
No matter how hard Success tried, he couldn't understand the reflex the girl had once she was revived.No matter how scared someone is,a reflex like that is unnatural.Then,a big explosion went off!It was the force from slicing the monster!BOOSH!!!It knocked everyone back.Success got up and turned around to a horrifying sight!The girl was trying to bite him!Success grabbed the axe and put it in front of him so that she bit the axe instead.Then he saw her eyes.They were dark red!It didn't take rocket science to figure this out.This girl was infected by a demon!She was probably bitten by one out in the wild!Success kicked her back and starters to run.He grabbed Tanner as the cave started to collapse,and he sprinted out of the cave.He dropped Tanner near a tree and then sprinted to go get Phoenix.He kicked her out of the cave and she landed near Tanner.Success ran out of there and threw his shoe at her before the girl could bite Tanner.Tanner was still passed out from the injuries he had gotten from the battle.Success was kind of annoyed dealing with Phoenix.He knew her name because she had whispered her name right before she ran up the zombie.Success started dragging Tanner to the doctor,Phoenix following them for no apparent reason.By the time they got there,Tanner woke up.He stood up,his whole body aching.Success picked up a zombie and slammed him on the floor.His guts went everywhere and Success used a cup to scoop up a toxin inside the zombies called Melandryn.He threw the liquid at Tanner and it went all over him.He felt better after a few seconds.Then they were back on the road,in search of a new member.Then Phoenix jumped at Success!It seemed this demon energy jumped up and down at times.But Success couldn't handle it anymore.Success took the axe out of Phoenix's mouth and swung it at her!SHRN!Blood flowed everywhere!Then,to top it off,Success kicked her in the stomach!The girl threw up blood and the little monster that was inside of her!Success was glad to see that the axe was only in her head a little,thanks to the demon power.The girl fell over,stunned.Success picked her up and everyone started walking.This was truly a weird day.