Success,with his broke leg,stood up an pulled something out of his bag.It was a sword!He leapt at the giant zombie, fire forming around his shiny sword.He felt like his leg was about to break off. The zombie smacked him away and landed on a zombie that wandered into the cave! The human reviving potion flew into the air and just as the zombie was about to bite Success, the potion hit the wall and emptied all the liquid out! Success jumped out of the way before the liquid could touch him. The liquid poured all over the zombie and the zombie was turned back to normal. Thankfully, success had a few more potions. The kid was shocked to be alive and as a reflex, she ran up the zombie, pulled out the axe, and started tearing away at the zombies gigantic legs.It was quite a weird reflex but it was saving everyone's life! She realized this wasn't efficient and grabbed the sword. She threw the axe to Success and he caught it. Then ran up the giant zombie, their weapons ready. Success' weapon was coated in fire while the girl's weapon was coated in green toxic acid. They drew their swords back and then....