The crew then saw a kid with a rather weird hairstyle."He looks like a singer",Phoenix said.Success saw some potential in this boy and got one of the potions out.He poured the potion all over the boy.The boy was revived and as soon as he remembered everything that happened,he immediately started thanking everyone.He introduced himself."My name is Jayden and I just want to thank you so much for reviving me,I thought I was gonna be a zombie forever when I got bitten",the boy said."This boy talks too much",Phoenix whispered."Shut up Phoenix!",Tanner and Success whispered in unison."Well our main goal is to revive everyone in the world and live life the way it used to be!",Success said."So,would you join the Corona Killing Crew?",Tanner said.The boy instantly said yes!But before they could shake hands happily,they noticed a bush shaking in the distance.The bush was pushed aside and a group of ultra zombies started charging at the crew!Swords out!",Success yelled.Jayden hid behind a big tree.Success punched a zombie and then sliced it's big head off.Tanner kicked a zombie in the chest and then shoved his sword through the zombie.Phoenix sliced a zombie's head,legs,and arms off,and then she kicked the zombie's torso away.As they sliced and diced through the crowd of zombies,Jayden was watching in shock.Jayden wanted to join so he ran up to a zombie and kicked it in the back,then he punched it in the face and took a rock and slammed it on the zombie while it was down.Everyone knew that many would die along the way.Saving the entire world was pretty much impossible but they could still save most of the world.Jayden turned around and kicked a zombie in the chest,then he took his shoe off and beat the zombie on the head with it."Not the best way to kill",Phoenix said while slashing a zombie in half,"but killing is killing even if it's done the wrong way!".
Then everyone topped it off with a final move!