Chapter 13: Cooks

You would not imagine how much girls love men that cook. Not just eggs and waffles or some shit like that but real foods like steaks, pizzas or any type of cuisines. Also cooking can help calm the mind. Smelling good food makes everyone happy, specially eating it. Food is the most wonderful thing any woman and man could ask for. When you eat foods you love, it creates dopamines. Also theres nothing hotter then a cute guy cooking. Hehehe take it from me. I learned that many women loved home cooked meals thats why grandmas cooking was the best or your moms home made special was delicious. It's not very true but also the thought of a person cooking you food was the best feeling ever. Learn to cook and you'll earn a ticket to legs. If you guys seen food wars or read the manga its similar to that. Everyone loves food no matter what it is they love it. As long as the foods fits their side and personality. Try cooking your partner's favorite food, and they'll love it.

My experience with cooking. I love food so yes experience with cooking will definitely make things better. The advantages of cooking is good because you know what in entering your body. Learning how to cook is basically like chemistry putting things together to change the nature of the objects and then creating something visually amusing. Also the chemistry between you and your girl might get closer. I love eating food because there was never a day I didnt want food unless I ate to much then I would sometimes hate food.

Things to remember.

1. Learn how to cook.

2. Food is one of the keys to a girls heart.

3. It can help with self improvement.