chapter 7

November 4-Sunny

The traffic flow was as usual, motionless, and the rear seat of the taxi seemed to smell of vomit overnight.

Zi Liang should have said that he does not like this city ... In fact, he has said it no less than 40 times in the past few months. Forever misty night sky, weird icy Gothic architecture, even the dazzling neon can't cover the gloomy darkness under the flashes. Gotham's daytime, people are like walking dead, trying to maintain this The beauty on the surface of the city, at night, everyone is like a werewolf waiting for the full moon night, showing their fangs.

Ziliang has stayed in many places, whether it was Stalingrad picked up during the reconstruction of World War II or Nara City during the Meiji Restoration period. In short, no place would be as contradictory as here. It is poor and magnificent, and sinful and shiny. Desperate, joyous, twisted, fragmented, I feel that if you come to a tour group from another place, you may be able to suck in the air here enough to burp.

So Zi Liang told himself again that he had to finish his work quickly and then change the place, otherwise his insomnia might get worse.


Two hours later, the taxi finally stopped in front of the main entrance of 71 Avenue in the metropolitan area.

Zi Liang paid and pushed the door open.

In front of it is the largest bank in this block, but it is not very large, it should be only about 300 square meters, and only one floor.

Just right.

So he walked in with satisfaction. At the moment, he was still wearing that crumpled white coat.

It's just that there is an extra suitcase in his hand.

The inside of the bank is smaller than it looks from the outside. With just a glance, Ziliang can get a rough idea. ——7 counter windows, 6 staff members, 22 people in line, and 3 guards, all wearing pistols.

"Happy Halloween." He walked toward a guard and said to the guard with a big smile.

"Haha, it's been three days for Halloween." The guard said with a smile, and then passed by Ziliang.

But the next second.

He felt a muzzle on the back of his head, followed by a lazy: "Do not move!"



"What?" The guard was stunned for two seconds, before suddenly awakening to a spirit in the same body.

"Robbery!" The two words exploded in his mind afterwards.

In fact, this is not to blame him, because this change is really coming too fast, came too suddenly, like a diarrhea in sleep, did not give him a little preparation time.

Of course, as a security guard for so many years, there are still professional qualities, which makes him very strong and did not immediately raise his hand ...

Because he saw this guy who passed by him just now, he could see that it was a doctor, and that face should not be a person who often did evil, so at the moment, he was wondering whether he had the opportunity to subdue the other.

However, in less than half a second.

The gun seemed to suddenly leave his head, and then a "bang!" Shot from above his head ...

Everyone looked over in amazement, and people immediately realized what was happening. At that time, all the women were very in harmony with the atmosphere, squatting their heads in place, and then issued a burst of harsh screams.

Confusion broke out at this moment.

People realized that they were going through a bank robbery.


But in this panic, one or two people also seem to find a very inexplicable picture. They squint and look carefully at the criminal who is hijacking the security guard. In his hand ... Grab, but ... a lighter?

What happened?

But although someone found it, it was too late, because the guard could not see it, he just felt that his head was held by a cold and hard thing. In this case, even if someone can think of it, he would use a lighter top Behind his own head, but who dares to really try it with his own head. Ten thousand steps back, even if there is such a guts to die for the job, it must have been scared by the gunshot just now.

In fact, speaking of this gunshot, if you listen in a quiet situation, you should be able to distinguish it, which is somewhat different from the real gunshot, but because this is really too sudden, it is too timely. So the guard raised his hands almost immediately out of his mind.

And at this moment, the gun in his waist was also pulled out by the person behind him.


At this time, about two to three seconds had passed from the phrase "Happy Halloween" just now, and the other two guards had already pulled out their guns.

"No movement!"

"Put down the gun!"

They aimed at Ziliang's position. Of course, Ziliang still had a companion in front of him. Even a professional security guard could not react quickly like a sharpshooter in a few seconds, and He pulled out the gun and struck the gangster's head with a shot across his companion's body.

This also caused them to only shout stupid words like "put down the gun", as if they were chasing again, the people behind always like to spend their energy shouting "stop".

Zi Liang was bored and "tucked" for a while, seemingly disgusting the useless behavior of the two bodyguards, and then opened the insurance next to the gun. Without saying anything nonsense, he directly directed a security guard "Bang! Bang! Boom! "Just fired several shots.

Fortunately, these shots were all aimed at the next three roads, otherwise, this brother is estimated to be the most neat guard who died in the bank grabbing incident of Tan Cheng this year. He did not even hear the voice of the robber. .....

To be honest, from these shots, I can actually see that Zi Liang's marksmanship is not very good. After firing a few shots, only one shot hit the guard's calf.

Of course, there is only one place where a person can not hurt after being hit by a bullet, that is, his head, so the man screamed and fell directly to the ground, covering his leg in pain, the gun in his hand also slipped out of the old far.

At the same time, the entire crowd burst into a more screaming scream at this moment, and the crowd boiled everywhere looking for shelter. Some people are scared to hold their heads in place, shouting and looking for something all over the ground, Zi Liang thought, they might be looking for a hole to go into.

As for another security guard with a gun ... he also received a little training, so he desperately suppressed his inner panic and quickly hid behind a service desk.

This is a robbery, and it can't be more obvious, except that he can't figure it out ... How can there be such a robbery of the bank, generous, not even a stocking.

In addition, the average bank robbing needs at least three people, one in the car looking at the wind, one with money, and one with a gun threatening the hostages, and robbing the bank by himself alone, the chance of success is simply Zero, let alone, the most important thing to rob a bank is not to kill, to make a quick decision, but this person shoots indiscriminately. Isn't this directly pushing himself to the dead end?

Just when he was hiding behind the desk and thinking about it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Another series of gunshots. I don't know what I was shooting, anyway, the screams that followed one after another raised another K degrees. The crowd had all squeezed to the very edge of the wall, and it seemed that they could be farther away from the robber and they would be safer.

At this moment, it has been about 10 seconds since Ziliang walked into the bank. In this chaos, I do n't know which courageous staff has pressed the alarm bell. Suddenly, the entire bank 's alarm bell sounded and shouted. The crying, the screaming, and the sound became a whole.