
Rachel ~

"So now finally we're here". I say as we get down the plane . After a seven and a half hour flight. I am just hoping to get through the jet lag or else I'll be pathetic at the meeting. It's evening

My father's manager , Mr. Parker has been working with my father too so. He is a trustworthy man and my father entrusted him with me and the business deal . He is a man in his early fifties, with both of his daughters settled in good families. Mr . Parker and his wife made a good couple. I never got much a chance to meet his daughters . One of his daughters completed her studies from Harvard two years ago .

"Yes ma'am, we're here in New York ". Mr Parker was on his phone . Must be Mom . He says in a stern authoritative voice .

After that he hangs up and turns to me .

"Ma'am we're ready to leave for home " he says , Lisa my personal assistant is my best friend. We were friends from childhood and it was my best decision to make Lisa my personal assistant.  Along with Mr. Parker there were some more officials .

"So many times,  I've said Mr Parker dont call me ma'am I'm so much younger to you and you've practically seen me growing up so call me, Rae" . I smile at him .

Mr Parker nods and smiles slowly and starts updating me in the car regarding the deal we're about to crack .

I keep on looking out of the window thinking of how much all of them would be missing me and I am just here for an hour and I'm already missing clubbing and all . I keep staring out absentmindedly as we pass the busy roads . Mr parker gives me a clap my shoulder in order to gain my attention

"What are you thinking Rae". He asks concerned but in a stern voice .

"I'm just nervous, Mr Parker ". I say honestly there was no way . I wasn't.  This isn't a casual acquaintance.

"You will be excellent at all the meeting. You've been in the office.  You're feeling this only because you haven't handled the meeting alone ". He ensures me with another clap .

He's good with his words but the nervousness is not leaving my body .I keep on looking out of the window .

Suddenly we come to a stop near a big house .

I get out of the car and catch Mr. Parker walking ahead of me. I look around , a garden with trimmed grass and flowers were blooming , autumn was setting in and soon it will be cold here. I smile to myself . Mr. Parker calls me as he unlocks the door and holds the door open for me to enter .

"Whose house is this?". I ask as I keep on walking .

"Mr Gerald Williams bought it when he was here in New York for the business. Before the brothers took over . We had several deals with the American companies. "Mr Parker says and starts instructing the others and direct them to their rooms.

"Grandpa never told me about this place ".

I twirl around and start walking around the place. My heels were ticking against the hardwood floor . The walls were pastel blue with one of the walls being textured painted . The furnitures were lavish , plush black sofa's were there , there was a fireplace with a loveseat near it . There were costly paintings hanging on the walls with a  huge television set on the textured wall .

I stroll towards the kitchen , the counter is made of black granite and the cupboards were mocha and white there were bar stools against the counter . The refrigerator was stocked with food and wine .

There were all the necessary items present in the kitchen and the house cleaner went on a shopping for getting me the daily items of usage .

"Ma'am , your room is upstairs" , Lisa says and walks away .

"Thank you, Lisa " . I say as I start climbing towards my room .

The room was beautifully decorated with a queen size bed and large windows on the other sides . The blanket was light pink and the pillows and cushions were arranged on the bed to give it a comfortable look .

The walls were light easter yellow in color , going well with the purple satin curtains on the windows. There was a television is hanging on the wall opposite to my bed . There were books arranged on shelves just below the television and there is a walk in closet,  cool . I walk over to the window and look outside. I love the look . The nature . It's so beautiful. I walk back and enter the bathroom.  The bath tub is oval with a lavender body wash,  body oils , shampoos and other important things.  I walk back in the room and look at myself in the full length mirror.

"How the hell am I supposed to look this bad at the airport ". I looked at myself . I was wearing a black shirt and a pair of black shorts and pumps . With my chanel bag . I had a little makeup on .

"What if the paparazzi took pictures".

"Nevermind the paps always tries their best but the airport security were there so I guess I don't have any bad picture floating on the internet. ".

I keep on saying these things to myself until I convince myself .

Lisa gets my baggage to my room and helps me arrange them in the cute walk in .

I get out of my dirty clothes and get inside the bathroom to take a quick shower but the big bathtub made me change my plan. Instead of taking a good ten minute shower I preferred taking a good bath for around forty five minutes.

Suddenly I hear a small knock at the bathroom door.

"Who's there " , I called from my bubble bath.

"Ma'am it's me Lisa ". Lisa says .

"Ma'am, the meeting is at seven in the evening ". Lisa calls again this time it is louder.

I wear my robe and come out and glance at the clock .

Fuck , it's already six thirty I need to hurry up .

"Lisa get my suit out of the cupboard".

She complies and leaves the suit on the bed and leaves the room.

I wear the pink blazer and pants with my white satin top .

"This business dress suits me well " I say to myself looking at the mirror.

I quickly step into my black choos and apply some mascara and liner so that I dont look bad after the flight which made me tired .

I leave my hair open beacuse I dont have time to do an updo or a ponytail.

"Lisa, Mr Parker, and all others its time to leave ".

I step outside on the foyer with the others . Mr. Parker gives me my Camaro keys.

I get into my car with Mr Parker and Lisa. I feed the information into the map . Just a twenty minutes to drive .

We reach the building just  five minutes early . I walk ahead of all of them with with my heels ticking against the floor. A doorman wishes me . The receptionist stops us and gives us a bouquet of roses .

"Ma'am , Sir is waiting for you in the conference room" .

I give her a small smile . There were only seven of us . We took the elevator to the sixteenth floor . A lady comes to us and bows a little .

"Ma'am , I'm Jenny Mr. O'Malley's assistant . He's waiting for you in the conference " she says and leads us . Only Mr. Parker,  Lisa and I enter whereas the others leave for some paperwork.  There were already some people in the room . Mr. O'Malley was sitting at the head of the table .

He is wearing a black tuxedo , his brown hair is cleanly brushed back . his face was incredible with those brown hazel eyes taking a lazy look up and down my body, He is clean shaved and the jawline . His lips were like made for kissing and his arms were muscular yet lean . I

He stands up and offers me to have a seat pointing towards the empty chair on the other side of the table .

"It's nice to meet you , Mr O'Malley ".

I forward my hand to shake but he takes them to his lips and plants kisses on my knuckles sending zings down my spine.

"Nice to meet you too , Miss Rachel Williams". He smirks.

We start with the meeting all conditions decided and the signing of the contract is done . It's almost nine . The meeting is taking longer than it's supposed to be.  Fuck man . I need to sleep or else . I'll die right here . Finally we sign the papers and stood to leave .

"I hope it's going to be good working with you on this project Mr O'Malley". I say  .

His eyes are going to be the death of me . The intensity they hold .

"Back to you Miss William ". He says and takes my hand and kisses my knuckles again . His eyes meet mine . I withdraw my hand and start walking when a girl enters the room .

She is petite with her hair in loose chignon , she got her hair shaded lilac which complimented well with her fair face and blue eyes .

She is wearing a bodycon red dress . Must be one of his arm candies

"Rae , Long time no see". She greets me as if she has known me for years but it took me a bit of time to get hold of who this petite is.

"Sam ?". I say suspiciously . I remember the blue eyes.  We were studying at the London school of economics together.

"I'm angry you forgot me ". She says in a mocking tone

"No , I ... am just surprised to see you here ". I was actually surprised to see her here . It's been three or four years I guess  . How does she expect me to remember her. But it's not her fault she was my friend or should I say one of those who were in the group of elites and blah blah .

She laughs out loud.

Ryan was changing glances between me and Sam . He looked confused . I tried to leave before things get awkward . God I must be looking like a ghost.  I need to sleep . I need to sleep

"Mr O'Malley , everything good". Sam says and goes on his side , hooking her arm around his  .

"Yaa, Miss lynette ". He looks down at her and smiles. 

Sam points towards Ryan and says "He's my cousin  ".

I'm shocked or should I say I must be giving her a WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS glance.

"Woah!! ". That's all I can say .

I see Ryan smirking showing the dimple on his left cheek ,  now his smirk can make girls fall to their knees but I'm not one of those girls . They're arm candies and I'm so much more than them . Now I know that this guy cannot live being a saint. I needed more information on this guy . I made a mental note of it .

Mr Parker whispers in my ear.

"I guess I should leave now ".

"Miss Williams you are new to this place let me take you out for a city tour ". Ryan says with a smile . I wanted to deny the offer or push it further but I was so over that smirk . It hardly took minute to agree to his extended offer for the tour tomorrow evening.

I nod and walk away .

I hear Mr Parker talking something to Mr O'Malley.

"Did I act too confident " I ask Lisa . Taking out my phone from my pocket

"You acted the way you should ". Lisa says assuring me .

"Thank you, Lisa ". I say with a smile.

We walk down to our car and then wait for Mr Parker.

He comes out after around fifteen minutes later . I was too tired after the meeting.

We drove in silence . We reach home , I handed over the keys to the guard in order to park the car. I'm sleepy.

"Rae". Mr Parker calls.

"Yes Mr Parker ". I reply

"Mr O'Malley will be here at seven to take you on the city tour ".

His stature is lethal . Ryan is too handsome to handle.

"I'm tired Mr Parker ".

His look made it clear that I need to have this tour .

"Okay. This for tomorrow evening.  Don't stand him up " . He says and walks to his room . It took forever to reach my room. I striped out of my clothes and slept like a baby .

The next morning.  I wake up to Lisa's knock . She comes in and keeps the coffee on the nightstand.  The whole morning goes working from home.  I've never been so tired . It's four o'clock and so I have three hours to rest . I close my eyes and a knock at the door startles me up .

I answer the door and only peeping my head out.

Lisa is there to inform me that Mr O'Malley has already arrived and he is sitting there in the living.

"Okay I'll be down in just a minute ".

I wear my bra and panties as the last time, when I saw him I had all the blood pooled down between my legs .

I pull out a pair of denim shorts and oversized white tshirt .

I tuck in the front of the tshirt into the denim shorts that shows off my lean slender legs , I wear sneakers . Who knows whether we'll be walking. I'm running down skipping stairs only hoping I don't fall and at the same time I'm tying my hair into a ponytail . I never keep my long hair open it seems to distract a lot .

Ryan's wearing a white button down shirt and jeans with sneakers. He looks hotter like this . I shake my head and continue running down till I come face to face with him .

"Hello, Mr O'Malley "

"Call me Ryan ".


"Okay Ryan ".

We walk outside . The wind was blowing hard . The autumn winds are cool today .

I reach out to my car ,but he holds my forearms and pulls me to him. I collide with his hard chest . He's still holding my arm when I look up at him . God he's tall for my five four . He must be five eleven for sure.

"We're going to walk Miss Rachel , only if you're not accustomed to walk . We can take the car ". He points towards the car . I shake my head No. We start walking when Ryan stops and turns to me. He reaches for my hair and pulls the scrunchie off my hair and tucks a strand of my hair behind of right ear .

He leans in and whispers "You're hair is really pretty to be tied leave it open "

A small shudder moves through me . This guy is not legal in the city of New York or any city of America. He smiles showing off his dimple.

"Call me Rachel ". No formality and hopefully no paparazzi either. I look around to see if there's any camera or so. Me getting out like this can be an issue because I never go out like this or should I say I don't go out with boys, you know family reputation and all .

"Okay Rachel".

He smiles and we continue walking . He shows me the cafes and other stores for basic needs . I glance at my phone it's almost nine at the night . Luckily my tshirt is full sleeve so I don't feel cold . I'm too tired so we walk into a cafe called ANDREW'S COFFEE SHOP .

A waiteress comes to take our order . She is swaying her hips like she's one of Victoria's angels . Why do girls do these stupid things .

Ryan looks at the menu and asks "What would you like to have Rachel".

"A cold coffee would work for me ". I openmy phone and text Stella that I need someone here , she still hasn't flown down to America , last text said that she still needs to stay four days more . He places the order and turn to me . I keep the phone by the screen on the table and look up at him . He rests his hand on the table and leans on the table . The cafe isn't busy much .

"So tell me about yourself Rachel". He asks.

"You can ask me anything you want . I'll answer them happily ." As though. He's a Casanova and as per my reports and studies it's better to stay away from these kinds of boys.

"Okay. So I saw the photographs from the event. So how was getting into business . " he says and shows some pictures . In most of them I'm with my cousins.

"Yeah , actually I joined business soon after I finished college and since childhood I was into making money . " I say and look down. I shouldn't have been so straightforward in terms of money .

"Hmm . I see . You really party hard too " . He smirks . Fuck that was something he shouldn't know.

"Yeah. You know having brothers and friends and all elder so I'm also involved into some high end parties and clubs " . Now I'm feeling I wasn't the only one who did the research. What all does he know .

"Its okay Rachel ". He says and I look through my lashes.

"Yeah . I'm quite aware of the paparazzi attacking us during these times " why did I say that .

"You mean caught up with guys on dates. I know even I'm captured like this " he says. The coffee arrives .

"Actually I've never been out like this ". I confess and he leans a little more towards me .

"Like how ?". He asks leaning in a little more . God why does he have to lean in . The thoughts aren't business like right now . I squirm in my chair .

"Like this " I twirl my finger around, "with a boy in a cafe ". I say .

He laughs and puts his hand over mine and says" You are a rich woman , Rachel". What is that supposed to me .

"So what does that mean". I smirk , You are a rich woman my arse , don't tell me that he's interested in my money when he has so much of his own .

"I mean you belong to a good reputed family and you must have been around boys ,you party so hard , you have brothers their friends must've hit on you. You are beautiful and it must take guts not to do so. Your father is a great businessman and also your uncles ". Okayyyyy now that's something I didn't expect . He actually knows about me .

I try slip my hand out from under his hand but he holds on tight . Mere touch and I'm on fire . I'm unable , to pull it out.

His eyes soften as he says " All I mean to say is you are a very young woman , Rachel and as far as I know you avoid conversations with a man maybe because you were never interested in doing so ".

Maybe he is right I dont talk to boys all I do is have a good time with them once in a while and rest of my time goes chatting with my sister , Stella . And boys were always round me but I wasn't the one interested in talking , one night is enough for them and for me . Which girl likes herself in the whirlwind of negative publicity.

I give him a half smile and he is there giving me seducing half smile .

I swear by heaven and earth if his smile is so not legal in New York.

"Are you smitten Rachel". His voice was full of seduction. God is he a mind reader or am I blushing . Nope . My cheeks are heated up.

"I... mm no... ye.. no ". I stutter , how can a guy ask such a question . He has been with so many women that he can actually make out my expression. Nevermind not a new thing.  All the riches have this . It's no new to me, my brothers are so much like him .

"I mean no I'm not smitten". I say with a confidence which fades away within seconds.

Another hour goes on chatting about our families and friends and other things.  He doesn't seem bad but he's one of those who use girls for just their fun and I wasn't going to be a victim of that fun though a one night thing can't be bad.

It was almost eleven and the city is as busy as possible .

We walk back towards my house the walk was long and my legs were giving up ,he laces his finger with mine as we walk in companionable silence .

I wish I could have had the night spent with him . He is so damn hot in his jeans and button down shirt. I walk a little back to have a quick glance at his ass . "Looks delicious " . I murmur to myself. I pick up a little speed so he doesn't doubt me .

"Did you say something "he asks and smirks showing off his dimple.

I nod my head side to side . Get a hold on yourself Rachel Williams you are here to do a business deal and not have him fuck your brains out . Hormones were at their height and the butterflies in my stomach have turned into eagles now. I have to look the other way to calm myself.

We reach my house. It's too late . I stand at the foyer . I'm a still not as tall as him .

Ryan pulls me into a hug and pulls out . But I'm not readyto leave him . I pull his face and smash my mouth to his. He holds my waist and kisses me. I pull back for some air.

Fuck . He smiles and smooths my hair . I stand at the foyer and he walks to his car .

"Bye , Rachel ".

He says with his signature Ryan smile.

"Bye Ryan ". I say standing at the porch .

I smile and he says "See you tomorrow at eight in the office ".

"Sure" I say and walk inside .

He winks , and gets into his Mercedes and drives away.

I enter the house and rush upto my bedroom

I look towards the mirror and see how tired I'm looking. God it's past midnight.

I slip out of my clothes and get inside my blanket dozing off within seconds . I am running out of energy and on the top was this guy this hot and sexy as fuck guy whom I working with .