On the road

Success and the boy,Tanner were on the road,looking for worthy candidates.Then they spotted a tree.But not just any tree."A Caphlydod tree!",Tanner yelled happily."That's the same tree that has toxins and chemicals inside of it that are used to make the same potion that revived zombies!",he then yelled.They both knew that this was the key to reviving everyone.Tanner climbed up the tree and then Success threw him an axe that his grandpa gave him before he died.CHOP!Tanner was chopping at the tree repeatedly.CHOP!CHOP!CHOP!The leaves with the toxins inside were falling off of the tree.Success was catching them all in his backpack.A zombie was walking up on him,and it was a medium size one!Tanner threw him he axe!Success caught it and threw the axe right in the Zombie's face!SLPSH!The zombie fell over as Success ripped the axe out of his pink colored face.Zombies could be any color,it again,depends on the Corona dosage.2 more showed up,one orange,one yellow.Success stabbed the yellow one and Tanner kicks the orange one far away,then he took the axe and threw it at the zombie,the axe piercing the zombie and sinking into the car's shell.Success pulled the axe out of the car,it seemed that they had gotten enough leaves.Although he was only 15,Success offered to drive the car.He was turning 16 in a few days though.Success and Tanner got in the car and started to drive.The engine turned on,and then they were off.They were speeding through the town and saw tons of zombies.They were knocking the zombies everywhere,up,down,all over the town."Sorry!",Tanner yelled as they mowed through the piles of zombies.They parked in a rather weird looking place."Wait,the cave of Monsters?",Tanner said,astonished."You tricked me and brought me here!".Success ignored him and walked into the cave.Tanner knew that he couldn't just leave him behind.He could die!.Tanner ran into the cave."Wait for me!",Tanner yelled as he ran.Then they saw it.A giant zombie!"This zombie has important chemicals inside of it,if we could get them,we could heal wounds,and revive people!",Success yelled as he ran towards the giant zombie."DIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"