chapter 42

Bruce Wayne's body was convulsing, without the maintenance of drugs, and those primitive memories were breaking through the confinement of false thinking and began to emerge.

It's a feeling that is difficult to describe in words. If you are here, you can clearly feel that this aging man is transforming. Although he didn't do anything, even didn't move, but you can feel that he has begun to leave the body in front of you and gradually become another existence.

A terrible existence.

He curled up completely in the darkness, and the trembling of the body seemed to resonate with the night. In an instant, the night wind began to scream, and the clouds in the sky moved towards the moonlight, telling the people under the moonlight that the night no longer needed light .

[escape! escape! escape! escape! escape! escape! escape! escape! escape! ...]

On the "Compass", the paper pages seemed to feel a certain powerful stimulus and began to shake wildly, and the paper pages began to fly like crazy, like a book opened by the wind, making a rattling noise! An invisible pen is madly writing the words "escape" in large and small on every page, densely packed, full of heart and soul.

Zi Liang still smiled. He snapped a trembling black note and stood in front of Bruce Wien.

"Take a good taste of this memory ... Gotham City is not an ordinary place. Although 'Jim Gordon' can make this place better, it is not a salvation after all, but a kind of before death. 'S lingering panting.

The only thing that can defeat sin is sin itself.

I hope you remember this sentence ... until you fully wake up.

By then, I will return again.

Take another piece of "Twin Sin Fragments" that you can fight against in your chamber.

I believe that i will look forward to seeing each other again.

So, goodbye, Mr. Bruce Wayne. "

After finishing this sentence, Ziliang slipped the note into his pocket and slowly missed Bruce Wayne 's body, and the old Joey also carried Harry Quinn, followed behind Ziliang and disappeared. Into the night.

Bruce Wien covered his head and moaned, not knowing whether he was crying or laughing. His hand seemed to be out of consciousness and held the sheet of paper falling in front of him.

Another line of distorted fonts appeared on it.

[Plane: ∞]

[Sin level :? ? ? ? ]

[Self-rescuers who travel across the world]


[Status: Dying]



Gunshots continue, this kind of offensive and defensive war seems to last for a long time.

However, no one is a fool, so neither the "penguin" Copot or the "Roman" Falcone can really lose their lives like a war.

The prisoners have been out of control, the Arkham asylum fell, and Quincy Sharpe 's life and death are unknown. This ending has achieved their purpose. Therefore, there is no need to continue to increase unnecessary casualties. Presumably soon, the law Mr. Ercone will come forward and lead the war to the end.

As for his method? Maybe it was a phone call, maybe it was a few scapegoats. In short, for someone who created the Gotham gang empire, he always had his own way.

So Ziliang didn't need to use it at all, and didn't want to worry about these things.

As a result, these two culprits pushed the whole incident. During the battle, they chose a route that could bypass the battlefield and walked out of the Arkham Asylum in peace.

"Well ... I would have to run first if you didn't leave then." Old Joey grumbled a little later.

Zi Liang also breathed a sigh of relief: "You think I am not afraid, but that is the S-level sin fragment. Considering our current body, if we can't do a good job, we will finish it, but there is no way, I have to put him 'S self-hypnosis is completely destroyed, otherwise it may be more troublesome to wait until next time.

Speaking of which, Zi Liang glanced at Harry Quinn, who was still in a coma, and nodded in satisfaction.

"But in any case, the expected goal is finally completed. I don't know what interesting things the hospital can evolve this time ..."

Old Joey grumbled: "Hey, it would be nice if my pig farm could evolve, and I turned back to a craftsman to build one for me."

"Come on, it's not enough to find pig feed everywhere. Are you busy?"

"Who makes you always stop me, this one can't chop, the one that can't chop, like last time ..."

"You still mean, do you know what the last time you want to chop ... Godzilla! Do you know what Godzilla is?" Ziliang exclaimed angrily.

Old Joey hesitated: "Well ... the meat is very good and may be a little hard, but the feed should be very good."

Zi Liang was helplessly paralyzed. He estimated that he wanted to smoke a cigarette to ease it, but suddenly he remembered that the smoke seemed to be gone, so he could only rub his head bitterly, and at night, he gave a helpless sigh.



She opened her eyes slowly.

In the line of sight, a bunch of light is not strong, with a yellowish glow, very gentle and warm. Under the light, a bottle of red medicine hangs on an infusion stand ... it seems a little sticky ... like blood, and the blood flows down the infusion tube, ticking Yes, it is slowly flowing into her body.

"Who am I? Where am I?"

This may be a question that every long-sleeping person will wake up after waking up.

But fortunately, she seemed to gradually recall the answer to the first question.

"I am Harry Quinn!"

In the last ten years of deep sleep, Quinn's brain was in a mess, but this simple thinking brought a burst of dizziness.


She moaned and tried to sit up.

It is also because of the long-term muscle atrophy that makes this simple movement extremely difficult, but ... she finally did it.

Quinn looked around. It looked like a single ward in a hospital. The area was small. There were only two beds. On the side wall was curtains, so I could not see the outside scene. It was still night.

She struggled, pulled out the infusion needle in her hand, and then used all her strength to climb out of the bed. In the chaos, she leaned on the wall and came to the window.

She wanted to see the outside, which could not be more important for someone who had just awakened.

So, Harry Quinn opened the curtains.


Immediately after, she saw the window

A vast expanse of white space, nothing, no world, no ups and downs, only this small building where I am,

Quiet ... floating ...