chapter 19

Zi Liang is very smart, but at the same time he is also a very lazy person. He would rather stay in the "hospital" forever, smoke, read newspapers, and occasionally pull old Joey into the "bistro" for a few drinks and chat with the bartender about "the next evolution of the universe" ...

Although he likes the comfortable rhythm of life, he is helpless. Everything has its own responsibilities. For example, the sun has to shine, the earth has to rotate, the farmer has to plant land, the patient has to see a doctor, old Joey He had to feed the "pig", and the bartender had to tell stories to the newcomers in his tavern, and Ziliang himself ... he had to travel through t plane to find the scattered "sin fragments" ".

Okay, some people can understand this sentence means and, some people can't understand it, but it doesn't matter. As long as everyone knows that Ziliang is just an ordinary person, he was imprisoned in Arkham Crazy House, and The next morning after entering prison, he became a mythical figure, and that's all.



In a certain plane, there was a saying that "God is also a human, but God has done things that humans cannot do, so he became a God." And Zi Liang at this moment undoubtedly completed everything. Unexpected things ... because he spent a night in the "medical office", he came out with a packet of Professor Yang's cigarette in his hand ...

Yes ... Although it's just a pack of cigarettes, it doesn't sound like an earth-shattering thing, but when it reaches the prisoner's ear, it's almost like saying, "This kid went to hell and crawled out with Satan's underwear in his hand "

This news is too explosive, too incredible, too frustrated, so not only the prisoners, but also in the circle of prison guards began to talk about the new prisoner, and the night he was alone with Professor Yang was also spread. ...

But again, the professional qualities of the criminals in Gotham City are getting worse and worse these years. If Gotham was 10 years ago, people who could chat with him while drinking tea while eating tea in front of Professor Yang would have caught a lot. Let 's take another step back. As for Professor Yang 's method of torture, it was estimated that a few years ago, there was no chance of even establishing a foothold in the Arkham Asylum. Now, seeing him as famous, it only shows that he has caught up with the good times.

Anyway, almost everyone knew Ziliang this night.

But with the popularity comes trouble.

The biggest one is Mr. Cobot.



Cobot is a businessman and a criminal.

His full name is Oswald Chesterfield Cobot. It sounds confusing to read, so when he was not locked in Arkham Asylum, most of the underground gangsters in Gotham like to call him "Penguin" ...

Mr. Penguin is a little over 1.4 meters tall, weighs 80 kilograms, has almost no neck, and has a bit of gratitude. This deformed figure makes him look like a walking large kiwi, plus his dysplastic left Eyes and abrupt eagle hook nose, these elements combine to let people naturally classify them as "psychotic freaks", and when he was arrested, even without the opportunity to explain, he directly He was imprisoned in Arkham Asylum.

Therefore, the habit of "taking people by appearance" is really bad, because Mr. Penguin has no mental illness at all. Not only that, he is also a typical "high EQ criminal", he pays attention to his manners, clothing, Interested in elegance, very gentlemanly, and likes to quote Shakespeare's verses when speaking ... There is even a little cleanliness.

He had a childhood of bullying and ridicule, a bizarre dying father, a hysterical mother, a declining family, started from scratch, suffered, and eventually became one of the leaders of one of the four gangsters in Gotham City. With his perseverance, he is a model of struggling to get up step by step. In addition to loving raw fish, he is almost the most normal and wise kind of person in the Arkham Madhouse.

So after entering the Arkham asylum, he quickly used his normal person's thinking, wisdom, emotional intelligence, and negotiation methods to become the "boss" in the asylum.

Then someone has to ask, why is he a normal person, but can become the boss of a group of lunatics?

You see, this is where your thinking is narrow, because the object of his negotiation is not the prisoners at all, but the warden Quincy Sharp.

The Arkham Asylum is a magical place. Although all the prisoners here are closely guarded, and fights, troubles, gangs, and other behaviors are completely prohibited, and the amiable characters such as Professor Yang sit in hospital

For example, Zi Liang poked people's throats with a spoon and made people shocked ... This kind of thing is really normal.

Can you imagine a person using his fingernails to buckle the rust on the water pipe in the middle of the night? He rubbed the rust and the paper together, kneaded it into a ball with spittle, and took it out when the wind was released. In winter, it freezes as hard as a steel bullet in less than 10 minutes. This person used this waste paper dumpling as a hidden weapon, and killed two guards and a prisoner, and forced the prison to calculate each. The amount of paper used by the prisoner to wipe the buttocks ... Yes, just turn over the used paper in the paper basket, make sure that each sheet is covered with shit, then compare it with the total number of toilet paper, and then recycle it uniformly ... ... It is said that the resignation rate of prison guards during that period was three times that of previous years.

There are even more frenzied ... Can you imagine saving yourself and frugally, and raising cockroaches in prison? The man was an entomologist with a broken brain. The cockroaches were as big as slippers. They flooded like a demon creature invaded, causing the prison to start a large-scale cleaning. During this period, the prisoner successfully killed 12 prison guards with pesticides, and then successfully escaped.

In short, there are always things that you absolutely do not expect in the Arkham asylum, and the prison guards ca n't really stare at you to eat and drink Lhasa 24 hours a day. The person who restricts them internally, and this person is naturally our Mr. Penguin.