
Success pours the mixture on the zombified kid.An acidy sound turns the kid to normal again.But this wasn't important.The goal was to revive the entire world.Starting,with where they were.Boats,cars,and more modes of transportation would play a really important role in this quest to save the world.The vehicles could get them from one place to another.And they could theoretically make a potion that could revive anyone that is zombified.It would just be nearly impossible.Success knew if he gathered a group that this would be much easier.The progress would be made faster,more people would be revived,and the world would be saved much quicker.Some zombies are stronger than others though,it depends on the amount of the Corona Dosage they got when they were infected.If you got more than 40 ML,you are a normal zombie.70 ML and you are a medium zombie.100ML and over can mean real trouble cause you are an ultra zombie!These zombies can a lot of damage and destruction,and can be up to 15 feet tall!Medium zombies are only 7 feet at max,and normal zombies are only 5 feet at max!Success knew all this from the countless number of books he had come across."Huh,where am I?",the boy said.Then he remembered it all."Tanner,my name is Tanner,Corona virus took over the world and everything!",the boy yelled in shock.Success was smiling."Heh....