59 belly black planes

"This ..." Zi Liang whispered pretendingly: "Why should I see him?"

Will habitually pushed his face into his hands, rubbing his eyebrows hard.

"These recent homicides are so much like his style. I can even smell him from those bodies, so I want to confirm whether he is honestly staying in his own. In the cell ... Although I know this idea is ridiculous, but ... I always think he seems to have come out of the cell. "Will said.

"Of course, not just looking at him as simple as that, I also want to ask him something, because even if these cases were not done by him, then he should be able to help me find the murderer."

Zi Liang froze for a moment: "You mean, you want to hire a murderer caught by you to help you find the murderer?"

Will nodded: "Yes, maybe you can't believe it, but I know Hannibal. If I go to him, he will help me."

"Uh, it seems that you have a good relationship with him." Zi Liang raised his eyebrows and said, "But, you can just go by yourself, why bother to come to me, I might call now and call Tell Jack, after all, he is the one who hired me. "

Will was silent for a while ...

"Because I ca n't see Hannibal, he has had too much influence on me, and I 'm afraid that in conversations with him, he will do something about my heart again, causing me to get out of control again, so I need someone to help me To convey my doubts and bring back the answers I want, this person cannot be Jack 's and must be smart enough. "

Zi Liang smiled: "Then you may have found the wrong person ... I'm just a very ordinary doctor."

"No, I know you are a smart man." Will interrupted Ziliang's words: "This morning, your two seemingly sparse and ordinary nonsense gave me and Jack a new idea, I don't know you Why not just say it, maybe you do n't want to make yourself too noticeable, maybe you do n't want to be involved in the homicide, after all, you are just a doctor, not a policeman, but you still helped me. Since In this way, you can help me again. "

"Hahaha--" Zi Liang finished Will's words and didn't hold back. He smiled generously: "Okay, okay, it looks like you are a cunning guy like Jack .. .... "

Will frowned: "Why do you say that?"

Ziliang lit a cigarette: "Is this still an explanation? If you want to ask me for help, you told me long ago when you left the murder scene, but you have only come to me now. If I If you guessed right, you must have gone to the police station during this time, checked the information about me, and found that I am really an outsider who has no intersection with this city. This came to me. of."

These words were spoken by Ziliang, and of course there are many others he did not say.

For example, he can almost be sure that Will is not what it looks like. It is just a simple old otaku with social phobia. As I said before, people like him are very smart, and a smart otaku Most of them will be stained with black dots.

Therefore, in the period just now, he must have checked his case, and checked whether he was a qualified psychologist, so Will certainly did not find the business license of his clinic. In this way, if he rejected Will just now and wanted to call Jack directly, then he would definitely use the "unlicensed business" to threaten himself ... which is why he dare to greatly Fang Fang told himself why he wanted to see Hannibal.

Will still doesn't look directly at Ziliang's eyes. He just bowed his hands and fiddled with his hands and smiled shyly: "I knew that people who can be psychiatrists are not too stupid, so from your words Look, when Jack hired you, he already told you that your job is not only to ensure my mental state, but also to monitor me, right. "

This is indeed the case. It can be seen that Jack does not care about Will as much as he seems, and he even hates him a little bit. However, Jack is not willing to leave Will's "profile" ability. To put it bluntly, Jack seems to be just Will always treat Will as a tool, or a tool that I don't like and can't throw away.

"His legs ..." Will continued: "Perhaps you think that Jack didn't like me because he was so worried about my killing of his subordinates, but it wasn't, he was Because I shot and broke his leg back then ... Although it is no longer affecting his actions now, he has to use painkillers all winter to get through. "

"Oh, that's the case ..." Zi Liang shrugged indifferently.

This plane is not as simple as it seems. I have just been exposed to several clues to the fragments of sin. There are no ups and downs on the surface, but the dark-bellied characters are hidden in the background, like Jack. The ghost knows that he is in While using Will, will he do anything strange to him.

Will is even worse. Ziliang is very skeptical now. The reason why he knows that Jack remembers to hate himself, but he still runs with the investigation team all day, is it because he feels that he can make some contribution to society, or Say ... he was just obsessed with the stimulating pleasure of "substituting" himself into the murderer's heart.

But anyway, Ziliang was lazy to take care of these, so he stretched his waist ...

"I didn't care about these things between you, and you said, you won't meet Hannibal. I will help you with all the conversations. The question is coming. Why should I listen to you? Although I have n't seen Hannibal, but I think he is a very dangerous person, I am very timid. "

Will smiled. He looked up and looked at Ziliang for the first time: "Oh, you don't need to hide anything. I know you want to see Hannibal. Although I don't know the reason, I can feel ... ... I have this ability. "

As soon as the words fell, the notebook in Ziliang's pocket shook obviously.

Zi Liang froze for a moment. While looking at Will, he pulled out the compass and turned it around.

I saw that the repetitive handwriting finally showed some.

But what surprised Ziliang was that instead of showing one person's name this time, it was two.

[Hannibal Lecter]

[Will Graham]
