new psychiatrist 54

"You can't always be immersed in the memories." Jack said: "Your former psychologist turned out to be a terrible criminal. I know this is difficult for you to accept, but ... the fact is the truth, you Cheer up, I need you. "

Yeah, Jack needs himself ... Because with his own help, Jack can catch the most cunning criminal in the shortest time ... He is used to using himself as a weapon.

Will certainly knows this, but he does not exclude it.

Will is a lonely person. Generally, a genius with special abilities like him always has a little social barrier, so Will has few friends. He lives alone and has a few stray dogs as his companions. He has no hobbies. There is no ideal. The only thing he can do is to give lectures at the university. His lectures are very good, but as long as after class, no student is willing to stay in his classroom for more than a while ...

lonely. This word has followed Will's first half of his life.

So when Jack discovered his ability to "substitute" beyond ordinary people, Will even thanked him a little. After all, such a self can be needed and can contribute to this society. Will enjoys this feeling.

However, it also comes at a price.

That is, he is often caught in the psychology of the murderer of the case and cannot extricate himself.

His ability to "substitute" seems to be a kind of reasoning, but it does have an essential difference. Because reasoning focuses on "observation" and "reverse inference", and Will's "sense of substitution" is a kind of ... blind thinking.

He does not need much reasoning, nor much evidence. His idea is not "the person who does this is the murderer!" But "if I am the murderer, what will I do?"

For example, if you are a genius in "inference deduction", give you a picture, and then tell you, this girl is dead, what will you see?

"This girl is only 16 years old, but she has started to perm and smoky makeup. Her social circle is estimated to be a group of little girls. The side of the lipstick is a little light. She has been smoking on this side. The clothes are expensive and the taste is average. Her parents gave her a lot of money, but she did n't have time to discipline her. She might even live alone for a long time. This kind of girl would make several boyfriends out of ten. The slender figure and the curve of the back are beautiful. Most of them are late entry ... cough, anyway, 'inference' is almost like this feeling. Right! "

And if Will sees this picture ... what conclusion will he draw?

You do n't believe it.

He would directly say: "The murderer likes her skin, especially the neck, which is very delicate, but not just like it, but jealous!"

You do n't care how he knows this. Anyway, he knew this when he saw the beautiful white flower skin in the photo and the extremely deep knife edge on his neck, and he would tell the police, Go directly to the deceased's circle of friends to find a person who wears a scarf all year round, or who has suffered from skin diseases, and no longer has a history of burns. It is estimated that it is still a girl ... don't worry if there is any evidence, grab it first Anyway, even underage you can try her for 6 hours, and you will be guaranteed something!

This is where Will is different from ordinary people. This ability is not something that can be possessed by training.

And this ability often makes him enter into the illusion, unable to extricate himself.

Jack is also aware of this, so he is very worried that one day his own weapon, Will, will suffer from some kind of mental illness due to long-term lingering between fantasy and reality, so he is intimate for Will found a psychological counselor-Hannibal!

Well, this behavior is indeed out of kindness, after all, Hannibal was the most famous psychologist at the time. And he is also a gentle and handsome gentleman.

If you have n't seen him, you can never understand the security and personality charm he brings to people.

He is extremely self-cultivated, pays attention to etiquette, and hates rudeness. He delves into multiple languages ​​and has excellent memory. Can distinguish the slightest surprise in the perfume room. He also has a lot of research on wine and loves Yiganbao. He will deliver a bottle on his friend's birthday, and the year of storage coincides with his birthday. Preference for musical instruments and music, collection of Flanders plucked piano in the late 18th century, good at playing Mozart's Sonata in B flat major, and also like painting.

In short, he looks like a perfect person ... Of course, no one will be perfect, so in addition to these advantages, he has some small disadvantages.

Just like ... he eats people.

Cannibalism here is not the kind of brutal drinking of blood. He will take away some of the most satisfactory organs, such as the heart, such as liver and kidney, and then carefully seal it up. When you enjoy it, you will be careful. Cooking.

Not only does he eat it himself, he also likes to make it into a variety of delicious food, and serves it on the table to feast his friends.

At that time, because of Will's relationship, he also had a lot of friends in the Crime Investigation Bureau, and even often participated in the crime scene investigation. Therefore, almost all the people who investigated the "ogre case" at that time had all been to Han. Nibah's home is a guest.

At the thought of this, Jack twisted around uncomfortably.


"Recently, there have been more cases of headaches. A few days ago, there seemed to be a new" eating case ", followed by a criminal who chopped the body and fed it to the pig. I am very worried about you! Inspector Jack looked at Will and said: "So, I found a psychological counselor for you again!"

Will shook his head: "I don't need a psychologist."

"No, you need" Jack's attitude seemed firm.

Will was silent. He knew what Jack was worried about. He was worried that he would lose control again. Six months ago, Hannibal seemed to be subconsciously affecting his thinking during his time as his psychologist. The side effects of extending his "substitute" ability have been maximized, and even once, he could not tell whether he was "Will" or a criminal who had been "substituted".

Losing oneself that time almost made a big mistake.

Although Hannibal has now been brought to justice and Will has never visited him, who knows Will will lose himself again during a "crime scene profile".

Therefore, beside him, there must be a psychologist staring at this time bomb.

"Relax! The person I 'm looking for this time is a newcomer. He has just arrived in this city and he is not familiar with everything here, so he just acts as an alarm clock by your side and occasionally makes comments to you. It is impossible to affect your thinking ... The most important thing is that you can never find any shadow of Hannibal in him. I think after a while, he may make you forget Han Nibbles, that 's why I chose him. "

Jack said with a smile!