Power Struggle

Cold rain soaks us all as I clench my teeth and strain with everything I have. My hands begin to burn his skin but it's not enough! I stare straight into the solid black eyes of the demon as I say "Get back Harris!" through gritted teeth. I'm going to blow this piece of shit back to hell where he belongs!

Harris and the other two cops stand in the far back of the cell but as the demon slams me against the cell again, I bite my lip in pain. His fingers are just centimeters from my chest when I suddenly hear a loud roar.

A large, powerful hand comes bursting through the demon's chest and when I look up, I see amber eyes burning with rage and the promise of death standing behind the demon. My grip falters in the rain that soaks us and to my horror, the tips of its fingers pierce my skin!

Xander's other hand grips the demon's head as the lightning lights up the room again and with just a tug, he rips the demon in half! Blood soaks me as I suddenly fall to the rain-soaked floor. Thunder rolls through causing my insides to shake as I look up to the blood-soaked Alpha.

He tosses the demon's body to the side like its trash while staring at me with those intense amber eyes. I lift a shaky hand up to my bleeding chest as I say ".... it's nice to see your stalker ass again." His eyes look me over while his chest heaves up and down.

At first glance, you'd think he was trying to catch his breath but in reality, he was trying to control his beast. He stalks over and kneels over me, checking me for wounds as Harris steps forward. Xander growls at him, causing him to stop in his tracks.

I reach out with a hand and grab his warm forearm as I say "I'm okay, it was only one demon. Harris and the others need help." This time he doesn't bother to stop his Alpha markings as they travel down his arm to my hand.

I feel the first brush of warmth before I quickly remove my hand and try to stand up. He quickly lifts me up and nods to Harris before turning around to walk out. I think about telling him to put me down but I really don't know if I can walk right now.

I feel like I was just hit by a bus... When we reach the front, I'm horrified to see several shifters standing by the doors like some secret military service. The other police officers stand by with awkward looks on their faces but no one says a thing. Not when they know they can't handle the thing in here.

His pack moves like a parting sea and I fight the urge to bury my head in embarrassment as we pass through them. The police lights were still blinding everyone outside as heavy rain continues to fall. The crowd outside had at least thinned out but news reporters were still trying to take pictures and ask questions.

This time I do hide my face as Xander walks me straight to his familiar black Range Rover. He places me in the passenger seat and even snaps the seatbelt on me before shutting the door and walking to the drivers' side.

He still hasn't said a word... he quickly cranks it up and drives away from the police station. I'm so freaking tired... even my neck refuses to keep holding my head up so I lean my head back on the comfy seat and close my eyes.

When we finally come to a stop, I lift my head and open my eyes to see my familiar house. The lights are on and Binx can be seen sitting in the living room window. My door is suddenly open and without a word, he reaches in and unbuckles me before lifting me out.

As he walks up to the door, the house opens the door allowing us to walk in. I gently push on him to get down but he doesn't budge. He walks straight to my bathroom like it's his own place and gently places me in the tub.

I nervously look at him and say "I got this..." He looks like he might want to argue but he just turns around and walks out, closing the door behind him. I silently sigh in relief as I start the painful process of peeling out of my nasty and torn clothes.

They were covered in demon blood... I drop them on the floor in a nasty wet pile and turn on the water. It takes a solid two minutes before the water is actually warm but when it is, I slide into the warm stream and sigh.

It feels so good on my bruised and battered skin. After scrubbing my skin raw, I gently get out of the tub and wrap a towel around me. I squeeze all the water out of my hair and run a brush through it before walking out of the bathroom and to my bedroom.

I have no idea if he's still here or not but I have a feeling he is. After slipping into clean clothes, I shuffle out to the kitchen to see Xander putting a plate of scrambled eggs on my table. I arch a brow at him in question but he just says "You have nothing else in your fridge. Shifters need to eat to heal."

I give him a grateful smile and sit down at the table. I stab a few eggs and pop them in my mouth as I look back up to see him still watching me. I guess eating nothing but cookies and drinking coffee was a bad thing...

"Thank you," I say as I take another bite of eggs. He remains standing with his arms crossed as he asks "What the hell were you doing there without your powers?" I smirk and take another bite of eggs as I say "First off, I got a strange call from my employee saying that Harris called for my help down at the station. I didn't know what was going on. Secondly, once I was there and knew that Harris and the others were in trouble, I couldn't just turn around and leave. Third... I had him."