Being physically attractive, introducing, and keeping the conversations going can be very good, but if you want to be a god like a seductionist. You would have to work on self improvement, because when you work on yourself and use those tatics then the 3 tips will have endless seduction capabilities. The rest of the book will explain things that can improve seduction power. If you can understand these things then you will understand it's not essential for us to conversate, but what is essential is to gather information. Information is the best thing to understand because knowledge really is powerful. When you focus on how good you are, everything else will come to you later on when you grow. Tips to help with self improvement. First is to write down notes, have a schedule planned out everyday, have a workout routine, focus on hygiene, read books and write them if you want to.(P.S Im writing this book to improve my pronouciation, and grammer). Another good tip is to be greedy when you want to get better at something. What I mean by this is to not miss any opportunities given to you, be greedy and take that opportunity head on. Once you accomplish it you will either make you feel happy about it or it will help you grow as an individual and that feeling of yeah I did it and failed but learned something new, is great. Not all men can do this, only a few brave ones that figured out success already learned this tatics.
My experience on self improvement. Well i'm currently still self improving. Im currently 18(April 25, 2020 the day I wrote this) and i'ved learn so much on the past 3 years. I now understand clearer, than what most people think. Knowledge is the key to everything on earth. If you know about a horse then you can take care of it, ride it and tame it. When you understand history you would know that many people that taught you already had that experience or is teaching you what someone else teached them. So what I did to learn was watch and observe others. Then I improved myself by not making those mistakes. A phrase I will say is this " The good ones are the ones that make no mistakes, The best ones are the ones that make the mistakes and corrects it, The superior ones are the ones that observe other peoples mistakes so he doesn't make it himself. " and i've been living off of that rule when I realized I could do beter in life. Which was the start of high school. Self improvement for me is very good. That rule was just a saying I don't physically live off that rule but what I learned from others, and from myself is that giving up is never the option unless its a video game.
Just understand these:
1. The mind,
2. Hormones,
3. Sensation,
4. Dopamines,
5. Conversations,
6. Emotions,
7. Physical attractive attributes,
8. Speech/pronouncing/tone of speech
9. Eye contact,
10. Body language,
11. Hygiene,
12. Outfit styles,
13. Being fun,
14. Knowledge,
15. Judge a book by its cover.
16. Observation
and more (This will be updated after I find more that can help)