Well this chapter will talk about symmetry, being cute, the true reason why tilting your head is good, and the body types you should know. Lets start off with symmetry. Symmetry makes everyone more cuter. What I mean by this is the physical body has to be very symmetrical. The eveness makes you a bit more cuter. The clothes you where doesn't matter about symmetry, its more about style for clothing. Okay now the reason why I say tilt your head is because when you tilt your head, the brain tries to read it as symmetrical. Im not to sure why, but it's scientifically like that. Now cute things are just preferences. Someone fat can be considered cute, or someone ugly can be cute to the persons eyes. Cute is a preference.
How to achieve what I call cute is through self care, working out, and dedication. Working out can help achieve a better symmetry for the body. Self care can help with acne or any problems you have. Dedication yeah everyone needs this to succeed. Body types also plays a roll to attractiveness. Some girls like strong fit slim bodies, and some like dad bods. I'd have a mix of both but I still work out my upper body and lower body. My core is important but then whats the point of having nice abs if you cant talk to a girl or seduce her. So here I am having a decent body and still learning about seduction. I've realized this is more of a journal for me to remember and not a guide for you guys.
My experiences with being cute. I know I'm cute. So these little tests im doing works better then I predicted so the more I test theories and hypothesis, the more I will gain. Being cute can lead to so many opportunities and so many new hope. I can understand why people get flustered when I look at them specially since a cute guy lookin at you and smiling while deeply staring is kind of attractive. The attractive traits are guys with a nice face, decent slim buff body, and a smile that is amazing. I have most of this but the only difference is that my jaw isn't symmetrical. So thats why I try to tilt my head so their brain is tricked to thinking that my face is symmetrical.
Heads up!! This is what you need to be more physically attractive.
1. Symmetry.
2. Dedication.
3. Know your body type.
4. Understand your preferences.
5. Being cute doesn't always guarantee a girl.