It's time to take hold of one pillar of power in Magical Britain, Wizengamot. And it forced me to make some preparations.


12 Grimmauld Place 12, living room

8 p.m. February 18, 1992. Present Harry Potter, the Calhounes brothers, Creighton.


"Gentlemen! I have gathered you here to discuss an important matter. The first part of my plans, to which I have devoted a year, is over. Thanks in large part to you. So I propose what I mentioned at the first meeting.

I'm offering you gentlemen vassalage. With one percent each of the Family's profits. I will assist Mr. Creighton in organizing his own family.

In case your children, gentlemen," I said to the brothers, "They will be wizards and they will also have my help in this matter. This is a serious matter, so think carefully. I'm telling you right away that if you refuse, there will be absolutely no discrimination on my part."

"Sir, will this be personal vassalage? At the moment, you're not the head of the family," said George.

"I'm working to correct that omission, gentlemen."

All three have been thinking. After waiting a minute, I decided to break the silence.

"I expect an answer from you in a week. That will be all for today."


Ministry of Magic


The difficulty was that it was impossible to bring three dozen Bones employees to the Ministry of Magic. In this case, the surprise factor would have been lost, and the Eaters would have driven into secret places. And somebody could have escaped from Magic Britain. Bones and I were not happy with that. Besides, Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't be in the Department of Magic. They'll have to be taken separately. So Bones only brought in eight people under the cover of her guard.

Two teams of two Bones Guards were to take Crabbe and Goyle after the signal. Two more guards and four mercenaries were to capture Malfoy and Nott as they approached the meeting room. And then intercept McNair at the Ministry workplace. Then Yaxley and Avery were to be taken over.

It's a difficult task, and we'll probably miss someone. Only they won't go far. We'll drive them in and shoot them like mad dogs. They are mad dogs. I and my men were the instruments of reinforcement. Amelia made us look like volunteer helpers and took us to the Ministry of Magic like that. Amelia herself took over as prosecutor at Wizengamot, so the operation was done by her guards.

As Nott approached the hall, Agent Amelia jumped out the front door and behind it. They stunned him and removed him. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the doors to the conference room shut down. Two teams proceeded to arrest Crabbe and Goyle, and the main team went to arrest McNair. Malfoy never showed up at the building! Lucius confirmed Tommy's statement about his slippiness. Early warning Rita was recording a Wizengamot meeting. I didn't have to interfere. That puts Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and McNair on the plus side. Minus Malfoy, Yaxley, Avery. It better be the other way around. Meanwhile, a drama broke out behind the doors of Room 10.


Ministry of Magic, conference room 10, 2 pm.


Augusta Longbottom, after a short vote, took the place of chief justice. Amelia Bones took the prosecutor's seat.

The record of the discovery of the Horcruxes, a list of charges from the ICM, during which Dumbledore fled, was readout. The wizards heard the records of interviews with the surviving guards at the ICM complex.

Dumbledore was almost unanimously recognized as a dark lord and was stripped of the Order of Merlin. In just two hours. There was absolutely no point in that if it wasn't for Bones' next move.

"Due to newly discovered circumstances, I'm putting for the agenda a rehearsal of members of the Death Eaters terrorist organization. It is clear that Dumbledore's bail and his "belief in remorse and Imperius" are not worth any owl shit. Introduce suspects."

The corresponding doors have been opened. Some Wizengamot members felt a trick. Bones' men brought in Nott, McNair, Crabbe, and Goyle, but that wasn't the point. Sixteen loyal agents of Bones! Plus four with bandages of volunteers. Meanwhile, Bones continued the pressure.

"Due to the particular danger of Death Eaters terrorists, a simplified protocol adopted in 1980 will be activated."

An outraged voice was heard in the audience. Bones shut them up violently.

"I take full responsibility. If the suspects are guilty, all the obstruction of justice and covering for the perpetrators will take over. Silence in the hall!"

Augusta, as the judge, nodded her head affirmatively:

"Accepted, Madame Bones!"

It came to the dumbest people in the room that Bones had nominated Longbottom not just to kick Dumbledore's corpse. Augusta needs to make new corpses! Both physical and political. And 20 loyal dogs are needed to keep potential corpses from escaping.

And a terrible meeting has begun. Eaters under Veritaserum couldn't hide information. After the first confessions, they began to beat out lists of sympathizers and helpers in the glorious cause of terrorism.

The first dose of veritaserum was followed by the second, then the third. There was no point in taking care of the Eaters' health. On the fourth dose, the potion ceased to work.

The useless scum of society was sentenced to execution, with immediate execution.

To the surprise of the Wizengamot members, the execution was carried out with a sword. Right in the hall! By one of the Bones' volunteer assistants.

Five members of Wizengamot have since been arrested based on the testimony of the perpetrators. They were interrogated under the potion and were happy with their immediate sentencing. Four went to Azkaban, and one was executed on the scene. The time was already approaching at 10 p.m. and the hard day had to end.

Amelia gave a short speech about the fact that not all the criminals were punished. And some are still out there walking around. But tough times require tough decisions. Then she looked at the corpses and the members of Wizengamot.

She put on the agenda Augusta Longbottom's candidacy for Supreme Sorceress of Wizengamot.

Her loyal agents were so enthusiastically spitting in the hands of a wand, looking into the eyes of the judges with hope. They sought the slightest disagreement with Augusta's candidacy, but she was voted for unanimously. After that, Amelia, with the elegance of rhinoceros, squeezed special powers in the "witch hunt" for herself.

Then Amelia and Augusta went out to dinner.


At breakfast, the inhabitants of Magical Britain woke up in a country with new power. A special edition of Daily Prophet was dedicated exclusively to events in Wizengamot. Rita was awarded two thousand galleons. Augusta, Amelia, and I had the greatest pleasure in contemplating the beheaded corpses of blood enemies. For ten years, they'd known no grief thanks to the kindness of Dumbledore. There are not many Eaters left.

Malfoy, Yaxley, and Avery. The next day, all of Malfoy's businesses that were credibly known were requisitioned for the new Anti-Terrorism Trust. Fudge and a host of other officials were captured and given a simple ultimatum.

Return what you had gained dishonestly and then you will be allowed to leave England forever. There was an option to go to the rebirth. The Malfoy Manor was sheltered by a defense of siege, but nobody stormed it. For sympathizing with Eaters in Magical Britain, these are hard times.


Delacour Manor, 6 p.m.


"Mr. Potter, good evening, sits down," suggested Alain to me.

"Hello, sir!" politeness doesn't cost me anything.

"Congratulations on your victory, Monsieur Potter."

"Thank you, sir. This is our common victory, it will serve us and our countries."

"What are your plans for our common cause, monsieur?"

"The discriminatory laws passed under the sensitive leadership of one inanimate beard will soon be repealed. Besides, slave and drug dealers are going through a difficult time."

Delacour hasn't responded to that. Finally, after gathering his thoughts, he asked an important question.

"Monsieur Potter, as a descendant of the Peverellers, you must know one thing about the Elder Wand."

"Do you mean that it must be won to be possessed?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's partly why I'm here," yes, the debt must be paid!

Delacour took it out of the desk drawer and gave me the big wand. I took it in my left hand.

"Just in case, just in case" up my right sleeve was awaiting his moment K5.

After verbal Expelliarmus, the wand moved to Alain. The deal was done.




Soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards


Harry was happy with the quiet and shy happiness of a child who met a real friend. Ron Weasley was so cheerful and honest. He told Harry a lot of interesting things. Ron gave him delicious sandwiches and did not refuse to eat all the delicacies Harry had bought. It's a good thing there are such wonderful friends in the magical world as Ron Weasley.

They ate delicious candy. The door in the compartment opened,


There will be no further nightmare in the new story, this is my prank.


There was a shaggy girl at the entrance. She looked at the boys strictly and said loudly, clearly and strongly.

"Did you know that sweet spoil your teeth? And magic sweet spoils magic teeth! Teeth are bones! All your bones will rot! Slowly, inside your body, your bones will rot. And you eat candy here! I know vomiting witchcraft. Which one of you first assholes?"

Harry took a breath. How did he not think of that? He has bad eyesight. He doesn't need rotten bones! He raised his trembling hand.

The faithful Ron screamed.

"Harry! She's cheating! My whole family eats chocolate frogs all the time! That's why we're not rich. But we don't have rotten bones!"

"You don't have brains," said the girl harshly. "I was just kidding. You're Harry Potter! I recognized you right away from the scar and your glasses. And the Daily Prophet also says that you have a small dick. Your godfather took a bite. You don't remember, you were one year old. Your godfather turned into a dog and bit off."

"There's nothing wrong with my dick," muttered Harry and blushed.

"You're telling me there's a lie in the magazine! Do you have a big dick?"

"Get off his dick!" Ron screamed. "You can't talk about that."

"I want to marry him and live off his money. I'm a muggle-born! I need a lot of magic money!"

"And we're not rich! I have a sister! Harry! My sister's stupid, you'd rather marry her. My daddy drinks Firewhisky and praises my mum for being stupid!"

"I'd rather marry a stupid redheaded girl. She's stupid. You're not getting my galleons!"

"We'll see about that," smiled the girl. "I'm Hermione Granger, I woke up yesterday and realized I was dead and reborn in this world. I've read all the books. And I'd seen all the movies. I know everything that will happen in the future. You're not leaving me, Potter."

"Did you see this too?" shouted Harry and hit a girl in the nose.

The mad girl fell. Harry became very ashamed of what he had done.

"Eat a chocolate frog," suggested Ron.

And Harry smiled. It's good to have real friends!