
Xander stares at me in silence before rubbing his hand down his face. I put my fork down and push the rest of the eggs away as I silently wait to hear what he has to say. It's clear that he's holding back and I know he wants to say something.

When his eyes land back on me, he bares his teeth at me in anger and begins pacing. I bite my lip to keep from smiling and think back to the demon. He was sent to kill me... why and who would want to kill me? And why with the demons!? Had I pissed someone off? No... I keep to myself and anyone who pisses me off, I piss them off before killing them. I don't leave loose ends...

"What?" Xander suddenly asks breaking me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and say "Why were you there?" Xander narrows his eyes on me as he says "My men got a very distressing call from a shifter at the police station. They notified me and we gathered a force to come down and stop whatever it was."

I slowly nod my head and say "It seems like you and I keep running into each other more and more lately..." He watches me closely as he says "What is it? I know there's more you're not saying." I bite the inside of my cheek as I try to connect everything.

His eyes go down to my chest and when I look down, I see the spot where the demon stabbed me was bleeding again. I grab a napkin and press it against my chest as he rounds the table. "I'm fine. As soon as the sun rises, I'll have my magic back and I'll heal."

He frowns at me and asks "Why isn't your shifter side healing you?" I shrug and say "I'm more connected with my witch side." He pulls the chair out next to me and sits in it as he asks "Why? Why do you deny your shifter side?"

I hold the napkin to my chest as I turn to look at the window. The sun should be rising soon... "It's not that I deny my shifter side its just... I grew up with my mother. She's a full-blooded witch and taught me everything I know."

Xander sits silently for a moment before softly saying "So your father was the shifter... is he... dead?" I slowly turn to look at him and say "As far as I know, yes. My mother doesn't like speaking about what happened and after a while, I stopped asking."

He slowly nods his head and says "I would like to teach you how to be a shifter. How to embrace your beast. If you knew how to do that, you wouldn't have been so defenseless against that demon. You would heal, even without your magic."

I stare into his amber eyes and consider his offer. This was the first time in my life someone offered to help me with my shifter side. My mother can't help me with it and no one else knows about it. "What do you want in return?" I ask while looking back to the window.

The sun was finally starting to rise and the storm had finally passed. "Your time and your trust, that's all." He says touching my hand. I slowly look down at his hand touching mine before looking back up to him. His eyes watch my every move closely as he waits.

I swallow hard and look back down at his hand on mine and slowly turn my hand over. He gently rubs his thumb on my open palm before slowly stretching his hand out. He slowly slips his fingers between mine before gently closing his hand around mine.

I expect fear and unease but when I feel nothing but warmth and... safety? I slowly look back up to his amber eyes so see him still watching me closely. "Time and trust... that's all I need from you. I'll show you everything you're missing and everything that's already yours."

Why does it feel like I'm about to step over a really big line? The warm glow from the sun begins to hit both of us as we continue to stare at each other in the eyes. Sometimes, reality comes crashing down on you. Other times reality simply waits, patiently, for you to run out of the energy you keep using to deny it.

I guess this was one of those moments and the choice I make here will ultimately change my life. Whether it'll be a good change or not, well... I guess time will only tell.

I slowly lean over while keeping my eyes locked on his and to my surprise, he remains still. The sun reflects in his amber eyes, making them look like they're on fire. I place my other hand on his knee and use it to lift myself up a bit.

I come face to face with him and stop just centimeters from his lips. His amber eyes were slowly disappearing as his pupils dilate but I can tell he's struggling to keep them in check as I watch him closely.

So much control... I wonder what it would take for him to lose that control. I lean in the rest of the way and lightly kiss his warm lips. He still remains still, almost like a statue, letting me do what I want. If I had to take a guess, I'd say he was giving me all the control right now which is unheard of. Especially with Alphas...

I take a light breath of him before slowly leaning back into my chair to look at him again. Nothing but a small ring of amber is left in his eyes as he watches me with his breath held. His hand holding mine suddenly tightens before he pulls me to him.

I crash into his chest as he lifts his hands to my face and takes my lips. I'm shocked at first before slowly closing my eyes and enjoying the kiss. Yeah, I'm in trouble.