Uninvited Guest

When I get home, I find all the lights on and the door open for me. I thank the house and head straight for a long bath to soak my sore muscles. After my bath, I get dressed and head to the kitchen to find Binx waiting for me.

"Looks like you had fun tonight," Binx says swishing his tail back and forth in a lazy pattern. I smile at him and start making his dinner as I say "I don't know about fun... Want to watch a movie tonight?" He starts grooming his face as he says "Only if it's a horror movie."

My smile grows as I nod and say "Deal!" As I place his bowl of food in front of him, the house suddenly starts shaking as all the locks start sliding into place. My head whips up as Binx suddenly starts growling "Someone is here and they're hostile."

The doorbell suddenly rings, making me jump. I frown and slowly walk over to the door. I lean forward and look out of the small peephole to see a man in dark clothes. I frown and lean back. I turn to look at Binx behind me and shrug.

If he wanted to kill me... he wouldn't have rung the doorbell, right? Binx glares and sends a kitty shrug so I turn back to the door and slowly unlock it. When I open the door, I come face to face with a guy with black hair, a five o'clock shadow and bright green eyes.

He was a good looking guy but he was as Binx said, hostile and very human. I lean against the door frame and fold my arms over my chest as I ask "Can I help you?" The man looks me over with cold eyes before pulling out a badge and asking "Can I ask you a few questions?"

Lightning suddenly streaks across the dark sky, quickly followed by thunder as I look at the badge. The Church Of Order. Well damn... He's a witch hunter. I narrow my eyes at the man and say "Sure... would you like to come in? The skies will open up in..." I tilt my head to the side and feel the storm before saying "two minutes."

He watches me closely with those green eyes before curtly nodding his head. I step away from the door and allow him to enter. As he walks past me, I can't help but notice how big the guy is. He's only a little shorter than Xander.

He looks around my normal looking house as I shut the door and say "Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" He sits on the couch and shakes his head saying "No, I just want to ask a few questions and I'll leave."

I nod and sit on the other couch as Binx jumps up on the couch behind me. He lays down on the back of the couch and watches the hunter with a lazy look as I say "What can I help you with..." He nods and says "My name's Tristan, you are?"

"Eris," I say with a small, polite smile. He nods again and says "I'm sorry for bothering you so late but I saw that you were still up and you're the only witch I can find who isn't hiding within their coven. Can you tell me which coven you belong to and about the killings that have been taking place recently?"

I arch a dark eyebrow at him as I say "I don't belong to a coven and I don't know much about the killings. All I know is that ten have been killed and none of them were evil or into black magic." Tristan looks at me with surprise then frowns as he says "The killings were not ordered by the Church Of Order. I've been sent here to find out who's behind it and claiming to be from the Church."

I slowly nod, piecing things together when he suddenly asks "Why don't you have a coven?" My grey-blue eyes look up to meet his intense green eyes before saying "I'm more of a loner... is there anything else you need?"

His green eyes narrow in on me before asking "Forgive me for asking but can I see your magic?" Being a witch hunter from the Church Of Order, he's kinda like a police officer and he can ask to see my magic if he's suspicious about whether I use black magic or not.

I slowly lift my hand and release some of my magic for him. He gets up and walks over, watching my magic closely, trying to see if it's tainted or lanced with black magic. He leans down to look at it closer but when his green eyes flicker up to mine, I realize we're nearly face to face.

My magic's reflection flickers in his green eyes as he says "You have extremely pure magic... it's dangerous to be alone." I watch his green eyes closely as I say "I like being alone. Is there anything else I can help you with, Tristan?"

Suddenly, the front door flies open! Tristan pushes me back with one hand and lifts a gun out so fast, I couldn't see where it came from. Tristan uses his body to block me from whoever just came in but when I hear the low growl and smell the familiar scent, I know it's Xander.

"Release her witch hunter!" Xander roars with anger. I try to sit up but Tristan shoves me back down and says "What the hell do you think you're doing shifter?" Was the witch hunter protecting me? A witch? My brain struggles to understand what's happening as I say "Everybody just calm down. Xander, this is Tristan. Tristan, this is my friend Xander. He probably just thought you were trying to kill me."

Tristan snorts, pulling he gun back as he says "If I wanted her dead shifter, she'd already been dead." I arch an eyebrow at that but before I can say anything, Xander growls and says "Get. Off. Of. Her... Now!"

My face drops when I realize I'm still pressed down under the hunter. He too seems to just realize what he did and immediately jumps up. He clears his throat and tucks his gun away as he says "Thank you for your help, Eris. If I have any other questions, I'll come find you again."

As he walks to the door, Xander stares him down with an intense glare but it doesn't seem to bother or phase Tristan. Tristan suddenly stops at the door and says "If something ever happens and you need help... you can come to me."

I blink at him in surprise and slowly nod my head. Xander growls and says "If something happens, she has me." Tristan ignores him and walks out. Xander slams the door shut and storms over to me. I lean back looking at him with confusion when he suddenly leans down and starts sniffing me.