Chapter 9

"Seriously?" Jack unconsciously let his thoughts out and was greeted by a scary stare by the female white.

"What do you mean seriously? Rin is one of the top if not the top among the first years and you still have the balls to think otherwise!?"

Jack just sheepishly laughed as he only half believed her claims.

"Rin! Over here!" The female white called out enthusiastically.

Rin blinked his eyes and walked over.

"Rin! These folks seem like your new squad."

"Oh thank you for letting me know Natasha." Rin gave her an appreciative smile.

'Kyaa! He knows my name!" Natasha was naturally very happy about it. She never knew that he knew her name and they weren't even classmates!

"It was no trouble."

Natasha excused herself before making a glaring threat towards Jack.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rin. I hope we can get along."

"Oh I'm Jack. The sullen one over there is Markian, the tomboy is Charl and the other tomboy is her childhood Friend Carmen."

Suddenly two angry women looked at Jack with looks that could kill.

"Who are you calling a tomboy little Jack?" Both of the tomboys had a very hard grip on his shoulder which made him yelp in pain.

"Yea Jack! Who are you calling tomboys! It's absolutely disrespectful to the cute tomboys in the world, these two are more like boys." Markian who was still a little down decided to make the girls sullen as well.

But when Markian saw Rin for the first time he corrected himself "It would be rude to compare those two to a boy like this. I Guess the gorillas have to take a hit. Carmen, Charl I doubt thee under the gorilla section."

Well it was fair to say that Markian was beaten up rather badly after that.

"Well don't say that, Carmen and Charl seem to be as strong as they are beautiful so don't tease them so much." Rin said without a hint of embarrassment which made the two girls blush red even though he was just a little boy.

"Woah, his flirting skills are over nine thousand points. Very impressive." Markian said.

"Cuteness is indeed justice." The two girls suddenly appreciated what Markian said previously and with that the group has already somewhat accepted Rin.

About an hour later…

"Gear up and meet up at the Academy Portal point. I hope to see all of you back in one piece. I believe in all of you and go and show those monsters hell!"

Everyone roared in unison! Their excitement was through the roof especially the fifth years. They trained day and night for this so you can imagine how they were feeling right now.

Anxiousness, fear, excitement were all mixed into one bundle.

Rin changed into his suit that was tight fitting but at the same time very comfortable and flexible. Majority of the suit was purple in Color and the remainder were cloaked in white.

He met up with squad ten and they were dressed quite differently compared to him.

They all were wearing a black metallic suit that made them look like they were wearing a very slim space suit. Charl and Jack were carrying a heavy looking shield along with a sharp blade, Carmen carried with her twin blades on her back while Markian held a Long spear.

"Oh ho. Seems like the whites certainly have a very light wardrobe."

A familiar man in black came up to them.

"Squad ten and Sir Rin are you ready?"

All them nodded and the man in black nodded and the portal started forming.

A loud static noise came out from the portal.

"Just to recap! The test will last for an entire week, you will be graded by the Monster carcasses you bring back and of course your survival. If you require help break the transmitter and assistance will be sent to you. HQ will also contact you should anything unexpected happen." The man in black had to basically shout everything out due to the portal producing all that noise.

Rin and Squad ten then entered the portal and entered the world of old...