The sword

Everyone then saw 3 swords in a giant rock.One red,One blue,and one green.Success figured he should get red with his fire powers.Tanner figures he should get blue with his water powers.Phoenix would get green.They ran up to the rocks,Phoenix still knocked out.Success pulled his sword out,then Tanner,the Tanner pulled the other sword out to save it for Phoenix.They had no idea that these swords belong to the elemental gods.Then the ground began to shake!Three elemental gods came down from the sky looking really angry.Everyone knew that this was from taking the swords.Tanner and Success got ready,Success threw Phoenix to the side,and they leaped at the giant gods!"Fire net!",Success yelled as he slashed the giant fire god.Tanner was speeding around the other god to distract it.The god smacked Tanner away and he landed on the ground with a loud THUDD!

Success was slashing back and forth,the god looking like he had had enough.The Fire god picked success up.Success may not have been the best at fighting,but he did know how to stay stylish.He was wearing a blue jacket with white triangles.This distracted the god enough so that Success could slip out of the god's rough grasp.Then Success jumped behind the god and slashed the god in half!It was a good thing these gods were in physical form.Then Tanner jumped back onto a tree and launched himself at the water god!ZOOSH!Tanner was about to land the hit!Then Tanner tricked him by jumping behind him,and slashing at his feet!Then he jumped in front of him,and he punched him!The gods clearly could see these kids were worthy enough for these swords so after a while they left,but with one condition.DONT break the swords.Success and Tanner agreed while the 3rd sword was hidden.The gods went away and Phoenix woke up!It took a lot of introducing but eventually they were back on the road.The girl held the green sword with excitement."Awesome!",she said.

They all knew that this challenge would be hard,but not impossible.Maybe people would die,maybe they wouldn't,all that matters is that today was great and that everyone gets to live another day!