58 Will's past

Zi Liang snorted ...

"Your compass is broken!" He said.

"The compass will not be broken ..." The artisan's voice came again, and it sounded like there was still no ups and downs.

"But it got stuck, constantly repeating here to show what it was, and then deleting it myself!"

"That's not its problem." The craftsman said.

Zi Liang rubbed his face as if talking to a craftsman, it was a thieves thing.

"Anyway, it doesn't work now."

"The compass will not fail." The craftsman said again.

Zi Liang was silent for a while, as if he had been constipated for a week, he took all the remaining half of the cigarette in one breath and threw it hard on the ground.

"You keep saying that it is not bad, but it is stuck in such a place where you can't stand up, what do you ask me to do!"

"That's your problem." The artisan said still lukewarm.

Zi Liang slumped his head weakly, just wanting to say something.

"First of all, I have to correct your mistake. That 's your compass, not mine. I 'm just the maker of it. Second, it wo n't get stuck. Even if it looks like it 's stuck, it 's definitely not stuck. , In the end, I said that it will not be broken, it will certainly not be broken, if you do n't believe me, then you should n't have asked me to make it, and ... "the craftsman said word by word , It is like pointing out the mistakes made by Ziliang attentively. The tone is very sincere. Although the voice sounds very young, it reveals an old-fashioned taste.

"Okay, okay." Zi Liang quickly interrupted his words: "You tell me, now I have any way to solve this problem."

"The compass has no problems and does not need to be resolved."

"Thanks, bye."

"No guest ..."

Before the craftsman finished speaking, Ziliang shut down the old computer directly, and then took out a cigarette and took a deep breath before exhaling.

"How about, now you know why I don't want to talk to this guy."

"Uh ..." Harry Quinn didn't know what to say for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and only shrugged helplessly: "The temper is a little strange, but, think about the benefits, At least we know that the compass is not broken. "

Ziliang nodded.

Yeah, although the craftsman is like a piece of wood, if he says that there is nothing wrong, then the compass must be free.

It's just that Ziliang hasn't figured out why the compass will become like this ... will it be because of the "sin fragments" of this plane?

Ziliang doesn't know the answer, because every piece of sin fragments has its own special place, maybe the fragment of this plane is an existence that can affect the compass ...

In desperation, Zihaoxiang could not spend more time on such clueless things, so he yawned lazily and leaned on the sofa. Rather than wasting time, it is better to sleep first.



When he woke up again, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

And the person who awakened him ... Will.

"I'm sorry to wake you up, but I think there are some things I have to tell you."

Zi Liang booed her eyes, "Ahhhh (yawn) ~~~ It's better that I like to listen."

"It's about me and Hannibal."

"Oh?" Zihao seemed to be interested suddenly: "Tell me."

"Hannibal is a psychologist just like you. Just half a year ago, I was his patient, and my relationship with him is just like you and me now, but different from you ... .... he is an ogre. "

"Well ... after?" Zi Liang was sober from his sleep. He habitually flipped open the notes, but found that the handwriting still didn't show up.

Will continued: "After discovering his identity, of course we are going to arrest him, but something happened in the process of catching the shop." Speaking of which, Will paused: "I killed someone!"

Zi Liang froze for a moment: "Who killed?"

"A colleague from the investigative team." Will did not shy away, and said the truth directly.

It turned out that due to Will's long-term contact with Hannibal, he was affected by Hannibal. This effect is similar to a kind of brainwashing. So when Will and Jack and others went to grab Hannibal, Will suddenly It 's impossible to tell who he really is. At that time, he thought he was a murderer who had written a profile, and all the policemen came to catch himself. It lasted a short time, but ... Will still killed a police officer.

Of course, all of this was Hannibal 's fault, so Will was not responsible for this person 's death, but in his heart, he was still deeply blaming himself, and Hannibal became a member of the investigation team. One of the taboos that nobody wants to mention.

"So ... Jack has been worrying about what you mean by" losing yourself ", that is, you are afraid to become a murderer again? Oh, this is not the same as what he told me in advance, he only said that you are a bit ' 'Self-cognitive disorder', but you are not a lunatic who kills people from time to time. "

"But this is all because of Hannibal's inducement, and since he was put in prison, I have never been ill again."

Zi Liang smiled: "Of course, mental illness will never admit that he is mentally ill."

"Okay." Will is a little lost: "Although Jack won't let me tell you this, but I think you have the right to know. If you can't accept that your patient has such an experience, then you can end the job at any time. . "

"End?" Zi Liang asked back: "Don't make trouble, how can it end, there is such an interesting ... Uh, I mean there is such a relaxing job, just standing beside you to remind you not to go crazy, This job is just for me. "

Zi Liang said, and then seemed to be very satisfied, leaning back: "Okay, let me know what you mean. Da Lao Yuan came to me, it is impossible to just tell me these old things. ..... "

Will nodded: "Indeed, I came to ask you to accompany me to meet someone, but you can't tell Jack about this."

"Who to see." Of course, Zi Liang already knew the answer. He wanted to laugh, but he tried to hold back.

"Hannibal ..." Will said