chapter 18

Happy times always pass very fast, and the night passed in an instant.



As a newcomer, he was sent to the "Infirmary" on the first day of entering Arkham, and Professor Yang personally picked him up . This was almost a welcome ceremony in recent years. So in the early morning of the next day, the people in the whole prison area were looking forward to what this newcomer would look like after a night of torture.

In fact, not only newcomers, everyone who has been in the infirmary will be the focus of attention of this group of lunatic criminals, because they really do nothing every day, so they can see their prisoners are scourge Life is better than death, even if it is a very good entertainment project for them.

However, after the gate of the prison area was opened.

The expected cheers did not sound, and no one sneered, even many of the swear words that had been prepared for a long time were held in their throats, and they could not speak at all.

Because everyone is ignorant.

They saw that Zi Liang was just like everyone else, and walked in under the escort of two prison guards.

He walked into his cell diligently, and waited until the prison guard unlocked his handcuffs ... handed him a pack of cigarettes.

Yes, it is a pack of cigarettes, a whole pack. In fact, it is more accurate to have a pack of four cigarettes, because after that the prison guards took out four cigarettes and put them on Ziliang's bed.

Ziliang's location is on the second floor, so many people on the upper and lower floors can see this scene, most of these people opened their mouths and stayed in a dumb face. Several people began to pinched themselves until their face twitched, still a bit unbelievable.


Zi Liang's hands were shaking.

But of course this is not to be afraid, but the muscle spasm caused by a long electric shock, he tremblingly picked up a bed of cigarettes, dangling on his mouth, and then generously gave the name behind him The prison guard looked ...

Immediately afterwards, what made everyone feel straight was that the prison guard really took out the lighter ... and ordered him.

"What is the situation?" The people who saw this scene were not calm. For a few seconds, they even subconsciously felt that they had been deceived for so many years. In fact, the Arkham Asylum was extremely free and friendly. Humanized nursing facility.

In fact, prisoners can't blame them for such a big response. Over the years, these prisoners have seen countless crazy people with cruel temperament, including themselves, but no matter how self-righteous people are, they walk in the hands of Professor Yang. After the attack, they were all devastated and no longer arrogant.

So how can they ever see a person still so calm after a night of torture? Could it be that Professor Yang fell ill yesterday and did not come to work?

Just kidding, everyone knows this is impossible, because the sequelae of this muscle twitch is obviously the reaction after torture, or the most cruel kind! So ... what the hell is going on? Why doesn't it seem like nothing has happened, and what expression is on his face, how does it look like a very cool look? The most important thing is, where did his smoke come from?

No one knows what happened this night, not even the prison guards. Anyway, when they went to pick up the prisoner, they were surprised to find that he did n't seem to have changed much, but Professor Yang 's face was a little bit not good ... And those cigarettes, you might not believe it, are all given to him by Professor Yang.

The two prison guards felt that this person was too weird, so they quickly closed the prison door and left in a hurry.

As soon as the prison guards had left, the whisper of the whole prison area began to sound. Those prisoners who could not see this scene due to their position began desperately trying to find out what was going on with the others. It took me a long time to sort out how to explain this. The voice began to grow louder and louder, one after another, but no one dared to take the initiative to talk to the new inmate and ask what was going on.

at this time.

" shut up."

A not too big and lazy voice sounded.

For a time, the noise that had just ignited suddenly became quiet, and even some people who didn't even hear it closed their mouths subconsciously.

This sound, of course, came from Ziliang. He slumped on the bed and leaned on his face. His mood suddenly became very bad.

After this evening, he has basically broken through Professor Yang 's psychological defense line. The specific method is to continuously induce him to torture himself more brutally, and then give some light and humiliating flavors after the sentence. Comment, by the way, make another bet ... This seemingly simple method works extremely well on some people with dark hearts, because the only person like Professor Yang who can do it is that Tormenting this person, he can only find some value of his existence only in the screams and pleading of the prisoner, and if you completely ignore his punishment means at this time, the stimulation to him is like lying in bed After panting through the rain and panting, the woman or man gave him a ridiculous sneer.

This is unacceptable to him no matter what!

So, with this simple method, you can make the bet bigger and bigger, from one cigarette, to two, to a whole pack, and finally ... even the name of "Prisoner 21" .

In fact, this set of practices is indeed very useful. In order to maintain his only dignity, Professor Yang really checked out who the prisoner 21 was for Ziliang.

However, the answer was beyond his expectation ... There was no Prisoner 21 at all.


It turned out that, seven or eight years ago, the Arkham Asylum was expanded. After that, all the prisoners who came in were marked with letters and numbers, just like the license plate numbers, and there was no regularity between all numbers. Random, just like Ziliang's prisoner number is [35A51].

The old codename of "No. 21" prisoner has long been banned.

The news made Zi Liang very depressed.

At the same time, he naturally noticed that almost all the changes in the city were directed to a certain period of time seven or eight years ago.

"During that time ... what happened?"

Ziliang crossed his legs, smoking while thinking.

"Hey, it would be nice if the" Compass "was there. I haven't used my mind to think about things for a long time. I'm not used to it."

He muttered, and the haze of smoke blurred his outline.