
He elbows me in the side and flings me straight into a nearby tree. I hit the tree and fall to the ground with a grunt. Damn, that hurt. I look up with glowing eyes and growl at the demon but he's up on all fours and growling back at me.

I rear back, getting ready to attack again when a dark shadow suddenly hits the demon at an incredible speed. I blink in surprise, wondering if Binx suddenly showed up but when the scent hits me, I panic. I run over and lift my hand, sending out a blast of magic.

The two go flying in two different directions but I only follow after the demon as I yell "Stop interfering!!" As the demon comes to a rolling stop, I create a blade made out of magic and lunge at the demon. The asshole backhands me in the face causing me to fall back on my ass as the large black wolf flies over my head, mouth open and fangs bared at the demon.

"Don't kill him!!" I yell as I scramble to my feet. I have no idea why or how Xander is here but if he kills the damn human, I'm gonna kill him. He grabs the demon by the throat with his large mouth and pins him down on the ground with a growl.

I create the magical blade again and drive it into the demon's chest. The man starts to convulse before throwing up nasty black goop. Xander releases the man as I fall back on my ass in exhaustion. I gently kick the man to his side so that he doesn't choke on the black crap and catch my breath.

I look over to the enormous black wolve next to me and shake my head. Xander's amber eyes were even more intense in his wolf form. He suddenly starts to shift back so I look away to give him privacy. Watching shifters shift was always uncomfortable for me... especially when I can hear all the snapping, popping, and tearing.

When the man has finally stopped puking, Xander walks over with nothing on but a pair of dark pants on. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him and I quickly mentally slap myself as I ask "Why the hell are you here?"

He comes to a stop before me and kneels in front of me asking "Are you okay?" I narrow my eyes at him and say "I asked you a question. I get that these are your woods but there's no way you were just out taking a stroll. Why are you here?"

He looks me over before saying "I had my men following you and when they reported the demon you were chasing, I ran over as quickly as possible. What are you doing chasing a demon into the woods alone like this? What if there had been more of them waiting for you?"

I figured as much... I sigh and say "This is my job and I've been through worse. Please don't interfere with my job." I get up and start wiping my pants off when I feel something touch the side of my face. I slap his hand away and jump back with a look of shock and confusion.

He looks at me with shock of his own as he slowly says "You're bleeding..." I frown at him and lift a hand up to my lips. I slightly flinch and say "It'll heal... don't touch me." I give him a stern look before turning to face the now sleeping human.

I sigh and go to pick him up when Xander suddenly picks him up and throws him over his shoulder. He lifts his free hand and says "Lead the way" I grit my teeth and huff out in irritation as I start walking back to the house.

Once we made it back to the bedroom, Xander drops the man down on the bed and says "Are you done here?" I give him a look and say "No, but you are." I turn away and walk over to the broken window.

After grumbling, I use my magic to slowly piece the glass window back together, piece by agonizing piece. Once it was back to normal, I turn around and glare at Xander who's still standing in the room watching.

I roll my eyes and walk back over to the human. After checking his injuries, I use my magic to heal him and call the wife. "It's done and he's fine. I'm assuming your husband is an archaeologist?" I ask looking around at the pictures and awards all over the walls in the house.

"Yes, he is.... why?" She asks with hesitation. I sigh and say "Your husband picked something up while in Egypt because he was digging into something he shouldn't. If you two don't want something like this to happen again, I suggest he do something different. Shelly will contact you tomorrow to finalize everything else. Have a good night and thanks for choosing Super Natural Investigations."

I hang the phone up and slip it into my pocket before turning around and walking out. Xander follows me out but I continue to ignore him. When I open the door to get in, he places himself, bare-chested and all, right in the way. Forcing me to look at his yummy muscles and his Alpha tattoos. I've heard about these things... they move around on their own and are passed down to the strongest Alphas but this is really the first time for me to see them myself.

I grit my teeth and look up to him asking "What now?" He arches a dark eyebrow at me and says "Are you planning to just ignore me?" I nod and say "That is the plan." He scoffs at me and says "I seriously can't figure you out. I know you feel the same pull I do so why are you ignoring it?"

Do I feel a pull? Yes, but I won't be admitting that out loud. "Do you want to know why I'm ignoring you and keeping my distance? Because I want to survive! It was your kind who killed..." I suddenly snap my mouth shut and step back. His face morphs into one of confusion and concern, instantly making me regret the slip-up.

Shit. I look everywhere but at him and say "Please move. I want to go home." He stands there in complete silence before slowly stepping to the side. I move forward and quickly get in my car. I shut the door and pull away, leaving a very confused and conflicted Alpha watching me from the driveway.