I've been researching this for quite a while. Observing and contemplating about the details females give off. When a girl looks at you just stare at her and wave. Trust me that will definitely brake the ice and then introduce yourself. Or when you look at her and she looks away very fast, just walk up to her and say hey I notice you checking out this loser. That will probably make her laugh.
First sign you should remember is when she looks at you she either thinks your cute or somethings wrong with you depending on her look towards you.
Second is if she move her hair and lick her lips.
Third is when you actually walk into her and introduce yourself. If she is wearing sunglasses and then takes it off when you see her. She's definitely into you.
Signs that she doesn't want you. If she is trying to avoid you. If she being super nice to the point it seems like an act. If she has a low tone of voice. If she is on her phone when talking to you. Lastly is the boyfriend excuse. Remember if she allegedly says she got a boyfriend just say bye and walk away, if she got no time for you then don't give her your time.
Every girl I met was very nice. So I tested out my theory and became flirty so they became flirty back. I knew at that moment we had some sort of connection. I never really had denile because im cute and all. But theres this one girl that didn't feel like I wasn't good enough for her. So I looked into her eyes and gave her a hug and kissed her. You wouldn't understand staring into someones eyes confidently and then kissing them will turn them on so fast. Then I got her in my hand after that move. Anyways notice these little tiny signs and it will help you to talking and introducing someone with interest.
Things you need to remember.
1. Eye sight
2. Hair tossing/fixxing
3. Her smiling more
4 if she said she got boy friend just leave
5. If she is being so nice to the point it feels fake just leave. Unless she wanted to be nice because she likes you. Then test it all out by being flirty with her.