The person at the door

When most people hear a knock on the door, they're fine. However, I have severe anxiety in a place where I know no one. Not to mention the mail comes while I'm at school. Who could it be?

I already left my room, so I walk up to the door. My heart is pounding, going a thousand miles per hour. No one really knows where we live. Not to mention Evelyn is in jail and I pissed her off this morning.

I reach for the handle and stop. What am I doing? I could wait for them to just go away. Also, I can look out the door. We can also see through our doorbell, but I left my phone in my room. Wait, I can't let them know I'm home alone. Then they knock again. Well shit, what am I supposed to do now?

Looking out the door won't give me the best view of the person, and if they think mo one is home it'll all be fine, right? I'll just look through the doorbell. I'll just grab my phone, it'll be easy. Nothing to worry about. I'm lying to myself again.

I walk into my room to see Shawn asleep again. Anyone hurts him I'll snap their neck. But who'd want to hurt him? He's on my phone though, so I have to wake him up. I feel like I'm betraying him.

I grab my phone while being gentle with the cat, and sit next to him. I turn my phone on and go to the app for my doorbell. It's loading while Shawn limp-walks on my lap. I'm about to cry, I have an angel in my lap.

It loads fully and I see them. How did they know where I live? I've barely talked to them. I mean, yeah, I'm sorta friends with them, but why are they here? Then it hits me. Laureen gave them my address. I start to calm down and get out of my room as they knock on last time.

I get to the door and open it saying, "Hey Shane, whatcha doin here?"

He simply replies saying, "I heard how you stood up to Evelyn and Sam wants to see more people from school. I got your address and number from Laureen, but I feel like going to your house would make sure that you knew it was me. Also, if you're coming we could leave right away. We're not going to be there super long, if that's ok with you."

"Well that was a mouthful. Come in and sit down for a bit. I'll just have to call my dad. He's at the store, but it's only 4ish o'clock. We have plenty of time."

I call Dad and he gives the ok. I get in Shane's car and go to the hospital. I have two and a half hours, so there really is no rush of time. We eventually get there after a silent car ride, a trip to the store for some flowers and balloons, and wait to go in. We have to go now though because of visitor hours. We're allowed in, so that's what we do.

She's asleep. We set the stuff down. I don't know Sam really well, but I already know she's a great person like Laureen. She's also a friend of Laureen. A friend of Laureen is a friend of mine.

"I've seen her all day," Shane says, kind of shyly, "so you can have some time with her alone if you want. Just let me know when you want me to take you home."

"Ok," I respond as he walks out the door, "will do." It's just me and Sam now. How many times have I been alone with a different person already? This is some heavy deja vu.

I sit down by Sam. So many heart wrenching things can happen in this very moment, yet also so little could. Time is a funny thing, honestly. But now I am with Sam. who knows what will happen.