chapter 17

When Ziliang was completely awake from the violent dizziness, he found that he had been tied to a small flat car and was pushed forward in a dark corridor ... he can't remember clearly how he was carried on the flat car ...

"Well ... the handcuffs are quite powerful." He secretly praised.

In fact, Zi Liang rarely praises anything other than sleeping pills, but I have to say that the discharge design of this handcuff is really good. It seems to be able to detect everyone's physical fitness, and control the electric shock intensity just to the point of extreme pain, continuous dizziness, severe cramps, and loss of mobility, but not to the extent of incontinence. The designer of this gadget is definitely a personal talent. For a few seconds, Ziliang had the urge to find this person and bring it to his own small clinic to tune in.

But this idea was immediately interrupted by the harsh noise of a rusty door shaft.

As his vision progressed, Ziliang found himself pushed into a place that looked like an infirmary.

"Professor Yang ... people brought you." A guard's voice came. In these few words, Zi Liang even heard a timid tremolo.

"Oh, okay." Another voice came, sounding kind.

Immediately afterwards, the flat bed was shaken upright, and Zi Liang also saw the whole picture of the room.

This is a medical office ... At least he must have designed it according to a medical office at the beginning of his design. There are all kinds of medicine racks, medical records cabinets, and medical equipment tables, but some inconsistencies are that these commonly used Everything was piled up in a corner, and in the center of the room was a high-end desktop instrument. At the moment, a middle-aged man in a white coat was surrounded by this instrument and didn't know what to do with it.

Then this person is undoubtedly Professor Yang in the mouth of the prison guard. It looks like a typical Asian face in his 50s. His eyes are not big, and he wears a pair of glasses. His face always seems to be filled with a kind smile.

"Then Professor Yang ... No ... I'll go if there's nothing." The prison guard said as soon as he shook the bed up, as if he didn't want to stay here for even a second. same.

"Okay ... come tomorrow morning to pick people." Professor Yang said to the prison guard with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Liang heard the busy footsteps behind him and the sound of the iron door being closed.

So far, only two people, Zi Liang and Professor Yang, are left in this infirmary.


Professor Yang walked slowly to Ziliang's side and took off the mask on his mouth.

"Newcomer?" He asked with his eyes narrowed, his tone full of elders' care for his juniors.

Zi Liang didn't answer immediately, but looked around with his eyes blank, and finally stopped his eyes on Professor Yang's face ...

Professor Yang was not angry under this direct look ...

In other words, he couldn't see whether he was alive or not, anyway, his face was always filled with the kind expression that was squeezed out of the muscles and skin, just like the purpose of plastic surgery.

"Hehe ..." Professor Yang suddenly smiled: "Well, I often see young people like you, you are very famous people outside, so I just got here a little bit I 'm not used to it, but it 's okay, I 'll adapt you to this role change as soon as possible ... we have ... 12 hours. "

He said with a serious heart, while pushing the instrument in the middle of the infirmary, and then took out a bottle of potion, and evenly spread it on Ziliang's temple.

"Do you know what is the difference between the pain of the human body and other pains?" He asked again, but soon he asked himself: "The biggest difference is that ordinary physical pain is accompanied by severe organic nature. Damage, if it is too severe, the human brain will start the same procedure of "self-protection" to relieve this pain, or even faint directly. Unlike electric shock, the pain it produces can be cumulative and directly acts on nerves. As long as the current is not interrupted, then the person will not lose consciousness, even if it is unable to think by electricity, then he will continue to experience pain in his brain ... "

"Oh, it seems that the warden told me that the person who has a lot of research on electrocution is you." Zi Liang said lightly.

Professor Yang nodded with a smile, and attached two energized patches to the place where the potion had just been applied.

"Then the handcuffs were designed by you?" Zihao seemed to have a sudden interest.

Professor Yang froze a little, then shook his head: "Of course not, I am not an engineer ... why ask this?"

Zi Liang's interest was extinguished, and he looked a bit frustrated: "Well, nothing, then do you have smoke?"

Professor Yang's hand on the shocked film was suspended in midair, and he looked at the newly arrived prisoner with some doubt.

"Can you give me one," Zi Liang said, then glanced at the corner desk.

Professor Yang looked at Ziliang's eyes, and then saw a pack of cigarettes on the desk ... Suddenly, his smile became brighter, and the corner of his raised mouth almost filled his face. They all pushed up ...

"Hehehe--" Professor Yang made a very uncomfortable voice: "You know, I especially like your fearless child, because you are wandering on the verge of collapse, than those who only The little sheep who knows that the nose is crying is more attractive. "

"No, no, you may have misunderstood." Zi Liang quickly corrected: "I'm not provoking you, I really want to get one."

Zi Liang is indeed telling the truth, and everyone should find out that he has no good habits, smoking, drinking, laziness, sloppyness, irregular schedules, anyway, what your mother does not let you do, basically It is his state of life. For such a decadent person, it seems nothing wrong to want to smoke a cigarette before accepting torture.

But Professor Yang obviously doesn't think so, he still keeps that strange smile: "You want to smoke ... Hee hee hee ... Well, as long as you can survive 5 minutes without asking for mercy, I Just give you one. "



After 5 minutes, Zi Liangmei spit out a cigarette.

"IMHO, Professor Yang, your technology seems really inferior to the designer of this bracelet." He murmured lightly.

"Oh-you are an interesting person." Professor Yang said with a smile: "But the time has just passed for 5 minutes, but we have a whole night ..."

Zi Liang's face was paralyzed with helplessness. In fact, it is undeniable that Prof. Yang's electrocution level is quite acceptable. Whether it is the intensity of the current or the change in frequency, he has put it in place. He knows how to find the limit of the prisoner's tolerance. , And give him the most appropriate pain, which is why he can make people frightened here.

However, in Ziliang's eyes, he still owes the fire, because as long as he is an individual, give him an electric shock device to poke for a few years, and then more than a hundred people to let him practice it, basically can reach the level of Professor Yang. So, this guy seems to be a moderate metamorphosis with some hobbies.

But that's fine ...

Because Zi Liang has already seen it, this Professor Yang must have had a very dark and humiliating childhood or some tragic emotional experience. Anyway, this also led to a very poor heart under his sick body .

And this point seems to be available.

"Professor Yang ... how about we make another bet?"
