no title chapter 53

"What is written on the compass?" Old Joey asked.

Zi Liang turned his notebook over and faced the old Joey.

"A barrel-shaped feed trough?" Old Joey frowned, also puzzled.

"No, this is a teacup." Zi Liang corrected slightly, he was very relieved, at least old Joey recognized this as a barrel.

"Oh! But ... aren't sin fragments all living objects?" Old Joey was not embarrassed at all and continued to ask.

Ziliang nodded.

Yes, the "sin fragments" scattered on all planes have one thing in common, that is, they are all thinking individuals. If you let a pistol fall into more people, then it is still a pistol. Knowing the life of thinking can nourish sin.

"So this is not the fragment itself, but a clue the compass gave us, a direction of thinking." Zi Liang Xiang said to himself.

Old Joey nodded, regardless of whether he understood or not, nodded right.

However, why this compass will give such an abstract pattern, has not yet merged with this plane?

No, if that is the case, it should not blindly throw out an ambiguous answer, so it may only be that it feels that it cannot find the Sin Fragment itself!

So ... is the other party hiding too deeply, or is something affecting its perception.

Zi Liang just smoked the cigarette, hesitating looking at the pattern of the teacup ...

After a while ...

"I want to go for a walk!" He said suddenly ... Then he took a deep breath and threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray made of paper shells.

This sentence surprised Old Joey, and even Harry Quinn in the nurse's office opposite was stunned. According to their understanding of Ziliang, he should be lazy to the point that he doesn't even want to shit to go to the toilet.

"You want to ... go out and walk?" Old Joey said blankly, and then quickly recovered, seeming to go out with Ziliang.

And Harry Quinn looked at Ziliang, and his eyes seemed to say again: "Need help?"

However, Zi Liang shook his head: "Don't be nervous, I just walk around."

"But ... wouldn't it be dangerous?" Said Old Joey, who knew how badly Zi Liang had been hit in the last war that intersected with "Great Universe Consciousness". Now, He was so weak that almost a bullet could kill him.

"Relax." Zi Liang said indifferently: "In this plane, the danger should not simply come from the 'body'."

With that said, he confirmed that both "Compass" and "Smoke" were in his pocket and walked out of the hospital door.



This is a teacup, similar to the one that appeared on Ziliang's notebook a few days ago.

It's just that this tea cup is not outlined by lines. It really exists. The cup is a little shallow. It is made of porcelain and is very fragile. The elegant pattern is destined to only serve VIPs.

At this moment, this teacup is placed on a coffee table, on the sofa beside the coffee table ... Will sits.

This is a classic room. The wide room is surrounded by heavy furniture and exquisite bronze figurines. The upper floors are covered with bookshelves. The handrails are pine wood. The sanding is very bright. The midday sun passes through the windows. On the carpet, no dust was seen.

Will felt that even if he gave himself twice as much money, he would not be able to decorate such a tasteful study. This requires the owner of the room to have a deep knowledge of aesthetics and a requirement for details of life. Yu harsh heart.

"Are you dreaming again?" A male voice came, accompanied by soft music, so that his deep voice seemed to show a little tenderness.

Will looked at the sofa opposite him and nodded ... and there, a 40-year-old man, Hannibal, was sitting.

He leaned on the sofa, his legs were naturally put together, his fingers were habitually crossed, and his body was waiting for a black cloth suit, revealing an intoxicating elegant charm ... and a sense of suffocation!

"Just a few days ago, the couple of scammers who had been hidden for three years was found. In fact, it was not hidden at all, because they lived in the city all the time, just under our eyes." Will said .

"This is normal. When the human brain processes information, it will always choose those things that are far away from you, or relatively complicated, whether it is sight, memory, or self-identification. This is what everyone will You do n't have to blame yourself for the mistakes you made. "Hannibal whispered. During this time, he kept looking at Will. Obviously, he knew that Will still has the following.

Sure enough, Will buried his face between his hands: "But, when they were found, they were dead ... I know where their bodies went, but I can't believe it--" At this point, Will seemed a little angry: "They were minced and fed to pigs!"

Hannibal was also inexplicably silent for a while ... "What are you angry?" He asked: "Because he hasn't found the murderer yet? Or because of the murderer's cruelty ... or ... .... Are you angry that the body was eaten? "

Will didn't speak, his hands rubbing against his face tightly, as if to crush his expression.

"I'm your psychologist. So, say it ... if there is only one person you can talk to in this world ... then only me!" Hannibal is still faint Saying ... His tone was light, like an illusion.



One hand rested on Will's shoulder!

Will's body trembled violently, he looked up and saw Inspector Jack coming from around!

"I went to your house and found that you were not at home, and I knew you must be here again!" Jack said emphatically ... and then sat on the sofa opposite Will!

Will was stunned, because just a second ago, Hannibal was sitting on this sofa ...

Only then did he suddenly recover, there is no Hannibal here, the chair is actually empty, and the place where he is is not a simple and elegant study ... here It's just a ruin after a fire, smoke and dust are scattered in the air, on the broken wall, as if Han can see the unburned sparks ...

Yeah ... Hannibal was arrested six months ago. He is a murderer and an inhuman ogre.

Now that he has been convicted, he will be executed next month.

And the one who caught him ... is himself!