60 first meeting

"Two names?" Zi Liang's brow furrowed. "Is it the twins of sin?"

He thought about it, but immediately denied his own ideas.

Because if the compass detects a fragment of sin, it should be clearly marked.

For example, in Gotham City, the compass detected Harry Quinn. At that time, it directly showed [C-level Sin Fragment: Love the Crazy Dancer]

It doesn't look like this, it simply shows two names.

Moreover, there are still some fonts under these two names, and the state of "writing and deleting immediately" is constantly repeated.

Ziliang reluctantly closed the compass.

"Let's go." He said no more nonsense, and said directly, then Will and Ziliang walked out of the hospital.



Baltimore Mental Crime Reception Center.

I do n't know who gave the name. It sounds like a second grade. In fact, to put it simply, this is a prison.

Slightly different from ordinary prisons, most of the detainees here are criminals with mental illness.

How about this type of prison sounding familiar?

Yes, in a sense, this is similar to "Arkham Asylum", the only difference is that there is still something like "humanitarian".

Since most of the prisoners here really have a history of mental illness, there are more doctors than guards, and the prisoners are more like staying in a hospital, taking medicine every day, resting on time, or even There are a lot of free time, look at the newspaper, raise flowers and the like.

Of course, all of the above are just some "safe" prisoners. Most of them are injected with sedatives every day and they can become very honest. Of course, those who are "dangerous" can only be kept in their own single cell without even having time to let them go.

And among the many "dangerous" patients, the most dangerous one is our Mr. Hannibal Lecter. What exactly is the danger of him ...

So to speak, in this plane, the current national law stipulates that criminals with a history of related mental illness have a large degree of criminal immunity ... also commonly known as-mental illness hits people without breaking the law !

However, Hannibal was still sentenced to death by the court after having been found to have a mental illness.

In addition, on the label of his illness, he also marked the name "psychotic" specifically, rather than our common "mental patient".


Since the criminal detention area and office area were separated, Zi Liang and Weir were not obstructed, and they quickly opened the door of an office.

Frederick Chilton ... this is the man sitting in this office, and at the same time, he is also the warden of this prison ... and a little bit different from the highest positions in other prisons The same is that he is a doctor. After all, if you want to manage the criminals in this prison, just beating them is not enough. You have to rely more on drugs.

Seeing Will walk into his office, Mr. Chilton seemed a little surprised at first, then immediately put on a very embarrassed look.

"Mr. Will ... I told you last time, I can't let you meet Hannibal."

Will nodded, and it seemed that he didn't want too many condoms, so he made a step forward and gestured to Ziliang standing next to him.

"I won't meet Hannibal. This person is my counselor. He will talk to Hannibal instead of me ... There have been several cannibalism cases in succession during this time, and the murderer has not If I want to stop, I have to find a 'professional' to help me, otherwise more people will have to sacrifice. "

Well, Will would not show the cowardice that a socially impaired patient should have. Instead, he said it very deadly at the beginning, and also directly caught the big hat of "There will be more sacrifices" directly. On the head of Dalton.

Mr. Chilton hesitated, as if he wanted to struggle again, but he was quickly defeated by Will's offensive. After all, the person who met Hannibal was not him.

"Okay!" Chilton finally nodded, and then looked up and down. "Although I agreed that you can go in, you must strictly abide by the rules and regulations."

Ziliang would be very polite. Although he still had a mess of hair and crumpled clothes, he tried to make himself as serious as possible.

"Of course, I am the person who observes the rules the most." Zi Liang said politely.

"Well, I guess Mr. Will has finished explaining the questions you want to ask on the road, then come with me." Chilton said, then turned around and motioned Ziliang to follow him.


The Baltimore mental crime reception center is not very large. After all, it is not Gotham, and there are not so many lunatics to be shut down.

After a few not-so-wide corridors, Chilton and Ziliang came to the prison area here.

"Do you know Hannibal?" Chilton asked as he walked.

"I don't understand, I only heard his name this morning." Zi Liang said, at this moment he had opened the black note, of course, except for two more names, there was still no change.

"You are so lucky, I sometimes think that it would be nice if I never knew there was a person like him in the world. Now as soon as I think of him being locked in the place where I work, I ca n't even sleep ... "Chilton said:" Unfortunately, I must tell you about him now, after all, you will face him in a while ... First of all, you have to remember, He is a pure psychopath who hates society. No matter how gentle or gentle he behaves, don't be fooled. It's all his coat.

He is very dangerous, so to speak, as long as he is out of the ward, we have to give him a full set of handcuffs, shackles and shackles, and even cover his mouth.

Do you know why you need to cover your mouth ... Because when he was just sent here more than half a year ago, we did n't realize his horror, so during a routine physical examination, We lost the face of a care worker.

Yes, it 's the face. At that time, Hannibal was tied up. We thought he was safe, and then this guy found a chance to bite the face of the nurse, and then one third of the whole face Was ripped off ...

Do you know why?

Because Hannibal felt that his food was not so appetizing ...

The most important thing is ... throughout the whole process of biting the caregiver's face, his pulse has not exceeded eighty-five beats per minute. "

During the talk, the two went through another door and came to the "Critical Detention Area". Here, natural light has become very scarce, so the lights are on here during the day. There are thick iron grilles on both sides of the corridor