I was in the conference room with my officials who were working on the project . I did a background check on Rachel Williams. She is sexy as fuck , there were not many pictures of her in normal . Most of them were from high end clubs and parties, vacation pictures and airport looks . She doesn't look into the camera , she just minds her own business . It's going to be interesting to meet and work with her . My assistant Jennie informs me that they have arrived and are being escorted.

A girl merely twenty two around five five enters the room in a pink suit with black heels . Her blonde hair was straightened. She had little makeup on to hide her tiredness . Her eyes were the most beautiful blues I've ever seen . Her nose was small but cute and those heart lips with the cupid's bow sexy as fuck . Her legs travelled miles . I count towards the chair on the other side. She wasn't even looking up from the paperwork whereas I was busy stealing glances. I've heard a lot about Mr. Gerald William and his deals with the major American companies.

After the deal was done . I wanted to spend some more time with her , to know her . She caught me looking at her and gave me a small smile and returns back to the paperwork. We sign and it was getting late .

"It must be nice working with you Mr.Ryan O'Malley " she says and extends her hand . I take her hand and kiss her knuckles . I can feel she's getting turned on . She withdraws her hand and walks away . I stop Mr. Parker and ask him to inform Rachel about the tour .

The next day . It was hard working with the thoughts of Rachel in my mind . There's something in her . Something which draws me to her . It's six when I finally get done for the day . I drive home and take a shower and dress in a blue button down shirt and jeans . I tie up my snickers and leave to meet Miss Williams .

I arrive fifteen minutes early . Mr. Parker opens the door and leads me to the sofas. There were paintings from famous artists hung on the wall . There was a picture of Rachel and her family . She's got one hell of family .

"She was eighteen when this picture was clicked " Mr. Parker is standing beside me . He startles me .

"Ohh . " that's all I can speak.

"She's a little spoilt but kind at heart . She always needs someone to help her out with daily course. In short she's a little princess but she attracts a lot of attention because of her looks. All I mean is stay a little aware around her " he says and walks away .

What did he mean by that. I shake my head and sit on the sofa .

I see Rachel coming down in a white tshirt and denim shorts that hug her ass perfectly. She's tying her hair. Her long blond hair is so beautiful . She ties it at the nape of her neck making her bangs fall out . God she has to be some Greek Godess.

She stands in front of me . It takes all will power not to crash my mouth on hers . We walk out. She walks to the car when I pull her by the forearm . She collides with my chest making my dick twitch . She looks up at me .

"We're going to walk only if you are accustomed to walking " I say and release her . We start walking , after two hours we walk into ANDREW'S COFFEE SHOP.

We sit and I take my chance of looking at her when she texts someone on the phone. She orders a cold coffee and I order the same . We talk for what seems as an hour. It's almost midnight when we walk back to her house . She stands at the foyer . I wanted to kiss her so bad . Before I can act . She pulls me by the shoulder and smashes her mouth with mine . I place my hands on her lean waist and kiss her back . She tastes like Coffee and Strawberry. She pulls back . We bade goodbyes and I get into my car and zoom away .

It's almost twelve thirty when I enter my penthouse. I enter the room and strip out of my clothes only wearing my boxers I crash on my bed . I turn and toss but I couldn't sleep . A certain blonde is on my mind . I wonder how can someone be so close to being perfect .

She's got class,  standards, beauty , wit and perfect figure.  All that every person dreams off . But for some reason this girl was doing something to me . I know she isn't going to be handled easily but I have a reputation and being a young bachelor . Rumours can spark off easily. I couldn't sleep so I put on my sweatpants . I take my laptop and phone , entering my balcony I look over the city and start working . A open my phone and start surfing my Instagram account. When a picture pops up. It was Sam and Rachel . She was in the same college as Rachel. I zoom at Rachel's picture .

"I don't think so I'll be strong enough to hold her resistance ".

"She's just so irresistible ".

I mutter as I keep on answering the emails and once I'm done I get myself  comfortable . I keep on thinking about those pretty heart shape lips . Her eyes which flared when I placed my hand on top of hers . When I said about her family being rich , When I said she's got class , She surely feels that she needs to be protected everytime .

I noticed when she walked a little slow purposely. She was checking my ass out and she thought I didn't notice it . How naive . I even heard what she whispered . I enjoy the girls and then I'm done . I don't stay the other day and console them . I never wanted so much more than Rachel by my side now .I've never been like this before , until this girl  RACHEL WILLIAMS  entered my got damn fucking life .

Yaa I have had my share of women, but she's not one of those kind . The girls belonged to somewhere where Rachel Williams won't even enter . They were rich too but they all were classless fucks .

She is special and not to forget .

She never let's her guards down and knows whom to deal with and how . She is well mannered except when it comes to speaking hearts out maybe she doesn't know . Or maybe she has never done it.

I pick up my phone and call Sam.

"Hey Sam.". I speak politely.

"Hey Ryan ". She greets happily .

"Can I have some information about my new business partner ". I ask directly without hitting round the Bush.

"Are you talking about Rachel".

"Yes , sweetie". I say sugarcoating.

"She's a party going girl . She never mixes up with strangers, she's completely two person when she's with family she's well mannered person she does only those things which suits the standards of her family and when she's with her friends and cousins she's all outgoing , partying, clubbing and drinking. Not to forget she's no saint ."

"So she doesn't do things which affect her family's reputation ". I ask stupidly. Yeah she just said it.

"Do you know?". She sounded a little serious .

"What!  ?". I asked carelessly.

" Altogether she has declined about five hundred proposals till now from high school to his final years in college". She said , I'm shockee five fucking hundred proposals . Has she declined the half of London or what . She's sexy and beautiful but five hundred . I bet only rich dreamed of having her in bed . Some were lucky too. While the other's must've jerked themselves thinking about her .

"Are you joking " . I ask leaving out a humorless laugh.

"I'm serious her beauty was no joke in college ".

"Even now her beauty is no joke" .I smile as I say those words. She is Athena or Aphrodite or whichever is the prettiest Greek Godess.

"Ryan , dont tell me you are going to get those hands on my friend ". She asks as a concerned friend.

"No , I just wanted to know how's she so that unintentionally also I dont hurt her or her fragile little princess ego ".I say , she must be having an ego equal to size of Russia.

"That's a new side bro, but if you mess with her remember I'll be the one to kick your ass ". She is quite serious now.

"Really ".

I ask laughing out.

"Yes because she could be a hurt to your male ego". She says that lit a spark in me .

"What do you mean " . Now I'm serious.

"C'mon bro don't be silly ,she's not what you think her to be. She's gets whatever she wants and she keeps herself confident to be in that position. "

I am thinking deeply about the lady now. She is a tough fight .

"Ryan ?".

"Yes I'm here ".

"So are you meeting her tomorrow?".


"Just dont mess up with her  bro ".

"Sure honey I'll not ".

Why am I even thinking about her , She's just a person who I'm working with . I don't mention the kiss to her . She would he behind my ass if I did it .

But her aura is something which is attracting me.

Let's not think about this right now .

I have to go to bed so that I'm good tomorrow . It's almost three in the night. I can at least grab a four hour sleep .



Someone rings my bell . It's fuckin seven in the morning . Last night I jerked off hard thinking about Rachel. Wow I must've been better than this . Thinking about fucking her .

I walk down the stairs still half asleep . All I am thinking is how can I see Rachel today and whoever the fuck is here at seven in the morning is on the verge of losing his life . I open the door and stand there like a statue. Am I dreaming. It's Rachel. Where did she get my address from. Nevermind I'm on the the seventh heaven. She's wearing a sweater that falls off one shoulder , jeans and ankle boots . Her hair is open wavy . I want to sink my hands in them. I'm shirtless too . My dick twitches. She lifts up her hands .

She is carrying Coffee and sandwich.

God am I dreaming definitely I am .

"Good morning,  Ryan ". She greets me and enters the house . I stand there. She's crosses me while I check her perfect ass . She keeps the coffee and sandwiches on the kitchen counter

"Good morning,  cher". I say .She blushes . FUCK does she know French. I can't help but smile . Whenever I touch her or call her with pretty words she blushes .

I close the door . And walk towards her . She is looking around the house and when she turns to me her eyes are fixed at my chest . I'm just looking her , how her cheeks are turning red . She looks up and what I can see is pure lust. This is not a good sign because it was taking every ounce of me to keep my hands to myself and not carry her to the sofa and fuck her brainless.

She is just so breathtaking .

She comes closer to me and gets her fingers in my already ruffled hair .I hold her waist . She is still small for me . She looks up at me with those blue eyes . She sinks her hands in my hair .

"Your hair is so soft " . She says as she keeps moving her fingers through it . As I thought she's going to kiss me . Something clicks her and she suddenly backs away looking in the opposite direction.

"Ryan ,can you please get yourself a shirt ". She says in a hush voice

I nod and rush upstairs and get myself dressed. I come down in a clean pair of trousers and a black button down shirt. I purposely leave the upper two buttons unbuttoned because , I'm so fond of the moments when her those baby blues flare.

She is moving round my kitchen and I lean against the counter because it's a treat watching a pretty lady roaming around my kitchen. 

She is arranging the sandwiches on a plate and I place my arms just on the counter from behind caging her . I guess I've never been so attracted by a women like this . She tries to get out but I keep my hands on the counter. She turns around in the space ,  her eeyes dilate with the lust and that's all , I can't keep my lips of her . I lean down and kiss her softly , she puts her hand at the nape of my neck and pushes her fingers into my hair moaning in delight . I slowly glide my hands down her back and link my fingers at the small of her back . I slowly nibble the sides of her lips. My hands are still at the small of her back pulling her close to me.

I slowly glide my nose tip from her ears to her jawline and kiss her neck , she holds my forearm and pushes me away trying to walk away but I grab her forearm and yank her to me.

"I'm sorry". I say but I notice her body is humming in anticipation but she is reluctant to reveal that she wants me . Fragile ego as I knew .

"It's okay , Ryan". I let her go she calls out to carry the sandwiches to the room .

She is bossy and I like it. Though I prefer bossing around instead of bossed around . Would she be bossy in bed . How will she look splayed across my bed . I was in my dreamland when Rachel calls again and pulls me out of it. I carry the plates out .

When I walk into the living room I see her standing at the full length window looking out. She comes and sits on the couch .

So we are on our couch , she's sitting with her legs crossed and I sit across her on the sofa .

She asks "Are you originally from America ". She asks as she takes a sip from her coffee. She is starting a conversation after what happened in the kitchen is a good sign .

"Yes, my parents were from Chicago and they love their place . They come to New York in two three months and live in their house."

She looks at me and I ask the same question

"How long have you been in London ?"

"I've been in London since birth.  My dad, his brothers and my grandfather we all have been living together in London for years now ".

She says looking at me with those eyes which make me go crazy.

"Impressive ".

"Yeah that's a big family to handle and also the issues ".

She speak the last words unminfully .

"Did you speak something " I ask

"No" smiles and nod .

We keep on talking and working she laughs whenever I share something funny from my business trips . I glance at my phone, its almost thirteen hours with her and still seems like no time has passed . It's already eight in the evening. Rachel closes her laptop and gets up from the couch. She stands up to stretch and my eyes are on her so delicious ass. Damn , she is sexy and her taste is going to linger on my tounge forever . If I get a chance to do so .

Before she can go to get her car keys I pull her to myself and she sits on my lap .

"Rachel tomorrow is a weekend stay here I like having you here". Her eyes are flare and her cheeks are flushed red. I run my knuckles down her skin.

"You've got soft skin Miss Williams". She chuckles and nods. 

"And you've got a very good jawline Mr. O'Malley" she traces my jawline with her fingers .

"I can stay , but I dont have my things here " , she says and looks at my lips . I pull her close wrapping my arms around her waist I kiss the hell out of her , she is holding my shoulder pulling me close . She tastes the same of coffee and Strawberry . She tugs on my lower lip with her teeth . Our tongue entangle. We part for some air .

"That could be the best kiss of my life " ,she says as her fingers move lazily up and down my arm

"I can do much better " I say as I lean to kiss her cheek . My thumb moves across her lower lip . Suddenly Rachel pulls out of my arms and starts running upstairs.

"Stop running, Rachel ". I say and chuckle .

"Catch me if you can ". She throws over her shoulder. She runs fast but not fast enough to get out of my reach .

"I'll definitely catch you Rachel " I say and keep running after her