chapter 43

Harry Quinn looked at this empty scene for a moment, she tilted her head, and seemed to think it was quite interesting, so she smiled.

With the corners of the mouth raised, this intellectual beauty full of scholarly temperament seemed to become mad at once.

She turned the handle of the window door and pulled the window away ...

To be honest, in this situation, unauthorized opening of the window is a particularly foolish behavior. Who knows what the white thing is outside? In case of a vacuum, or hiding some monsters, or something other than cognition, in short, you just open the window like that, and it is too irresponsible

However, Harry Quinn does not seem to have this sense of crisis. Anyway, the window is to be opened, so she not only opened the window, but also stretched her head out with a little curiosity.

There is no wind and no temperature. Although it can be seen, it seems that there is no source of light, just a "nothing" space.

"Yoah ~" Harry yelled softly, relaxing his vocal cords that had been silent for many years.

Her voice spread into the whiteness and was instantly submerged ... without a trace.

Quinn grunted, seemingly not interested, so she turned around and walked to the door of the ward.

Surprisingly, this seemingly weak girl seems to have a stronger body than those strong men. In such a short time, she has restored control of her muscles.

During this period, she hummed a cheerful nursery rhyme, jumping at every step, seemingly like a crazy girl with no heart and no lungs, but when she opened the door, she seemed to lean sideways intentionally or unintentionally , Cleverly use the door to cover his body ...

The door was so open ... After a few seconds, Harry Quinn looked out like a funny show.

Outside the door is a horizontal corridor with a wall on one side and several wards side by side. At the end of the corridor, you can see a staircase leading down.

"Yooh ~" Quinn shouted again with her special, but full of temptation, seeing no response, she "coughed", coughed twice, and came to the corridor, and At this point, she already had an iron rod in her hands that she didn't know where to get ... well, she dismantled the infusion stand at a moment just now.

In this way, this beautiful little girl who didn't know exactly what she was thinking ... er, in fact, she was almost thirty years old ... anyway, she walked away so carelessly stairs.

It is not difficult to see that this is a very simple building, with only two floors, the upper floor is some wards, and the lower floor ... is just some small rooms like an infirmary.

The doors of these rooms were open. Harry Quinn walked all the way, inadvertently glancing at all the rooms with afterglow. It seems that with only one glance, you can see if there are any people in those rooms that can hide people. local.

Soon, she came to the only closed door on the first floor, with the words "Doctor" on the doorplate ... there was a bit of paint.

Harry Quinn straightened his body, sorted out his hair dyed in two colors, and knocked on the door.

Uh, this kind of behavior seems to be very polite ... it would be better if she didn't carry the big iron stick.


After a few seconds, there was no response.

Harry Quinn tilted her head ... She walked all the way, and she was very sure that the only place to stay in this weird little hospital was here, so she gently put her ears down On the door, I want to hear if there is any movement inside.

Immediately ... she opened her mouth in a daze.

Because, she vaguely heard the door ... There was a series of grunts.


Miss Quinn 's movements were stiff, which made her feel very difficult to do. Although she just woke up, she still noticed that the atmosphere of this hospital was very strange, floating in the void, without any anger, if you say, In a small disposal room, a zombie monster suddenly rushed out, then Harry Quinn would never be surprised, and would also smash the other person's head friendly ... if that thing is there Head words.

But ... this snoring sound is too inconsistent.

Miss Quinn stood at the door for a while with a hesitant look. After all, she opened the door opened by the doctor.

As the door was pushed open, such a scene appeared in front of her.

A messy table, an ashtray used as a carton, an old tall stack of cigarette butts, an old computer from the end of the 20th century, the kind of a big head, which has been useless for a long time at a glance. Some pages were thrown all over the floor, with densely written words that I didn't even know, all of which made this small room even more messy ... And behind the table, lying Holding a person.

This man's sloppyness is almost integrated with the surrounding environment. He is wearing a rumpled white coat, a henhouse-like messy hair, and a middle-aged kidney-like appearance. At this moment, he is a thief. Supported on the desk, the whole body was paralyzed and leaned on the back of the sofa. His hands naturally hung down on both sides. One of the hands was under a black notebook that fell to the ground.

And the melodious and gentle snoring was naturally made by this decadent man, and it was almost time for a stretchy nose bubble.

Harry Quinn used to be a medical staff, and had seen countless doctors during work or internship ... but she was the first time she could see this decadent, as if Now throwing this man into the wandering ha circle, he can instantly fit perfectly, even if he is still wearing a white coat ...

Miss Quinn stood at the door, staring blankly at this scene, froze for a few seconds, and then ... she seemed to sigh very helplessly, and then carried the iron stick forward Take a few steps.


A stick was thrown onto the desk that was not far from the garbage dump.

"Ahhh-- fucking-big universe ... hey ??"

Ziliang woke up with a shocking spirit. He was still murmuring some messy dreams, and looked around the face in a forceful manner. Then he realized that he was still lying in the doctor's office.

Immediately afterwards, he dangled a pair of eyes with dark circles and looked at the woman in front of her with an amazing figure and strange makeup.

"Oh ... you ... you wake up."

He wiped the haraz from the corner of his mouth and said.