The Giant

The giant zombie smacked him back into a bunch of rocks.A sharp pain shot up his back as tears formed in his eyes.Tanner grabbed the axe out of Success' hand and ran at he giant monster.Success looked up and saw Tanner in the air.He was about to swing the axe!Then he landed on a rock and jumped the other way!He threw the axe at the zombie's head,distracting him for a while.Tanner was jumping off of rocks and landing on new ones left and right and up and down.Finally,he jumped at the zombie and snatched the axe out of his head!He was heading straight for another rock and he knew that if he hit that rock,it would hurt him really bad.He was about to slam into the rock bed and then Success threw his backpack at him,making a soft cushion to land on.THUD!Tanner's back ached a little bit he know he would be fine.Success' entire leg would aching and it looked like it would take a while to heal.Tanner reluctantly grabbed the axe and jumped at the monster again.He brought the axe back and then threw the axe at the giant.The axe hit him in the eye,knocking the giant back.The giant zombie shrieked in pain.Tanner was getting angry at this point.He jumped at the rock bed,took the leaves out of the bag,bit them open,and spit the toxins at the monster!There were many bad burns on his mouth,but he didn't regret it at all.He didn't regret it one bit.This was all because he would do anything for for a friend.The friends he had before he died would the anything for him too. Suddenly he passed out and fell to the floor....