Academy Shinobi


Now Yoruichi is 6 years old. On previous days, not much could be said, other than that her younger brother Asuma had been born and she had made progress. From the results of her hard work over the past year, Yoruichi finally succeeded in mastering all rokushiki except Geppou. Besides that Yoruichi also felt that she had started entering kenbushoku haki mode, her estimate was only 5%.

Yoruichi will also soon enter the ninja academy. She felt there would not be much that the academy could teach her. Yoruichi had read all the books left in the hiruzen work room, that was even more than what would be taught at the academy. And in the area of ​​basic ninja skills to be taught at the academy, she has long mastered it. Yoruichi's strength is now on par with Chunin's level.

But she decided to keep entering the academy. The goal of entering yoruichi academy is not to study but to 'have fun'.

In another corner with views of children who are yoruichi's age, they are doing their respective activities, but suddenly they feel a feeling of chills all over their bodies.

The morning sun began to rise, on a sunny morning that focused on a comfortable home, the sound of a mother screaming called for her daughter.

"Yoruichi, quickly drag your ass here or you'll be late on your first day of school." Biwako went berserk.

"Yes big boss, soon." Shouted yoruichi.

Yoruichi combed her hair and tied her back. She is currently wearing a yellow shirt with long sleeves, long black pants up to the feet. Making sure she was neat, she hurried to the kitchen for breakfast. Yoruichi saw her mother carrying a baby asuma.

With her initiative yoruichi poured rice into her own bowl and ate quietly. After finishing breakfast, Yoruichi washed the bowl. Biwako is happy to see that Yoruichi is very independent. After yoruichi finished washing the dishes, Biwako immediately dragged Yoruichi to the academy while holding an Asuma baby.

It doesn't take long for yoruichi to see the academy building. It was indeed in accordance with what she saw in the anime. Yoruichi immediately joined the crowd of other children, Biwako waited for his daughter along with a group of other parents.

Immediately a familiar silhouette appeared in front of the crowd, Sandaime Hokage.

The old man began his speech about the willpower of fire or whatever. Yoruichi waited bored. Hearing the old man rinse his mouth made Yoruichi want to tease him.

He stuck her tongue out towards Hokage, she also pulled her nose up like a pig. Apparently this managed to disturb the Hokage because Yoruichi could see his eyebrows twitching slightly.

The crowd did not see it, only a few parents saw it. They can only smile seeing the interaction between Hokage and her girls.

The long speech ended with a round of applause and immediately the teacher at the academy guided the children to their respective classes. I waved my hand toward the shirt and he replied.

Generally students who want to enter will be tested first to determine whether they can become shinobi or not. In addition, the test also serves as a determinant of which class you will enter.

But the heirs of the big clans don't need to take the entrance exams, they can immediately enter the academy and be in class A.

Yoruichi saw many faces she knew. The twins hyuga, shikaku, choza, inoichi, tsume, shibi, and of course the candidates for the Hokage Namikaze Minato. Her blonde hair made me recognize right away.

Arriving in class we immediately chose their respective seats, I chose a chair beside the hyuga twins because one table has three chairs.

"Yo, long time no see Hiashi, Hisazhi."

"Nice to meet you again, yoruichi hime." Hiashi replies politely while kan hisazhi only nods his head.

Yoruichi immediately saw a bandage wrapped around the forehead of one of these twins and guessed it must be a bird cage seal. Yoruichi just sighed at him.

Yoruichi understood why Hisazhi was in a bad feeling right now.

The teacher in the class cleared his throat to attract our attention.

"My name is Kyogoku Makabe, you can call me Makabe Sensei. From now on I will be your Sensei. Now I want you to introduce yourself in sequence.

My name is Nara Shikaku ...

My name is Akimichi Choza ...

My name is ...

I just ignore the introduction of people I already know, it does not mean I do not know what they like and hate. But it's someone's turn that interests me.

"My name is Namikaze Minato, I like studying and practicing to become a ninja, my dislike is that it can't help people, my dream is to become Hokage."

Yoruichi just smiled at that, father and son had the same dream. But Minato is not as hard as Naruto when announcing it.

The rest is nothing more interesting, then it's time for yoruichi's turn.

"My name is Sarutobi Yoruichi, my favorite is to 'play' and make jokes, my dislike at the moment I don't know, and for my dreams is ..."

There was a long pause when Yoruichi wanted to say her dream. Makabe sensei decided to ask yoruichi.

"Yoruichi, what's your dream? Don't be ashamed because everyone has their own dreams."

Some people nod at hearing their sense and others are just curious and don't care.

"I don't know." Said yoruichi innocently.

Simultaneously heard the sound of people falling. Almost everyone fell from his chair. Makabe sensei rose up with a red face, he immediately calmed down.

Alright everyone, for students who do not carry books can take books in this box.

Some children come forward to pick up books. As soon as all the children have books on their tables, Makabe Sensei starts his first lesson in shinobi history.

Yoruichi just sighed and looked at the window to reduce boredom.

The bell is ringing, everyone is packing up and getting ready to go home.

Arriving at home, yoruichi immediately took a bath then hurried to the kitchen for dinner. Washing the dishes and not forgetting before going to bed say good night to Biwako and pinch Asuma's cheek.