chapter 16

The cafeteria at Arkham Prison is no different from an ordinary public cafeteria. Prisoners are photographed in several rows, go to the window to take a meal, and then just find a table to eat.

Zi Liangan lined up quietly and quietly cooked meals. During this period, nothing happened. Everything was quiet and unreasonable, but Zi Liang knew that all the prisoners were looking at themselves with bad intentions.

Since the incumbent warden took over as Arkham Asylum, the management atmosphere in the entire prison has become extremely brutal. No matter big or small things, if you touch the mold, you will definitely be punished. In fact, it is like this This is what a prison should be ... Fighting is naturally the worst of all prohibited behaviors. Almost as long as you do it, whether it is a person who is beaten or beaten, it will definitely be sent to the medical office.

Of course, the infirmary here is not a place for you to heal after fighting, do you remember the doctor who likes "electric shock treatment" that the warden said before? Yes, the infirmary is their execution ground. How not to show it for the time being, in short, no matter how stubborn criminals, as long as they pass through the hands of them, almost all will be docile like the only naked ones.

Therefore, such things as fighting are not seen several times throughout the year.

The only fight that can be acquiesced is the "welcome ceremony" on the first day after each newcomer is in jail. This is the most coveted pastime for a group of heartbroken criminals, so now they look at Ziliang's eyes , Just like watching a woman burn.

And Ziliang, of course, continues to ignore these naked eyes


The goal given by the "Compass" is very clear. [Arkham Asylum] [Death Prisoner No. 21].

This is the only reason for Ziliang to come to this city. Although he still does not know who [Death Prisoner No. 21] is, he must rescue him and recruit him to his hospital.

As for the prisoners of these facility ... he is really too lazy to bother.



The food in the prison was not too bad,. After taking the meal, Zi Liang walked to a table without people carrying the plate.

At this moment, one leg suddenly stretched out ... the one who stretched out the leg was the prisoner with the pointed jaws.

Every welcoming ceremony is basically such an opening. While the newcomer is not paying attention, he stretches his legs and stumbles. Then through this incident, the fight started smoothly. Of course, the final result was basically the newcomer was beaten to death. Then the prison guard seemed to suddenly find it, and stepped forward to stop everyone.

However, the opening ceremony of the welcome ceremony today was a bit unsmooth, because this new inmate ... he actually stepped on the ankle that suddenly stretched out ... and walked generously.

Uh, this is a very difficult feeling to describe. In fact, everyone is watching Ziliang, waiting for him to be ugly, but the scene everyone sees is that this person walks very calmly, and then suddenly his body is raised by two. Centimeters, as if you stepped on a protruding wooden pile on the ground while walking, and then continued to walk forward in a steady and steady manner.

At this moment, everyone was a little stunned ... Especially the person who extended his foot, although it was not very painful to be stepped on, but it gave him the feeling that he stepped on himself with this foot Face is almost the same.

So shameful ...

"Damn, you stand here for me!" He patted the table and stood up a little bit.

Ke Ziliang didn't hear it. He walked slowly to the nobody's table, put down the plate, and ate it himself.

The old man's old face couldn't be pulled up embarrassingly and could not be pulled off. His whole body was trembling with anger, and he had to kick off the chair beside him with angrily and walked straight to Ziliang.

In fact, the act of kicking a stool is usually enough to get an electric shock, but today is a special day after all, so the prison guards do n't care, and they are even more interested in watching the welcome ceremony today Unfold.

"Asshole, you're stepping on me!" The man leaned on Ziliang's side with a dull throat. His two crumpled eyes were hidden in his eyes, and he could see the life in this guy's life. Absolutely not less.

Zi Liang slowly raised his head and looked at the other party with his eyes that seemed to be always on the edge of sleep ...

"Do you have smoke?" He asked.

For a moment, the man didn't think he would respond to this sentence, so he stayed there for two seconds before responding: "Damn, don't you!"

He shouted loudly, overturning Ziliang's dinner plate on the spot, throwing his arm and smashing it into Ziliang's face. At the same time, don't forget to express the shouting of anger.

"Today your boy is dead, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..."

Before he finished calling his opening remarks, this rhetoric suddenly turned into a weird murmur. I saw that Ziliang had no time when he picked up the spoon for dinner and directly fell into the other's throat. Eyes.

Although all the cutlery here is made of plastic, it is still a bit hard, so it pokes into the soft meat in the throat, which can be tolerated by ordinary people. And the speed is so fast, the angle is so accurate, even people think that this guy has specially practiced this skill. The jail monkey jail prisoner instantly lost combat power, and both hands grabbed Zi Liang's wrist like crazy, desperately trying to pull it out, but Zi Liang's other hand had already grabbed the opponent's collar, and at the same time was cruel Hold the spoon handle, blend in the other person's throat ...

The people around are a little dumbfounded. Although they are all brutal people who lick the blood at the tip of the knife, this scene is really painful to watch. This is like no matter how strong a tough guy is, he may not be able to bear the zipper The pain in the flesh, so people unconsciously covered their necks, and for a while did not know whether they should go up to help.

That is, in these hesitant seconds, the poor prisoner had rolled his eyes, his body twitched, and his throat was spewing out a few shots of blood as he blended in. .

At this point, the prison guards were also panic. Although they should not intervene in the fight at the "welcome ceremony", if they did not take action at this time, maybe this person became the first to be poked to death by the throat. People, so a few prison guards who watched the lively did not dare to neglect and rushed up quickly.

"Damn, let go!" One of the guards shouted in a panic.

The other prison guard was Li Suo, who directly pressed a button on the electric baton.

In an instant, Ziliang felt a huge current coming from his wrist. This current was so great that it took only one second to make people lose all ability to move.

As I said before, as long as Zi Liang walked out of his hospital, he was an ordinary person, so he inevitably fell to the ground and his brain buzzed.

Dizzy, he heard the panicked conversations of the guards.

"How is it ... God, this man will not die."

"What a stunned thing? Hurry and call to save someone!"

"What about this newcomer?"

"Damn it, there was such a big mess just when I came in and sent him to Professor Yang!"