What is Abundance? Abundance is the amount of worth you have. Also abundance is the options you have. What leads to abundance. There are many things that can lead to abundance, such as attitude, self care, options, and the most important the value you have in yourself. It's easy to say things like what you need to have abundance. But it's more complicated then that. Everyone can gain abundance, but not everyone can use it to their advantage. In the first step of knowing you have abundance is how much options you have. Knowing your options can cause some sorte of jealousy with women specially when you're attractive, strong, and caring. Women start to see you as a reward and its a good thing. If you don't have many options it's fine. There still other ways of gathering and knowing abundance. Ways to gain abundance, try dressing better, fixing your body/face, wear a necklace for esthetic, and finally talk to many women. Doing this can help you gather abundance. Remember when a man gives you a fish it lasts a day, and when a man is teaching you how to fish it last forever. That forever is abundance, which means many. How to use abundance to your advantage. It's complicated explaining how to use it to your advantage, but the simple answer is to see which girl fits your needs and wants. Remember if you like someone and they fit your criteria then keep her. If she just fits your sex life then leave her. Unless your just doing a one night stand. I get it. Try researching and learning about seduction from multiple sources and you'll understand many different types of ideals. It's also a good way to gather more knowledge and learn while getting tips and tricks to help out your future self. When you have a abundance and a female knows that, she would try to get closer to you even more. The way she acts towards you will make you think if she has some sorte of connection.
Remember abundance is obtainable for everyone.