Chapter : Last chapter

Well you if you guys read through the book then congrats you basically read tips and tiny tricks to be good at seduction. I tell you, everything I wrote was my experience throughout highschool, and what I learned about seduction. Also making yourself a better person which can let you have more abundance then other guys. What I first learned was eye contact because eyes are the doorway to someones soul. In middle school I would get scared to directly look into girls eyes but now it's so easy because I realize fear wont help me get females. Next was subject to learn was talking because talking helps people come closers. I had no ideas in my head but now I can start a conversation like nothing just by asking a few dumb questions. I still have pronouciation problems and stuttering problems but nothing can stop me from improving. I studied and looked up body language because how girls react to me was almost similar like he's cute and all but quiet or to weird. I only talked a lot because I was hyped or in a good mood. I've realized a lot of girls would go out with me if I actually tried to hang with them. Im just that type of man. Truthfully I never had a long relationship it's because I didn't care but I wish I actually did because id be even more famous with clout. I proceeded to learn how to enunciate my words and calmed down to speak more clearly. Im still doing this but I've improved speaking.