
"The rumor mill of William enterprises say we are having an exclusive deal with some guy in the US ?" I ask running on the treadmill. Shawn and Mark have been in the business for about three years. And for the first time, there is a collaboration with the States well as far as my knowledge go. I really have a bad feeling that this project is going to be dropped into my lap and if I refuse to accept it then I will rather be put in a situation to proceed the deal by going to US for months.

Shawn is up on the bar doing the pull-ups. He's shirtless and the washboard abs are more defined than when I last saw it. I look at the 4 mile run I just did and switch to walking now. my calves burn like anything.

"Are you talking about the deal with the O'Malley Group of companies " he jumps off the bar and snatches a towel wiping off his sweat as he keeps walking towards the refrigerator to grab a chilled bottle of water . He drinks half and pours the remaining over his head. He would have definitely made a name for himself as an athelete.

"Yes "I sound like a curious kitten.

"Oh! That one, Dad said and the others agreed to give that as your first project. I hope you get it." He said as if it's the most normal thing in the world. For him I guess it is normal to talk it like it is a normal thung after all ge has worked for almost three years here.

"So I guess my assumption is right" I give him a look before I spot Jeff entering the gym and heading towards the dumbells while I am a five four I've always had long legs and almost everyone complimented me for my legs and hair .

"Don't cringe like a baby , Rach it is just a deal that you can find ". He says pushing his chocolate hair back which was wet with sweat and water . His long hair needs a haircut

I'm very disappointed by the fact that I need to fly to United States just not for cracking the deal but also to stay there for a couple of years . This is probably my first deal after join the company. I need help almost every time. I'm no good at doing my own thing.

"Okay! fine I'm not cringing ". I say as I climb down the treadmill .

Shawn gives me a smile and my lips twitch too.

"That's my sweet girl". He says and pulls his phone out .

"Yaa , I know that you did that on purpose ".

He looks up at me. His perfect eyebrow raises and he points a finger towards me .

"Can you please explain what I did on purpose " he asks as if he doesn't know .

"You purposely took the New Zealand project and gave me this United States one".

We both get dressed . Shawn is wearing his latest Armani suit and I'm in a pencil skirt and a sleeveless top with my favorite peep toe heels . I leave my hair open .

"Yes , sweetheart I did that on purpose so that you get the bigger project ". He says as we get into his Audi .

I side eye him and start looking out of the window .

" I don't need your charity brother ". I say as we reach the office.

Shawn tries to keep his calm and says

"Buddy, its not charity, its building up your self confidence and you know that ".

I guess Shawn is right and I'm just thinking too much .

As it is overthinking is my favorite hobby.

My phone starts ringing as we enter the elevator. Shawn looks at me and I show him the screen .

"Hey Rae ". Stella greets , I hear some ruffles from behind.

"Hey, Stella". I say as Shawn and I both enter Mark's cabin and sit across him . He looks at me and I mouth Stella . I sit cross leg

"So what are you planning to wear this evening in the party ". Stella asks . She must be rubbing her temple.

Fuck, I completely forgot about the event.

"Rae, are you there...". She says when I don't reply

"Yeah , I haven't decided yet". I say

"It was expected from you , and you must have even forgotten about the event too". She says in a mocking tone making me giggle .

"How come you are just my cousin , you should have been my own sister". I say jokingly. Her being my sister would have had my mother in trouble forever.

Stella chuckles.

"Yeah,  Yeah even I think so " . She says .

"What about you what are you wearing ? ".

"I guess I'll be wearing my new Avavou strapless long silk black dress and my crazy black Jimmy choo's" . She said it in one long breath .

"You are always planned". I say as a matter-of-factly.

She suddenly brings up the topic if Ryan O'Malley . The guy I'll be working with . And I never did a research on him . I'll do it once we are home .

"So when are you leaving for the States,  honey". The sweet overcoat is a way of getting my details out. Fuck her .

"Honestly I need someone to come with me to States "

She must be smiling on the other end.

"Darlin' you are stronger than you think you can go there alone , you will have your managers and ur assistants "

"Yeah , but its about my personal care . You know I need someone to clean up and do laundry and kitchen. And it's gonna be two fucking years . ". Two fucking years  how will I survive.

"Yeah she'll definitely die or become more responsible " Mark shouts . And I reward him with a glare.

"I understand." She says with awe .

"Yeah , so let's meet in the evening ". She says with enjoyment. She flew down yesterday for the event. Aunt Kimberly couldn't make it because of some important work.

"okay bye darlin" . She says and hangs up .

Shawn asks "Everything's fine".

"Yeah bro ".

I get up giving him a fist bump . I walk away with Shawn and as we reach home. We notice people running here and there.

The house is full of chaos. I hear Mom's scolding someone, And uncle Ray is moving around the house checking on everything and is on his phone cursing badly.

I whisper in Shawn's ear " Dude have they gone crazy?".

He chuckles and says "Maybe launching the first girl heir is not so easy ".

I give him a glare and  knock my elbows into his ribs in a playful manner.

I scowl at him ," You'll pay for it ".

"That's what I'll see".

He smirks and walks towards his room.

I'm still standing in the middle of chaos planting my hands on my hips and hang my head down.

I go upstairs to my room . I lock the door and take my mac out and begin searching for this gentleman


Google gave me some too much information like his net worth , his relationships. Pictures of his vacation, at the airport, gym and most of it were of the parties where girls were hanging around in his arms and he's enjoying it . I open some news and only one of the things could be seen . He is a Casanova. C-A-S-A-N-O-V-A.


I mutter these words I get to see his side profile . I guess he's not much of a limelight lover. But the paparazzi won't leave such people . Some of his pictures were taken from the side which exposed his jawline . Fuck me right here . His jawline is sexy as hell .

"Looks like meeting him would be interesting ". I bite my thumb nail .

I look at the clock and see it's almost 2:00 in the noon. I get up and walk towards my bath to take a quick shower so that I can have a look at my closet to see what to wear.

After ten minutes of a very good hot shower . I came out and walking straight into my god damn walkin closet. 

"The same problem, I can't wear what I have already worn ". The press never leaves a chance to troll the elites and all the rich people and famous personalities of London will be here .

I start rubbing and pressing my temple.

Suddenly there is small knock at my door .

I walk towards the door in just a robe and find Lily and Jeff at the door where Lily is carrying around eight bags of clothes and Jeff is carrying around ten boxes of shoes, she is just about to make the whole show pile fall off so I carry some and get them inside . Lily opens up all the bags and spread the costly gowns and dresses and Jeff does the same with the shoes on the floor. They look at me . Jeff sits at the end of my bed and looks at me and raises her eyebrow.

Now I'm in more confusion .

The next whole hour goes on trying the pair of shoes and clothes .

So finally I decide on a baby pink gown with silver peeptoes and the gown is strapless with drapes at the top . I'm so much in now for the party .

"So how would you like your hair ma'am " a young lady in her early 20's ask me . Her name must be Amelia.

" I want a french twisted knot with some of my hair loosely curled ".

I always have my hair twisted up or in a ponytail .

I like having them long which is a problem in washing.

"You have a very pretty hair shade ma'am" Amelia says as she curls my front bangs .

"Thank you,  Amelia ".

She completes my hairdo and then I'm almost ready I just need some eyeliner and a little contouring and I'm done. Makeup is never my thing so I trust Lily with it.

"Lily can you help me with my makeup, I don't want to mess up with my makeup ".

"Yeah sure lil sis". She says and picks up the brush to start with

"You did amazing " I hug her and they both go to get themselves ready for the event too.

I walk down the stairs and see all my brothers Shawn, Adam and Mark are in black , red and  blue tuxedos respectively.

They look handsome, and sexy.

I'm happy soon the event starts and all are now inside the big hallroom.

Dad's in the middle with a champagne glass making an announcement .


I walk towards him and stand beside him. He drapes his hands around my shoulder and then he starts telling stories about my childhood and all the family memebers start their best memories with me and soon tears prick in my eyes . I wrap my arms around dad's middle and bury my face in his neck like I used to do when I was a kid and for him I'll always be his small little Rae running around him .

Finally the event is over.  I start packing . It's only two in the morning and I have to leave for New York tomorrow at ten o'clock my family are wealthy enough to get me the family charter.

I pack the things in my handbag too .

I'm unable to sleep so I carry my ipad and my ipod and sit on the recliner in the balcony.

"Good night Rae " I speak loud enough just for me to hear .

"And a very good morning to Miss Rachel Williams" as I keep on scrolling down on my social media account. I search Ryan O'Malley and his account appears . I open the account . He has almost nine hundred thousand followers . His posts are mostly with eminent personalities from business , from conference, from his vacation and with the same girl who looks like him maybe his sister.