chapter 6

"Why do you help me?" Falcone asked lightly.

Zi Liang sighed helplessly: "Look, that's why I don't like to trade with your second-rate characters. You know that you can't do many things, but you are still taking the time to question others."

"Second-rate role?" Falcone obviously didn't like the title.

"Yeah, you may think that you are a very powerful person. In fact, you are indeed a very powerful person. You control the largest gangster in the whole city. There are gang members with thousands of people under your hands. You can live a rich life. Kusuga's life is fate, but to be honest, you have always been a second-class or even third-class character, because no one pays attention to you, have you ever thought that if Gotham City is a book, 90% of the people who read this book Will remember your name ... Can you pass me the wine? "Zi Liang said.

"Gotham ... is a book? Hehe, it's an interesting metaphor, then I'm curious. According to you, then who will be the protagonist of this city? Director Gordon? Mayor? Is it something else? "

"Neither, but those ... weirdos." Zi Liang muttered.


"Yes, those neurasthenic patients with sacks on their heads, burn patients who choose phobias, and weird guys who have insomnia and fly around in the night in a cloak."

Mr. Falcone seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled: "Oh, I know who you are talking about, but they are not considered as protagonists, they are all dead now, disappear Or, they were all locked up in Arkham 's lunatic asylum. Even before they were locked in, those weird forces were not as good as me. They were even focusing on things like robbing banks. "

"You are right, but whether you believe it or not, you are really second-rate."

"Okay, I lost interest in your analogy, so either you quickly talk about why you should help me ... or die." Mr. Falcone picked up the pistol again. No one doubts, as long as he hears something that he is not satisfied with, he will shoot.

Zi Liang looked as usual. He stuffed the last steak into his mouth.

"This is a good question. The reason I help you is because there is someone in Arkham Asylum that I have to rescue."

"Oh? Who do you want to save?"

"This ... Actually I don't know." Zi Liang said.

Mr. Falcone's complexion seemed unsightly: "Are you playing me?" He said, shaking his gun in his hand.

"Of course not." Zi Liang began to turn over his note again: "Oh, this person is the No. 21 death row. Does anyone under your hands know who the No. 21 death row is?"

"There should have been one, my cousin, but you killed him the other day."

Zi Liang frowned and looked a little frustrated: "Uh, it's embarrassing."

"Okay, I don't want to talk about his death anymore, so now is the next question, why should I cooperate with you."

Zi Liang closed the note: "Because you should still have several important gang members still in the Arkham Asylum, you should have succeeded a few days ago, but failed for some reason, now you urgently need A person can cooperate with you inside and outside, and carry out another prison ... "

"You know a lot ... but you want to say ... that person who can cooperate with me is you?"

Zi Liang nodded his head for granted.

"Then the question is coming-do you not quite understand the meaning of the word" inside and outside together "?" Mr. Falcone said: "You are sitting in front of me now, how do you cooperate with me inside out?"

Ziliang leaned back on his chair lazily, looking like he was full of food and drink: "Why not, the Arkham Crazy House is holding the most terrifying criminals in this city, so if there is no accident, tomorrow I Go to the street and do whatever you want, you can send me in. "

"Are you going to put yourself in prison yourself?" Mr. Falcone froze for a moment. "Ha ha ha-really crazy.

But as you please, let us return to the original question, why should I believe these words you said. "

"You do n't need to believe me right now, because you do n't need to do anything for me either to enter the prison or to create riots in the prison, to find a way to escape, or to find a rush that allows you to charge with a gun I do all this by myself.

You can continue to eat steak here with peace of mind, or go back and talk to your wife about your cousin. It's up to you. And the last thing you have to do is, after I open the door of Arkham prison, you rush in with your 'Roman Empire' to rescue the people you want to save, or kill the people you want to kill, you go to this Just believe me again.

And I just need to find my [No. 21 death row] to bring him out, it's that simple, I think, you should be able to understand this deal. "Zi Liang said slowly, and then pointed to the wine bottle next to Mr. Falcone:" Now, can you give me a sip? "

Falcone stared silently at the doctor in front of him, and after a long time: "Oh, I really can't refuse this sale." He said, then a big change in attitude, and at the same time put the bottle on his hand. Pushed and slid in front of Zi Liang.

"Do you know, you made me think of someone." Falcone said.

Ziliang grabbed the bottle and drank it in a very unpretentious manner, and then pouted: "Who?"

"A lunatic who always wears a purple suit and tells jokes that are not funny at all ... When I think of him, I feel uncomfortable." Falcone said, twisting subconsciously Neck: "But fortunately, he was dead, and everyone in Gotham Tan saw him cremated."

Zi Liang smiled inexplicably: "Yes, that's a pity, but maybe you will see him in the future."

He said ...