Chapter 21: Dress To Impress

Yes dressing is very important, but you should dress to look good for yourself and not for anybody else unless you want to and it's intentional, then go for it. Many people dress up and wear clothes that make them look stronger or better than what they actually are. You need to dress good for job interviews. Also for other things such as growing and getting ready for parties. Clothes styles are the best to be better looking and more attractive. Style is the key to almost every thing. Just like I said when your very observant you notice little details that no one else hasn't. In my last few chapters how I said people will judge the moment they see you. Yeah it's very true. When you walk in to a room looking like a stud and looking very sexy many girls will look and check you out. I promise you that girls also check out guys. For my style I based it off of these 2 YouTubers. There channels called TMF for Teaching Mens Fashion and Alpha M. They are both good and inspirational. Anyone can look good and grow not with looks but with style and the first impression will get everyone on you.

What I did to improve my style and outfits. Simply put it, I just weared casual white T's that were slim fit so my muscles can be seen. I always would go the athletic route but not always athletic. A white T and some joggers were the way to go. Then I realized I can look even better so I started to start wearing casual, I still had white Ts but this time I had khakis colored pants, with a belt and some nice shoes. You would not believe how much girls look at me now. Clothes are very important, dont buy expensive clothes cause most of then look ugly or not good with your basic clothes.

This is what you need to focus on.

1. How you look.

2. Be observant and try different styles and see what people notice on you.

3. Look like a stud and feel confident so you can look even better.