End of War

Currently Yoruichi is near the waterfall is in the training period. Yoruichi decided to use Kagebunshin to attend the academy. Of course this is known by Hiruzen and Biwako, of course ANBU will definitely report it to them. There was no response from hiruzen, while initially biwako was not happy to find out but with 'persuasion' yoruichi biwako could only leave it at that.

While in Akadami, no one can match her in a match at Taijutsu. In the practice of throwing shuriken, even the children of the Uchiha clan could only gape at it. In lessons, yoruichi scores perfect. To be honest the teachers at the academy were convinced that Yoruichi was ready to graduate early, Makabe Sensei asked Yoruichi about this and Yoruichi refused.

Yoruichi told her sensei that many things she could still continue to learn.

Makabe sensei was happy to hear that. Seeing his student genius but not arrogant.

Surely Yoruichi didn't want to graduate first because she wanted to enjoy her peaceful time and deepen her training.

If yoruichi chooses to graduate early, she bet she will be sent to war. At present the Shinobi World War II is still ongoing and has reached its tipping point.


Yoruichi is inside her house, she plays with Asuma. Today is holiday so yoruichi doesn't go to the academy, she also decided to postpone her training for one day. The Bunshin certainly wasn't counted, and currently Bunshin Yoruichi was at the training ground to train as usual.

Today many people are preparing to welcome the return of shinobi who went to war.

In the last 3 years many major events have occurred such as 3 Sandaime students who were nicknamed Sannin by Hanzo the Salamander, the attack that happened to Uzushiogakure, and the victory of the war on the Konoha side.

On the other hand, Yoruichi is also progressing. She has mastered rokushiki and shunpo. Yoruichi believes her shunpo is far more advanced than bleach shunpo. Even though she doesn't have reiatsu but that doesn't matter, because she can replace it with chakra.

With cheers, yoruichi can rival the jonin-level ninja, plus the improved shunpo she is confident to compete with minato who uses hiraishin in terms of speed.

Her speed can rival hiraishin at close range, but in the distance of course she will lose. Also when in yoruichi is not really sure that she can defeat Minato using Hiraishin. Because even though her body can overcome the speed of hiraishin, but her senses cannot keep up with the speed of hiraishin. She could not defeat him, not before she mastered kenbushoku haki.

Yoruichi has also mastered busoshoku haki. Her progress in the senjutsu field is also getting better. Her chakra control is perfect and she has chakra reserves that are equivalent to kage.

Besides training, Yoruichi also did not forget to take the time to just play with Asuma. Her little brother is playing with her.

Her mother is also pregnant again, I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. Because it is not explained about konohamaru parents in the manga or in the anime.

Feeling quite satisfied playing with Asuma, Yoruichi immediately went to the village gate to join the shinobi returning home.

Apparently when yoruichi arrived at the gate, a group of shinobi who came from the battlefield had arrived. Many people applauded and shouted with enthusiasm to welcome them, but there were some who wept sadly seeing their relatives who died in the war.

Yoruichi grasped her hand tightly at this. Stronger, she must become stronger.

Before returning home, Yoruichi took the time to visit the orphanage.

The last 3 years she also took the time to visit the orphanage. Matron and the orphanage children welcomed Yoruichi very well. Yoruichi also likes to play and make jokes with them. Matron the orphanage is happy to see it.

Yoruichi also often helps old women like helping carry their groceries, accompanying them to talk or taste the food they make for her.

At the orphanage Matron welcomed Yoruichi warmly. Soon the children dragged Yoruichi to play with them.