When you get done with interactions. Just talk about anything that pops up in your head. Make sure you connect with her on a good level. Keep the pushy-feely vibe with her. One good tip is to ask about things she likes and if you have something in common with her. Make sure it counts and express that with her. Be funny, because the more she laughs the more her eyes close and when you're ugly she wont see your ugly face because when someone laughs thier eyes squint. So be very funny. Sarcasm is good but make sure she understands it cause it can look like your being mean or very weird. Talk about movies, animals, zodiac signs, your interest. When you want a girl to really be seduced then talk about your passion or a hobby you love doing, no matter what you say it will drive her to be more intrigued in you. Focus on her body language and her tone of voice. A higher pitched voice means thats she a bit more interested in you. If her eyes are slightly closed while shes smiling then you got it good. A girls body is a precious award, but be careful because women are not to be trifold with. It's easier for a girl to seduce a man with her body and face because men are simple minded creatures. A man has to work for it. The females are made for seducing and is better then us men. That's why females are scary creatures, they're so goddess like, and so magnificent. Back to seducing women. Its good to know her body language, and to get her more intrigued in you. Be enthusiastic, and fun. Girls love fun because fun is fun and whatever that isn't fun gets boring really fast. Then that person gets ignored.
My experience with keeping conversations going. A simple trick to start is just talk to a person everyday. Talk about anything. When I mean anything I mean anything, but when I first started talking to girls I actually had lots of brain farts. I couldn't think or even say anything. So i'm going to tell you a tip so you don't mess up like me. A straight forward answer is talk about movies, games, interests, or make jokes. Talk about her interests and ask why she does love it so much.
Make sure you just talk because talking causes dopamines to rush and causes her to like you even more. Letting females talk and you listening is amazing because it can boost her dopamines and make her more interested in you. Conversation are still tuff for me, because all these brain farts. By the way if you don't know what a brain fart is. It's basically when you are talking and your brain stops working and you stop talking. Then all of a sudden you just blank out and forget what happens until you realize something just happened and you start to remember slowly and realized what you said. That's a brain fart. So then best way to get back to pace is to say this, "hey can you tell me what I just said I forgot so fast" or " -laugh- hey I just had a brain fart so can you tell me what I said to you" this will sort of work. A trick to help you get out of a quiet akward situation is to switch the topic and tell her a new one. If you can't think of a new topic look around you and say that reminds me of... or ask question about her finger nails or her clothes. It always works.
Remember this what you need to focus on to keep it going.
1. Communication.
2. Flirtatious vibes.
3. Body language.
4. Passion/interests.
5. Emotions.
6. Fun/ stop being boring
7. Look at anything to make a conversation keep going