, he did. There's no reason for him to be dishonest. Alain opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.



I have the honor to report that the situation has evolved under option three Bravo. A meeting under option two.


Option three Bravo. That means Potter captured Dumbledore and even conducted an interrogation that gave less than what was expected. Alain smiled. The boy wants the trophies, he's good, let him enjoy the trophies. Delacour threw latches on the container, opened it, and turned it upside down. The Elder's wand fell out on the table, jumped up, and rolled over it before stopping at the stack of papers.

Option two, the meeting will be held if possible.

Delacour looked at the artifact. The meeting's a mandatory part.


12 Grimmauld Place 12

December 17th.


Yesterday's day ended with two blood rituals to support the family and rest at the French lodge. The pause was over, but the problems remained, though it wasn't so bad.

First, the great Light had two Horcruxes. The notorious deluminator, with which he was going to move into the red animal number six. And the wizard's grimoire, opened by blood. That's a great method! It almost guarantees that the wizard will get the Horcrux and that the blood will give the power to the Spider.

Except that the revival procedure itself was designed to have characters that are now dead. Red cattle and Fletcher,

There was one moment that personally alarmed me.

Hagrid. In the canon, Hagrid enjoyed the "special trust" of the supreme prick of Magic England.

"I would entrust him with my life." Everything that the greatest light says is disturbing. But that's okay, I'll pay attention to this moment. This sly man may have another Horcrux he can't remember.




Soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards


In the Hogwarts Express compartment, the kids were happy. Naruto talked about buying a wand and the very unpleasant behavior of the seller Ollivander:

"This insolent salesman asked me which hand I was casting a spell with! I told him that I don't do magic with my hands. I do spell with magic. I need hands for another business. It's not proper to be questioned."

Everybody laughed, even though no one understood what's so dirty to do with one's own hands. Parvati Patil couldn't stand it, so she said:

"I hope your hands will behave nicely in our society."

"Dear Parvati, I honestly confess that this summer I've been involved in something not quite decent. And quite often. It's just that I had to earn my own hands to buy new books. I like to read. I participated in sports competitions in the Arena."

"Wow! I've heard of that! Did you fight in the Arena? And how successfully?" asked Michael Corner.

Naruto modestly smiled and confessed:

"I didn't fight, Michael. Stupid and insolent troublemakers are fighting. Boxing is an ancient and respected British sport. I agree that boxing is inferior to fencing. Fencing is more useful for practical possession of a magic wand. But boxing is also very useful for health. I was successful."