Chapter 23: Texting Game

I have really bad texting game. But what you should know is that texting is a doorway so you guys can meet in person. Texting isn't everything. Make sure you text her and say you wana meet up if you can't be flirty with her on text. Also make sure you face time so it breaks the ice. 1 on 1 face time can help on so many levels. Seeing someone and talking to them can create dopamines and can cause them to get addicted to you. Simple facts and knowledge can be used to play tricks with her. Learning psychology can be a very good assets same as learning physiology. So you know which dopamines and things you can do to the human body. It can also help with massaging. Theres spots on females that are sensitive. So when you touch it they will feel weird but that weirdness might turn them on. Depends if you have that talent of not, or you can gain that takent by learning it. Texting hey or hello is good and all but you have to play games and send a few emojis so the conversation isn't boring. Iphone have an iMessage games its good for females or anyone. I've been testing and it's sort of works. To be very honest I still have no clues about texting.

What I know about texting.

1. Texting is a doorway for you and her to meet up.