In one of his dreams, mentioned back at the previous story 'Splatful Start.' Arnold had a dream of himself talking face to face with K.K Slider, the music artist and CJ the fish enthusiast and organizer of the fishing tourneys, on January 2nd 2082 he also had a similar dream on January 5th 2082 talking face to face with Flick, the bug enthusiast. Anyway K.K, CJ and Flick said to Arnold that they wanted him back to Splat-topia, his home island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. But Arnold has some good and bad memories the last time he stayed at Splat-topia and in 2060 he left his beautiful island behind due to his foolish actions.
Now it's year 2083, 23 years since he left Splat-topia, but he's back again still in his inkling form and has his ocarina in hand to start to play some songs he sang back at Sanctuary Earth (during his second series named The Co-Existence.) I'm Arnold Pontilan Alviar II and this is Destiny at the New Horizons.