Time Skip no Jutsu 3 Years

Before that I want to apologize for using this Kinjutsu often. To be honest I was confused and lazy to write yoruichi's childhood, all I could do was write her training, and some important events happened, the rest I was too difficult (too lazy) to write it. I am very impatient to share my story with readers about teenage yoruichi. Her participation in the shinobi lll war and others.

Time never stops running, this time yoruichi is 12 years old.

In the past 3 years, many things have happened.

White fang konoha suicide incident. Hatake Sakumo chose to save his friend over the mission. He was labeled as a person who failed the mission, some residents shouted in front of his house, and even the friends he saved blamed him. That is why he decided to kill himself.

Yoruichi also got a new classmate from uzushiogakure. Her name is Uzumaki Kushina. Things happen exactly in the anime, she is often bothered because of the shape of her head that looks like a tomato. The difference is that yoruichi helps Kushina from the intruders by directly hitting their heads. Kushina and Yoruichi became close friends.

Asuma had entered the academy, Biwako finally gave birth and it turned out it was a baby girl and was given the name Akemi.

Yoruichi also finally succeeded in mastering kenbushoku haki. The results of her physical training are also at a satisfactory stage. She can now go about daily activities with 350x gravity at a leisurely pace.

Today is a graduation exam, yoruichi rushes to the kitchen for breakfast. On the table there was a biwako who carried Akemi and Asuma who had eaten. Asuma smiled at Yoruichi.

"What's wrong with you Asuma, are you sick? And also your smile is very ugly."

Asuma's smile froze.

"Just kidding. You idiot hahaha."

Biwako tapped yoruichi's head with a pan. "Your mouth yoruichi."

Asuma chuckled at that, Yoruichi immediately took her chopsticks and ate her breakfast.

On the way to the academy, Asuma asked Yoruichi. "Are you nervous, yoruichi nee?"

"Hmm? Why should I be nervous?" Yoruichi tilted her head while staring at Asuma.

"Aren't you going to take the graduation exam? What if you don't graduate and end up staying class. And I'll be ashamed of my friends later."


Yoruichi hit Asuma's head, "You stinky kid, what do you think your nee chan is? Besides what is the last sentence? Do you care more about yourself about the problem I'm facing?"

"Ugh. I'm just kidding, there's no need to hit me that hard." Asuma rubbed his swollen head.

Yoruichi immediately entered her class and sat near the crowd of friends.

Waiting for the yoruichi exam to start getting bored. She saw the chouza eating chips decided to join him.

Only yoruichi can do that, the rest of the people who do that will receive the wrath of the chouza.

That's because yoruichi often gives chouza some of her provisions. She did it not just because she was very kind to her, but because she did not like sushi. Yoruichi can't eat raw fish.

When Chouza's chips had run out, Makabe Sensei only entered the classroom.

"Everyone sit in their respective places, we will begin the written examination now."

Makabe sensei immediately distributed the test papers to all students.

Yoruichi casually worked on all the questions on the exam sheet. It didn't take long for Yoruichi to finish it.

A few minutes later Minato also finished his exam, followed by Shikaku, the Hyuga twin pair, and so on until all the students finally finished taking the test.

Makabe sensei immediately collected the examination papers. Then we wait for further instructions.

"Now is the time for the practical exam, when your name is mentioned immediately enter the examination room." Makabe sensei explained.

"Sarutobi yoruichi!" Chunin sensei replied from behind the door of the examination room.

Yoruichi walked into the examination room.

There are 3 academy sensei in front of him.

"Alright yoruichi, you just need to show us the clone, kawarimi, sunshin and technique of your own choice to pass the test." said one of the sensei in front of him.

Yoruichi easily shows 3 sensei clones, sunshin and kawarimi, while for his chosen jutsu he chose kagebunshin.

3 sensei nodded. There is no reason for them to hold students who can perform 3 basic jutsu and can even do B rank jutsu.

"Congratulations yoruichi, you passed the test. Now you have become a Konoha shinobi. Please choose your hitai-ate."

Yoruichi saw a pile of hitai-ate in the box. There are various forms of it, yoruichi has chosen and taken Hitai-ate who has a small measure. She tied it to her right arm.

Yoruichi friends congratulate her.

Yoruichi returned home and was welcomed with a hug of biwako.

"Congratulations yoruichi, now you have become a shinobi."

Yoruichi laughed happily, he was looking forward to tomorrow's team division.

"Team seven will consist of sarutobi yoruichi, uzumaki kushina and namikaze minato. Enough of that, your sensei jonin will come pick you up soon."

"Ah, we are teammates dattebane." Kushina shouted with joy.

Yoruichi thinks. "If I am a teammate with this married couple, then my sensei is ..."

Before yoruichi finished her thought, a long, white-haired man with a red fangs under his eyes had entered the room. This man is clearly the jiraiya of the sannin.

"Team 7 is coming with me." Jiraiya stood up with his trademark pose.

The three of us followed Jiraiya to the academy's roof.

"Alright, we will introduce ourselves to each other. My name is jiraiya the sannin, my hobby is writing books and visiting hot springs, the thing I don't like is war, my dream is to create a peaceful world. Next is you blond." Jiraiya pointed towards Minato

"My name is namikaze minato, the thing I like is learning and practicing, the thing I don't like is not being able to help people, my dream is to become a Hokage."

Next is Kushina's turn.

"My name is uzumaki kushina, the thing I like is eating ramen and practicing fuinjutsu, the thing I hate is someone who calls me a tomato, my dream is to become a fuinjutsu expert."

Now it's my turn. "My name is Sarutobi Yoruichi, I like to play and make a jokes." I saw the corner of Jiraiya's mouth twitching slightly. "The thing I don't like is that the bra is too tight ..." Jiraiya coughed hearing this. "Whereas my dream is ....."

Minato only covered his face, while Jiraiya and Kushina were curious and waited for me to say it.

"Hurry up and say your dreams dattebane." Kushina shouted impatiently.

"I do not know." As usual yoruichi said it in her innocent tone.

Jiraiya and Kushina fell in the anime, Minato just laughed at there.

"Well, tomorrow Team 7 will carry out the mission. We will gather at 7am in front of the Hokage Tower. Now it's disbanded."

We went to our homes.