Chapter 10

"So this is the old world we abandoned…"

They landed in an area where it seemed to be an old abandoned city which was ravaged with the times. It stunk of death which made Rin frown because he wasn't wearing his protective helmet.

(A/N: onmyojis usually rarely use their helmet because they are required to absorb spirit particles directly from the air. If they use the helmet the suit's ventilation system will barely absorb spirit particles so unless they have no choice they would not wear one.)

"Shaaa!" Something made a sound and was coming right at Rin.

Rin panicked a little but still managed to take out his charm and poured in his spirit particles.

He released the charm into the air and a small current of water came crashing down onto the creature.

Rin was shocked, the creature was so small and yet his hand was shivering trying to keep it down.

The charm he used was a water wall. It usually meant to be used like an emergency shield but used at the right time it could be used to trap the opponent but Rin found out that the monsters here had absurd strength.

The next to react was Carmen who took her blades to slice off the creature's head.

The other three fifth years who didn't react were blushing in embarrassment. It was their first time in the field and they couldn't react like they wanted to but a first year white could.

"Sorry! We won't hesitate again." The three said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, it's our first time in the field. I won't blame you." Rin gave an encouraging smile which made them feel even more guilty.

"Though what did we just kill? I have never seen this creature and it isn't in the database according to the AI."

"Don't know. There are always new species so we can consider ourselves fortunate it wasn't that strong."

"It was strong. This little rodent like thing made me use a lot of spirit particles to keep it from moving. I'd say I'd used at least 10% of my total spirit particles stored."

"What!" The four were shocked.

"I may not have the largest reserves of spirit particles among the first years but I'm at least the middle range. Keep your eyes out for this creature. It's certainly trouble." Rin said while storing the dead monster inside his storage charm.

Before they could respond a new threat came out.

This time Squad ten was more prepared.

The tanks Charl and Jack went in front while the other two surrounded Rin for his protection.

"Three ghouls and an abomination."

This time Rin had ample time to chant and he immediately did so.

Ghouls were monsters that had a humanoid shape and were extremely fast in speed which made them really difficult to kill while abominations had incredible strength. Abominations were so much more difficult to handle than ghouls. Along with their incredible vitality, they could generate up to two tons of weight with a single hit. Though good news was that they were extremely slow in agility.

Rin completed his chant and three chains came out and zoomed over and wrapped up two of the ghouls but the third one managed to constantly dodge the third chain.

Seeing that it wasn't much use trying to trap the third with the chain, Rin pulled back the two trapped ghouls towards the group and they were easily dealt with.

Rin quickly stored the bodies and suggested they retreated. They could deal with ghouls but an abomination was way out of their league.

"Let's retreat." Rin said and the rest naturally followed his lead.

Rin threw a few charms and a bright sudden light started radiating, blinding both the abomination and ghoul.

Once the monsters could see, Rin and the others were Long gone.

They headed towards one of the taller buildings after making sure the ghoul didn't manage to track them. Rin still had about seventy five percent of his spirit particles left but he was mentally exhausted.

Even though Rin was mature for his age he still was only eight. The pressure on him was immense and the feeling of constant danger was draining all of their stamina a lot more than when they were training.

Seeing the little guy so exhausted, the fifth years as his seniors told him to rest and they will clear the building themselves.

Rin was surprised and he tried to insist on helping but they refused. They wanted the chance to train and to protect him even just a little. They did compromise if they required help they would immediately ask which made Rin feel a little better.

"Two ghouls incoming!"

The ghouls were extremely fast in speed, constantly moving and zipping all over the place. If the inbuilt AI wasn't fracking them their eyes would be bouncing up down left and right.

"Charl to the right!" Charl turned and slammed her shield into the ghoul, causing it to shriek and was pushed back a few steps.

Markian thrusted his spear but only managed to injure the ghoul's shoulder. But it wasn't over, Markian had his AI on standby. The moment he pierced the ghoul, his spear released a strong sedative strong enough to subdue an elephant but to the ghoul it would only numb its movements which was good enough. Markian had to conserve the amount of sedatives after all.

Charl raised her blade and pierced the ghouls head and then there was one left.

The last one was also quickly dealt with which made the fifth years feel better about themselves.

Though with one sentence Rin managed to rain on their parade.

"Ghouls are bottom level monsters, please don't think all of them are at this level." It would definitely be a problem if they really thought so.

"WE KNOW THAT!" They replied simultaneously.