Knowledge is everything. Learning as much as you can will increase your power to seduce anyone. Learning every single thing that can increase attraction, dopamines, endorphins, emotions, and sensations will drastically increase levels of seduction. Understanding the human body is a good trick to seducing women because if you learn where to touch a female, she'll never ask for another partner again. Situations where your heart is pounding fast; then ideas flood in your brain and scares you. Just do this little trick expect the worst outcome of every situation ever and once you get really scared just do it and repeat with every new thing. This can build up confidence, or it will worsten if you keep ignoring it. Another tip when your heart is pound fast and your getting nervous just flex your arms and breath in and out slowly and deeply. Doing this can help you controll your breathing which can slower it and the blood pumping to your veins makes you look more masculine and more confident. When I was little I wish I knew about confidence and letting my sexy side out more. Now that I'm currently 18(April 26, 2020) I learned so much from the past 4 years of Highschool. Reading and studying body language helped me improve in reading people. I love interactions with crazy people for 3 reasons it's entertaining to me, it's something new, and the stories you can tell. I've realized the stories people tell are very over exaggerated to make the story better. Everyone should exaggerate their stories but not so much it becomes unbelievable. You can say little details and it can change a story up a lot. Telling stories can make someone more attracted to you. Even if the stories are fake just said it happened in a dream. Knowing how to tell stories is a good way to keep the girl entertained. Just letting you know everyday is a new day the people you meet and the things you do can change every outcome you ever wanted to do. Everyday can end and begin a new, so don't just sit on the bed doing nothing. Study and grow the mind and when you're ready or want to test experiments out, just do it. My growth didn't come from people but it came from myself and wanting to learn as much as I can to help myself improve. My goals, my aspirations, and my experiences come from studing and testing all my hypothesis out multiple times.
My experience of gaining knowledge was by reading books, audibles, youtube, and other videos that helped me improved the mind. I also read lots of articles and many things to improve my skillz in reading. I still need to perfect my pronouciation because it's still horrible.
What you need to gain knowledge.
1. Patience's
2. Read everything that interests you or that can help you in the long run.
3. If you want to know about something study it, learn it, practice it with experiments, and test it with all the things you learn with real people or in the real world.