Arnold focuses his attention at the New Horizon to continue catching up with his friends at the Animal Crossing Planet. With a painful past in his mind Arnold will do anything to heal his scars with the Animal Crossing World.
This is Destiny at the New Horizons
I’m here again, hoping that we can have a chance to work together and we are willing to pay you for distributing your work.The conditions should be generous. If you are interested, please contact me via this email:adaren06*@* *), then I should take this opportunity to discuss it with you in details.
I love your novel! It is a great story! I’m a representative editor from If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact adaren06*@* *).
I’m here again, hoping that we can have a chance to work together and we are willing to pay you for distributing your work.The conditions should be generous. If you are interested, please contact me via this email:adaren06*@* *), then I should take this opportunity to discuss it with you in details.