Slice and Diced

Success split a zombie's head in half.

Tanner shoved his sword down the zombie's throat.Phoenix sliced a zombie into a million bits.Jayden kicked the last zombie miles away.Everyone put their weapons away and started back on the road.Then they saw something they never thought they would see.It was a survivor!Except he looked like he was driven mad by all the Corona corruption.He charged at them with a sword in his hand!Tanner jumped in front and blocked his hit by using his sword,nearly breaking it."Who the hell are you?",Phoenix yelled,drawing her sword back.Tanner kicked the half infected monster in the face.The monster was launched back into an abandoned building with a big CRaSH!!

Success brought back his hand.Then,a fireball formed!He threw the fireball at the monster!When he figures that wouldn't do much,he threw a million more fireballs!"Fire net!",Success yelled.The monster was covered with a Hugh red and orange net that kept him from moving.Everyone charged at him!Phoenix shoved her sword in his stomach,Tanner shoved his sword in his leg,Jayden kicked the monster in the stomach,and Success sliced the monster's head off!They thought that would kill the monster but it's head zapped back to where it was!"Regeneration,huh?",Phoenix said,excited.Then she started chopping the monster up left and right while Success kept the Fire net strong and Tanner and Jayden were punching and kicking the monster in the back and the stomach!Red lines formed on Success' body,blue lines formed on Tanners',and green lines formed on Phoenix's body.Jayden was going faster and faster on every hit and then he lifted the monster up and threw him away.Success ran at the monster at full speed and everyone followed him.They jumped up and got in a position that made the look like arrows with their feet heading straight for the monster!"ARROW FORMATION!",everyone yelled.Then they hit the monster at full speed!BOOKSH!!!!!!!

The monster was sent far away and everyone smiled happily.Except for Success.He didn't understand it at all.As they were on the road again,he tried to figure out how their luck was so bad.The day was almost over and thinking about this made Success extra stressed.He decided to leave the topic.